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West End Port Plans To Be Discussed With Residents

Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Communications and Works, Mr Anthony S. McMaster, has said that designs for the West End Facility are in the final stages and plans will be brought to the community for input. Photo: GIS
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Communications and Works, Mr Anthony S. McMaster, has said that designs for the West End Facility are in the final stages and plans will be brought to the community for input.

He said, “We have now completed designs for a new building and we are hoping that at least by the end of this week we can agree and arrange with the district representative to set up a community meeting to share the schematics with the community to get their input.”

Mr McMaster said that the new building would allow for the full reopening of the facility and permit for future expansions based on the current designs.

The West End port facility was completely demolished by Hurricane Irma and in the interim, a 20-foot trailer container was donated this week to accommodate the customs and immigration office at the port.

The Permanent Secretary added that the temporary measure is not adequate for full international ferry operations but only to better accommodate officers. 

“We are grateful to the Blue Ocean Caribbean Enterprises Limited, and Curt and Nancy Richardson who have been instrumental in providing the container,” Mr. McMaster said. He added, “We think it's a great stride through partnership in the BVI and that persons are willing to partner with the government to rebuild and take the country forward.”

The temporary structure is outfitted with air conditioning, office equipment and is awaiting electricity connection. The container can withstand a category two hurricane and will be relocated if a category three or higher poses a threat to the Territory.

The Ministry of Communications and Works and the BVI Ports Authority share the concerns of the community and are continuing to seek other temporary alternatives to better accommodate full ferry services at the West End Port.

The Ministry of Communications and Works thanks the community for their understanding at this time as they move forward with the transformation of public and private partnerships.


12 Responses to “West End Port Plans To Be Discussed With Residents”

  • Windy (14/07/2018, 11:48) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    One thing that needs to be discussed is the speed of the ferry boats as the enter & leave Sopers Hole.
    • biker (15/07/2018, 13:51) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      All vessel owners are subject to tortious liability for any damages caused by their wake in harbours and other restricted waters with a posted legal speed limit. The harbour master must also post or advertise the area of the harbour where the speed limit applies. In Sopers Hole, West End the harbour master is an employee of the BVI Port Authority. Motor vessel speed has always been a problem in this harbour.
  • 123 (14/07/2018, 16:20) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    the always playing catch up
  • Binocs (14/07/2018, 21:16) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    this facility should have been rebuilt or replaced within a month of hurricane Irma. It is mighty strange this
    much time has gone by. We're talking the western port of entry to the BVI, not a roti stand. Whosoever is
    building the private yacht facility nearby is making more progress. This is kind of sick.
  • Political Observer (PO) (14/07/2018, 21:20) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is the the proposal a “done deal” or is the MCW truly looking for positive feedback from residents. The port is located in West End but it is a national port so the whole community should have input, not just residents in D-1. Are there. any sketches and renderings of the project that the community can review before the meeting(s). Why is this project moving so slowly? Was not this project already on the board during the VIP tenure?

    Is the slow as molasses pace in getting the West End Port back in operation since the devastating damages from Hurricanes Irma and Maria a deliberate political action? Or it is evidence that the NDP is still reeling like a top since September 2017 and is in essence a failed government? Has Hurricanes Irma and Maria truly exposed the unpreparedness, readiness and weakness of the NDP government? The performance of the NDP is painful to watch from both the 30 feet and 30,000 feet level.

    Ok. The facilities at the West End Port in 9 months is moving from an embarrassing and non-aesthetically pleasing, cheap tent to a donated storage container. Wow! Is this the Premier’s standard of being open for business? Is the BVI tarnishing its image as a top small tourist destination in the region? Virgin Islanders, do we expect better? If yes, then let’s demand better. Are we happy and satisfied with the national state of affairs? If no, then let’s demand change that meets our satisfaction?
    • Sanga (15/07/2018, 12:14) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      "Is the BVI tarnishing its image as a top small tourist destination in the region?"
      That's our problem. There are just not enough small tourists and our competition is better at catering to the "midget dollar". We need more ladders to help them shop in our stores with high shelves and better access to brightly painted rental cars with loud horns that go "Parp!" and the steering wheel comes off in their hands.
    • wize up (15/07/2018, 15:13) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ observer: the structure which was destroyed last years was erected almost 20 years ago as a temporary structure: not much attention is given to the needs of the VI people: most of the official ports of entry are outdated: over the years domestic and international arrivals have increased but capacity of the ports remained the same: look around we have more automobiles on the public roads but the road conditions are the same(the vehicles are bigger; we even have trailer-trucks on the same narrow streets) our leadership over the years pays more attention to the of tourism; making sure tourist have a fabulous stay in the VI and rightfully so but our infrastructure is being neglected: we had emergency response units in the east and in the west now we only have them in road town....keep the faith
  • wize up (15/07/2018, 03:06) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    I thought one will have the discussion with the residents first thereafter go about with a final we go; do the design first but have to make changes to those plans following the input of the people.....very thankful for the movements at west end(west-side!!!)
    • Diaspora (15/07/2018, 08:39) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      If it were a brand new project, I would have a major heart burn with designing the project and then bringing it to residents for comments. I would be suspect of this process as a done deal. However, autocad and other design programme it is very easy to make changes. Not too many projects start scratch anymore; existing designs are modified with just the touch of a few key strokes. Voila!
      • wize up (15/07/2018, 13:45) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        @ diaspora: yu my days was pencil and paper now everything automated: my main concern was sending money to create a rough draft then spending additional money to make the changes following the people’s input: west side suffering: no police station now no port so the commerce suffring: west side taxi, small shops and car rentals....I am very very mindful in 2017 those 2 women brought about what is happening so not pointing fingers or casting blame just curious(God is Love)
  • Sanga (15/07/2018, 12:18) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    What makes you think any changes will be made just because they ask for input? That's not how it works in BVI.

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