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‘We're out in the cold again’ – Anegada resident

December 22nd, 2014 | Tags: Anegada District representatives government
Residents of sister islands especially Anegada and Jost Van Dyke feel as though they are treated like they are less important. Photo: VINO/File
SETTING POINT, Anegada, VI – Stating that they will continue to sound their voices as loud as they can and for as long as they have to in order to be recognized as a significant Island in the Territory of the Virgin Islands, residents of Anegada again sounded their cry of frustration.

This is not a new expression of residents of sister islands especially Anegada and Jost Van Dyke. They feel as though they are treated like they are less important.

“They treat Virgin Gorda like the nice step child and we like the ugly duckling but they forgetting the part where the ugly duckling grew into a beautiful swan, elections coming soon and that is when they going come bearing gifts but it’s too late, keep yall sweet talk and bribery gifts, if we ain’t good for the morning glow don’t come by night and ask us to hold torch light fuh you,” said one resident of Anegada.

The resident is a parent who said he was very hurt at the fact that his nine year old child had overheard him and a senior teacher commenting about inviting a certain government official and some district representatives to the end of year activities on the island.

“While we were discussing my nine year old was with me and could turn and say, waste of time...invite Rotary or RiteWay or Digicel, daddy you know Mr Myron (Minister for Education and Culture Hon. Myron V. Walwyn) ain't going come… they don’t like we here, we live too far,” said the parent.

“Lobster Fest come and gone and that was our Christmas present from the big ones… they done with we here till elections next year and I wish we would just chase dem backside out cause we ain’t taking using again,” the man said.

Parents and teachers alike said that they did the polite and humble thing of inviting government officials and district representatives to several of their holiday activities including parties but no one showed not for even one activity. 

14 Responses to “‘We're out in the cold again’ – Anegada resident”

  • ndp (22/12/2014, 10:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Anegada is an outside child.
  • VG (22/12/2014, 10:17) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Tortola only treats Virgin Gorda like a nice step child only when elections are around the corner.
  • Really? (22/12/2014, 10:18) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Who cares if government officials come to these things anyway? Just this morning we couldn't even get a decent ferry to go to Tortola on to do a Christmas shopping. We get sent a boat that holds 50 people and those who don't get a seat and have to stand are still expected to pay? That's unacceptable. Not to mention no doctor on island so God forbid you die, they have to fly a doctor up just to pronounce you dead (who pays?) the government doesn't care. Perhaps one of them will come over while campaigning and get sick so they can see first hand what it's like to be in our shoes. I hope the next time one comes here they get hit by a freakin tractor trailer truck!
    • dimples (22/12/2014, 15:21) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
      This is where we are wrong. ALL passengers should have held the same head and let the ferry go back to town empty. Then call the Representative for the 9th and voice our complaint. We will always get this treatment for we grumble and say nothing. Lets make a change for 2015
    • safety (23/12/2014, 11:11) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      My question regarding an overcrowded ferry is whether its capacity was exceeded (you say standing room only). That is manifestly unsafe, especially in the waters between Anegada and Tortola. Overloaded boats create the issue of instability, and often lead to tragedy, especially if they are not well maintained.
  • SHAME (22/12/2014, 11:31) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Wow, that hurts I feel it, Anegada and Jost Van Dyke you are all apart of the territory whether they like it or not and a lot of us will continue to support you in every way.
  • ... (22/12/2014, 11:45) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    NDP does not care about we in Tola muss less ayo on the outer islands
  • Hmmmm (22/12/2014, 11:49) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    Its apity this parent havnt learned that children don't have any reason to interfare in grown up s conversation. Child just repeating what he or she hear grown ups say.Parent don't be hurt jhust improve on your parenting
  • dimples (22/12/2014, 15:18) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    We go online and we write our comments, but do the person(s) we are addressing reading what we have written? i for one was an NDP fan (NDP to the bone. But seeing the conditions of our school and speaking to those in power about our grievances at the school and no one is listening? Don't just come and fix the problem in the classroom, talk to the teachers and see how they feel about current situations. Then talk NDP or any kinda P to me. Whenever they do come, they rush back to the main island anyway. Guess they too are afraid the island is going to sink while they are here. LOL
  • egg face (22/12/2014, 20:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Nothing new hear
  • We say (22/12/2014, 22:22) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Rise up people living on Anegada. Come together and stop take abuse. No one should get on the ferry this am. We are too divided that's why we get the bad treatment. If you can't stand for something don't fall for anything. Remember United we stand;Divided we fall.
  • open wide (22/12/2014, 23:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I spent hours writing and then trying to promulgate this article,...change must come to the BVI
  • Anegada Ferry (23/12/2014, 09:43) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    The Government spends about half a million dollars every year, subsidizing ferries to Anegada to make sure that the residents have reliable access to Tortola and to facilitate their travel, shopping, home repairs, family visits, medical visits, government transactions. They do this also to make sure visitors/Tourists can get to Anegada to support the local businesses and spend money there.

    Sometimes the big catamaran ferries cannot run, So stop it man ... wid ayo stupidness re the boat
  • VG Resident (24/12/2014, 11:14) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    at least you guys have your own power plant when a drunk driver crashes a pole in east end the whole of vg is shut down as well, we are the real outside child

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