What’s legal about Poker Run?

“Turn it and twist it how much you like Poker Run is all about playing poker, the cards game and it’s for money and that is illegal in this Territory,” said a concerned resident who asked to be referred to as Fat Man. He added that he finds it strange that the government of the Virgin Islands pumps monies into supporting Poker Run.
A fan of horse racing said, “We can’t bet at we horse racing and we can’t play lotto here but because of their high level contacts the government supports playing poker in Poker Run. I just don’t understand,” said Lenrick W. Penn. “There is no explanation anyone can give me because gambling is gambling and that’s it, no double standards.” Several others with whom this news site spoke to expressed similar sentiments but declined to go on record.
The Leverick Bay Poker Run 2013 was deemed the largest ever since its inception some twelve years ago and, according to the promoter Mr Nick Willis, the event is a legal one under the laws of the Virgin Islands. He explained that it falls under the “Game of Change” that was approved by The Deputy Governor ‘s Office. “On May 10, 2007 the Virgin Gorda Charitable Company was informed that the Governor in Council acting under the authority granted in section 301(8) of the Criminal Code, 1997 has named The Virgin Gorda Charitable Company Ltd as an Organization approved to conduct lotteries and sweepstakes, including raffles in The British Virgin Islands. This allows us to hold games of chance without seeking permission, ” Mr Willis explained.
According to the man behind the popular Leverick Bay Poker Run, the conditions include not less than 90 percent of net proceeds thereof to be used for charitable, sporting or other bona fide community service purposes. Only reasonable expenses such as stationery, printing and advertising costs may be deducted from gross receipts. Within thirty days of which a game of chance is held, a published report of prizes and names of charitable recipients are to be made public and if an event had to be cancelled, steps shall be taken to notify and reimburse patrons.
In a bid to have an explanation given and the reason behind Government supporting the annual Poker Run, this news site spoke with Director of the British Virgin Islands Tourist Board (BVITB) Ms Sharon Flax-Mars who said that she believes the Poker Run is a great event for the Virgin Islands. “It establishes the BVI as a destination that has a diverse product and the event provides great opportunities to showcase the BVI and its power boating aspect. It's an event that shows off different islands, it shows great synergy between the private and public sectors,” stated Ms Flax-Mars.
She noted that categorizing whether it is gambling or not is not within her purview, nonetheless, it is a VI tourism based event that positively impacts the VI and its tourism product.
In an article published on October 26, 2012 Rev. Dr. Melvin A. Turnbull had given his view on gambling. Contacted for his view about the new concern of Government supporting Poker Run, which many consider to be gambling, he said that he had no idea what Poker Run is all about but that he stands by his position in the article previously published. “If Poker Run falls in the same category then my position remains the same. For me, it’s the principle of the bible that I adhere to, what the bible says that's what I say,” commented Rev. Turnbull.
An excerpt from the article of Reverend Turnbull states, “Now, concerning the question of gambling - gambling may be practiced in many different ways. These include, but are not limited to the lottery, Ponzi schemes or pyramid schemes, pari-mutuel betting, etc. Some forms appear to be quite innocent, and sometimes percentages of the profits are used for a good cause. God’s Word, however, indicates that gambling in any form is contrary to the Will of God for a Believer.
First, gambling or betting puts faith in chance or luck rather than in the care and provision of God. Second, one who gambles seeks to profit from another’s loss. This practice borders on covetousness and stealing. Third, gambling promotes a greedy spirit. It emphasizes getting rather than giving, selfish interest rather than self-sacrifice, and erodes the moral fibre of society” were some of the words of Rev Turnbull.
Efforts to secure comments from other religious leaders proved futile, however, a few persons within the religious community when contacted said that they had no idea what Poker Run was about since they are not followers and are not interested in following it.
“One thing, it’s all about these super speeding on the water and I am not for that and the second thing the word Poker says it all. When we playing poker with cards at home is for fun, when it’s playing otherwise is for money and so if that is part of the Poker Run thing then straight up its gambling and the government has no part, or should I say, shouldn’t have no part in that. What goes for one goes for all,” Allan Ramsay-Malone stated emphatically.

42 Responses to “What’s legal about Poker Run?”
Yes, because Poker run only happens when NDP is in power. You all are so @#$% stupid!
We dont want Government money for poker run ok you can put it in the schools and hospital/clinics.
i wonder wish set of a**es have concerns about poker run, horse racing etc.. everything that is some what enjoyable in the BVI always has to be questioned. And them want to know why is so much crime on this island.