When Culture of the Present Battles Culture of the Past
Do you really know your Culture?:
Traditionally, customs of the day result in behaviour patterns which different places & races commonly refer to as ‘their Culture’ - Amusingly, November that commemorates the execution of Guy Fawkes was chosen as BVI’s Culture Month… However, as a displaced People who evolved from Freedom to Slavery to Freedom it may be time to carefully decide our own Culture.
Many may say we already have one but, do we really?... Reflection shows that throughout the Ages we have followed the ‘Culture’ of other Island Nations in maintaining the trappings of Colonialism & Slavery long after being freed… We still act as if we are privileged to worship White Gods & destined to suffer; even our choice of National Dress depicts House Slaves Attire.
Somehow we fail to realize that such actions effectively tell our Children & their Children that Colonialism & Slavery were the ‘good ol days’ and it’s okay for them to resist moving towards a New Culture of Truth, Knowledge & Freedom… Sadly, this same mentality gave them Santa Claus & prevents us from replacing ‘Colony Day’ with ‘BVI National Heroes & Labour Day’.
No point in time have our Youth been in greater need of Truth and my ongoing Struggle to liberate & expand the minds of our People is urgent & crucial… We need each one to teach one and while most may learn better with time the fear is, they will not do so in time as Deceivers continue to block Lessons of Reality while daily substituting their Indoctrinations of Fantasy.
While I may be the Prime Target the general intent is to lock up or silence anyone who will bring you facts or tell you Truth… In fact the Master’s simple saying that ‘we should be seen & not heard’ is designed to make it easier for us to be ignored since they can easily close their Eyes and make us disappear but, since Ears have no flaps, even if they refuse to listen, they still will hear.
Assessing the Net Returns for putting our Faith in Laws:
We have always been taught to place our Fate in the hands of the Law with expectation that they will be Just & Fair… I once believed this strongly but having seen, heard & felt Effects of the Law I grew concerned that Justice emanating from the Courts may be dead or asleep because neither Fairness nor Justice will silence the Voices of others or place obstacles in their way.
Unfortunately, simple Google Searches show Legal Systems across the World appearing as bases of bias & corruption with Agendas focused on keeping the Rich & Powerful, rich & powerful while keeping others Weak & Poor… This portrays Law Enforcement as no longer caring about the humanity of People and I fear this trickle down effects of Injustice as we imitate others.
My personal experiences seem dwarfed by the plight of others… Just last week a Judge in Ohio was finally required to dismiss the cases against Ricky Jackson, Wiley Bridgeman & his brother Ronnie Bridgeman who in 1975 had been wrongly convicted, imprisoned & sentenced to death for murder after Law Enforcement had coerced a 13-year-old Boy into providing false Evidence.
These Young men only escaped death because their Sentences were commuted to Life Imprisonment in the late 1970’s based on Technicalities and the US Supreme Court outlawing of Capital Punishment… The Judge referred to the dismissal as a Good Day but I wonder for whom? - Before Ronnie, aka Kwame Ajamu, was released in 2003 his Mother & Sister had died.
Shallow Persons may see this as reason to rejoice but thanks to 39-years of Justice delayed & denied, these Men are left with nothing & nowhere except to be re-sentenced to re-enter a New World where they are already programmed to be victimized… The wrongness of this present System drives me to seek office to ensure our People receive the Fairness & Justice they deserve.
Attempting to Correct the Systems from within:
There is no denying that proper Social Systems are necessary for the wellbeing of Civilization but these Practices of Wrongness have been happening for so long that it may seem impossible to correct them without abolishing the Systems… We can avoid that complication by employing a rational Solution in which Systemic Archaic Corruption is removed from within & without.
We are already seeing this attempted by Pope Francis with Religion and China with their Politics - Only the Legal System appears less pliable so that even as Riots erupt in Furgerson, the Courts base their decisions on inapplicable Rules and long outdated Laws… Courts now safeguard themselves by honouring lies, dictating means to satisfy ends & punishing us for speaking Truth.
Beware when Oppressors’ only Skill is to Kill & Plunder:
The Universal Culture of Oppression is for these Systems to be collectively used for abusive control of the less fortunate… This clearly explains why Social Attacks on Michael Jackson, Bill Cosby & Obama have less to do with their wrongs but more to do with the Oppressors’ fear that these Men are perceived as Positive Role Models for the ambitions & aspirations of other Blacks.
‘They must be stopped’ and, thanks to shortsightedness, many of us are eager to join in tearing down our own, so that Oreos, Republicans & other Descendants of Vikings can retain control… History shows that such Groups will always seek to mentally & physically disarm others because their major talent is to murder & plunder… They aim to thrive by keeping others Ignorant.
In order to accomplish this, their Trump Card remains Religion & our willingness to be fooled. As a result they have nurtured Africans to move from being crucified as the least Godly of all Peoples to now become the most Religious of all People; slaughtering one another on behalf of Imaginary Gods given to them by Oppressors who can now look on & laugh at our Ignorance.
If Locked Jaws result from Rusting Nails there can be No Gold in Silence:
As always, the Prayers of those at the Bottom remain unanswered yet we remain conditioned to keep on praying rather than standing up & speaking out… Meanwhile, Judgmental, Political & Religious extremes result in Boko Harams, Al Shababs, Fergusons & Home-grown Oppression where corrupted Systems seek to destroy our Children… When will we ever speak up?
PS:… I will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments on Live BVP Radio Programs
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