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When Rulers Hate The People

BVP (Truth for the Youth).Saturdays 6 – 7pm on ZROD 103.7FM & ZVCR 106.9FM
August 20th, 2012 | Tags: rulers mission hate
Alred Frett. Photo: VINO
By Alred Frett

My mission is not to try convincing you or anyone of anything but to provide persons with facts. It is now clear that many are beginning to think, research & reason for themselves except for a die-hard diminishing group that still clings to the self-destructive teachings of slavery.
Their total lack of factual defense makes them quarrelsome, insulting & quite easy to recognize.

They are dumfounded that I say & do the things I do but this mission was nothing I wished for.

As descendants of slaves we remained an endangered people and our very survival depends on providing BVI’s youth with factual information that has been hidden from their parents for centuries - No one else appears to takes this need seriously so it became my mission by default.   

This is in line with the God of nature & laws of balance but for those who would rather see us follow Jesus as God & view heaven as a destination I am quite willing to change if you can provide real evidence that Jesus existed and anyone who has been to heaven and back.If you oppose things I say & do for our children just compare my record with yours or anyone else’s. 

These children are our responsibilities and even if they are not be all we wish them to be they are all that we’ve got and if we fail Today’s youth there will be no one left to save tomorrow’s seniors.If we are lucky enough we may become one of those super seniors for time & tide wait on no man, just as we were once children facing a future to which we have now arrived. 

During the experience of life, although our parents made us who we are it is our own actions & interactions that made us what we are.Over time we have welcomed the newly born & eulogized the dearly departed so we should appreciate that fulfillment of life means never losing touch with our parent’s yesterday or sight of our children’s tomorrow.

Simply put, even as we praise the dead we must never ignore appreciating the living because life is too short & death too long to be afraid to love one another or ashamed to love ourselves.

We must speak out wherever & whenever necessary for until & unless we provide truth to one & all, blankets of lies will continue to mislead our children from generation to generation.

We will see the wicked flee when no one pursues because guilty conscience needs no accuser. As a people who have bounced between freedom and slavery my mission is not about racism but reality for no african slave could have been freed without assistance from white men & women and no black man ever enslaved without compliance of his own brothers & sisters.

To those who chose to be enlightened your kind words are greatly appreciated but let’s not disrespect those who may differ – perhaps they are right and we are wrong. Just like us, their own self-respect should be a factor of their own ability to learn & accept factual differences without seeing it as corrosive criticism – After all we may affect others for better or worse. 

As a descendant of slaves I have always preferred August rather than February as Black History Month for, not only is this the month of our forefathers’ emancipation but two antislavery giants, William Wilberforce and Marcus Garvey, were born in this month over a century apart.

These men who received no respect or recognition from their own still made a good difference. 

I am neither William nor Marcus - they likely endured much worse than what is being done to me but what is of far greater concern is, after 200 years, we remain just as easily fooled & misled by those only seeking to keep us in bondage and just as before, our brothers & sisters are still being used to kill & destroy us for trinkets of treason, pats on the head &promises of folly. 

We are still Victims of willing slaves and while I would rather dismiss ZBVI’s action it would show a sense of lunacy & failure to differentiate wrong from right should we simply overlook this deliberate act and its intended consequences - This is bigger than AC Frett and ZBVI - This is about your Children and how Tools & Reincarnation of Slavery can & will affect their Future. 

No other Animal makes Slaves of its own or Prisons for its Children yet we read, hear & see movements across the world designed to push us back towards Slavery.We see those in Power making Billions on the manufacture & Sale in Weapons used for Crime & Murder while keeping the less fortunate in Ignorance by promoting Wars over Health Care and Prisons over Schools. 

The West Indies Emancipation Proclamation illustrates how Political, Religious &Legal Systems have perpetuated Slavery from then until now.Back then, this blocking of Knowledge was achieved by preventing our Ancestors from learning to read & write; Today it is done by flooding the Media with Misinformation and removing programs providing Truth for the Youth. 

While access to Knowledge is being denied Misleaders fatten themselves on backs of the Poor, replacing the Children’s Bread with Bullets.We are programmed as Sheep to watch in silence as our Children populate Prisons and Graveyards on the excuse of ‘upholding the law’ when all accomplished is a loss of lives & the turning of innocent Children into Hardcore Criminals. 

Of course to Bloggers who find comfort in being blind or ‘going along to get along’, this matters not but some of us seek improvements because we feel our Children are more valuable than dedicated footstools for the Wicked & Corrupt.We may find role models in Wilberforce and Garvey who did the Right Thing even if those you love most hate you more. 

Not all is about Fame & Fortune because Failure to learn from our past is the best way to repeat our tragedies. Removing Truth for the Youth from ZBVI is no personal loss to me but every indigenous BV-Islander should recognize the Slave Masters trick of keeping our forefathers in slavery by hiding Knowledge or replacing Facts with Lies. Look out! Massa’ Ghosts are back! 

Too many suffer from ‘Stiff-Neck-Fool-logy’ by failing to appreciate, while our Eyes are placed at the front so we can move forward our Necks allow us to look around & behind so we may learn from others as well as our own past.Bad Leaders will always hate ‘Intelligence’ where they can’t fool you to rule you and if we destroy mental freedom Slavery continues to flourish. 


PS:.From time to time I will address some of your Questions & Comments on Radio Program

6 Responses to “When Rulers Hate The People”

  • under the bus (21/08/2012, 09:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mr. Frett, the more things change the more they stay the same.
  • Seeker of the truth (21/08/2012, 15:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    A. Frett states: This is in line with the God of Nature & Laws of Balance but for those who would rather see us follow Jesus as God & view Heaven as a destination I am quite willing to change if you can provide real evidence that Jesus existed and anyone who has been to Heaven and back. Once again he denies the existence of Jesus. His determination to hold on to and spread something that he knows is a falsehood baffles me. Jesus existed and there are multitudes of extra biblical documentations that proves that he lived. Men can debate who he was, but the fact that Jesus lived is not open to debate. Why does Alred hold on to and spread a lie that a man of his self proclaimed intellect, can prove with the research that he is such a champion of. Jesus lived! By the way, has anyone researched the men that Frett submitted? Wilberforce & Garvey – Two CHRISTIANS – Read & Research! Wilberforce (24 August 1759 – 29 July 1833) was a British politician, philanthropist, and a leader of the movement to abolish the slave trade. A native of Kingston upon Hull, Yorkshire, he began his political career in 1780, eventually becoming the independent Member of Parliament for Yorkshire (1784–1812). In 1785, he underwent a conversion experience and became an evangelical Christian, resulting in major changes to his lifestyle and a lifelong concern for reform. Rastafarians consider Garvey a religious prophet, and sometimes even the reincarnation of Saint John the Baptist. This is partly because of his frequent statements uttered in speeches throughout the 1920s, usually along the lines of “Look to Africa, when a black king shall be crowned for the day of deliverance is at hand!” His beliefs deeply influenced the Rastafari, who took his statements as a prophecy of the crowning of Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia. Early Rastas were associated with his Back-to-Africa movement in Jamaica. This early Rastafari movement was also influenced by a separate, proto-Rasta movement known as the Afro-Athlican Church that was outlined in a religious text known as the Holy Piby — where Garvey was proclaimed to be a prophet as well. Garvey himself never identified with the Rastafari movement, and was, in fact, raised as a Methodist who went on to become a Roman Catholic.
  • help help help (21/08/2012, 15:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Church in the bvi are a business dem aint doing enough to help the poor people who give them $$$$$ every week.
  • zip it (21/08/2012, 23:30) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I believe that Jesus lived but we can debate if the claims that he made are true!

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