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'We want our jobs back' - sacked Little Dix Bay workers

A number of former employees of Rosewood Little Dix Hotel and Resort on Virgin Gorda have indicated that they want to return to the company. Photo: VINO/File
VALLEY, Virgin Gorda, VI - A number of workers who were given marching orders when Rosewood Little Dix Hotel and Resort closed a year ago have indicated that they want to return to the company.

"I would love to return there (RWLD), my heart is still there as I worked for close to 15 years and had become a part of the company in a sense," said one former employee of the resort, who was at the time in the company of others that shared like sentiments.

The resort is set to reopen its doors in December 2017 with a new Managing Director, Mr Andreas Pade.

Rosewood Little Dix Bay is winding down its 18 month extensive renovation, which includes the complete redo of the resort’s guestrooms and suites, and its three restaurants.

‘We want to rejoin the family’

A total 326 workers were sent home when the resort closed in May of 2016. While many were able to secure jobs, including with the help of government and others, quite a number of expatriates were made to return to their homeland.

"Only recently I was talking with one my pals or I should say my brother and he so wants to come back, he applied and I hope he gets back as I myself I got a job but I can truly tell you I only doing it for the money which is next to nothing. I have to commute everyday leaving my children to go to school on their own at VG (Virgin Gorda) and you can imagine some of the challenges with that," said another.

One woman explained that she feels the company should open up to them who were there before especially. "We had some of us who treated the company as if it was our own business by looking out for its best interest, doing our job with pride and even making sacrifices to the benefit of company hours unending. Some of us give that we never sought pay for and that's to show that we love what we did and now we want to rejoin that family."

"What I can tell you though is that a lot of new expats already coming in so I don't know how it's going to go down but I am awaiting word to my application," said one man.

12 Responses to “'We want our jobs back' - sacked Little Dix Bay workers”

  • VG (15/05/2017, 08:28) Like (11) Dislike (4) Reply
    half of them would not be back..lots of South African you watch
  • wize up (15/05/2017, 09:00) Like (24) Dislike (12) Reply
    work fast for your jobs because those Asians will work longer hours and for less folks locals and residents no longer have any representation under the current leadership!!!!
  • more (15/05/2017, 09:31) Like (10) Dislike (5) Reply
    Is this the land of Milk and Honey, "More Expats"
  • lord o. (15/05/2017, 12:41) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
    First priority should go to all the able body old workers. Old and young once they are able to work ..
  • Jack B. (15/05/2017, 12:46) Like (5) Dislike (8) Reply
    I'm just happy that they are reopening. Oh and the minimum wage raise since. So no more 5 and 550 an hour... They may now find away to Rob the tips and gratuity.. People need work. I'm really happy they are reopening..
  • reason (15/05/2017, 12:53) Like (18) Dislike (10) Reply
    One of the major reasons why the hotel had to close was because of the same 326 employees attitude.
    • @ Reason. (15/05/2017, 18:23) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply

      Do you really think new workers will bring new and better attitude? You are wrong... These young people are rude as @$$z and hate taking instructions..

  • Valley,VG. Respect (15/05/2017, 21:35) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
    Good! Serves them right...Since us native-born Virgin Gordians disrespect one another and put the ₩h!t£ ones on a pedestal first, we all suffer now. That's what you all get for having such HATEFUL AND APARTHEID ATTITUDES towards our native VG. born customers here.
  • @Valley,VG.Respect. (16/05/2017, 09:06) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    I agree. But VG. natives are also targeting other VG. natives, because of their last names, and families they're related to as well.
    This is the other b£a€k on b£a€k behavior that's gonna hang us further.
  • Lily Ann (21/05/2017, 13:20) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    they should only take back the serious real good workers ... there was ALOT of lackluster ones in the mix ...
  • Localgyal (19/06/2017, 23:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I think they should make way for fresh employees. No disrespect to the old ones who have been there for decades but there is a large potential of untapped skill set in the younger generation of the BVI. There are also TOO MANY unemployed local young adults who get backbenched because they either have little or no experience or they are being classed with the few who are unambitious. I say give the new a chance to make Rosewood what it could be. There are quite a bit of VG young adults who are dying for the opportunity to build their careers and just get their lives together. Rosewood just has to be willing to train prospective employees for greatness!

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