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‘We need the Police Act to come back to’ HoA ‘for passage’- Gov Rankin

- claims act is compliant with international human rights standards
Despite widespread public criticisms the proposed amendments to the Police Act 2023 will take away from the rights of the people as well as possibly empower the police to abuse citizens, Governor John J. Rankin, CMG continues to defend the proposed amendments and has once again called for the bill to return to the House of Assembly (HoA) for passage. Photo: Facebook
The proposed Police Act, 2023 has been criticised as having many red flags and can possibly make way for police abuse of rights. Photo: RVIPF/File
The proposed Police Act, 2023 has been criticised as having many red flags and can possibly make way for police abuse of rights. Photo: RVIPF/File
Premier Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) had said in February 2023 that Members of the House of Assembly have engaged the BVI Bar Association, individual lawyers, concerned citizens, and a number of other stakeholders and the concerns are consistent enough to warrant that the bill [Police Act 2023] not be passed in its current form. Photo: GIS/File
Premier Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) had said in February 2023 that Members of the House of Assembly have engaged the BVI Bar Association, individual lawyers, concerned citizens, and a number of other stakeholders and the concerns are consistent enough to warrant that the bill [Police Act 2023] not be passed in its current form. Photo: GIS/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Despite widespread public criticisms the proposed amendments to the Police Act 2023 will take away from the rights of the people as well as possibly empower the police to abuse citizens, Governor John J. Rankin, CMG continues to defend the proposed amendments and has once again called for the bill to return to the House of Assembly (HoA) for passage.

Mr Rankin used the opportunity to appeal for the passage of the controversial bill at a press conference called by the National Security Council (NSC) on October 12, 2023.

The press conference was called in the wake of the disturbance at Elmore Stoutt High School and the shooting of a prison officer in East End.

“We have to make sure that the RVIPF has the necessary powers to carry out their responsibilities, which is why we need the Police Act to come back to the House of Assembly for passage,” Governor Rankin stated.

The Governor also reiterated that, despite the concerns, he is committed to protecting the human rights of individuals within this territory.

“Contrary to what some say, the act is compliant with international human rights standards. It would not have my support if that were not the case,” Mr Rankin claimed.

Concerns with the bill

In Section 27-35 which deals with fingerprints, foot impressions and DNA, concerns were raised that the Bill essentially allows the police to take fingerprints of a person without consent in almost every imaginable circumstance, without a warrant for the same.

The Governor had previously defended that DNA and fingerprinting can be carried out and if that is used... for example to catch a rapist, “I make no apology for that,” he said despite the potential for abuse.

Meanwhile, Section 36 of the same Bill will allow for the police to search persons in their dwellings without a warrant, if they have reasonable grounds for believing that the person does not live there or does not have permission to be there.

Section 38 will allow a police officer to search the home of someone who is arrested on an arrestable offense without a warrant, even without that person being present. This provision should frighten the public on the face of it, according to one local activist.

Governor Rankin, speaking at a press conference on February 14, 2023, added, “With regards to going to a house without a warrant, sometimes in an emergency situation that will self-evidently be required. If the police have reason to believe that a serious crime is going to be committed, if someone is going to be subject of a violent assault or a murder, then the police need to act to protect the individual,” he said.

The Police Act, 2023 had its first reading on Thursday, February 2, 2023, in the HoA, sparking an immediate public backlash.

Public backlash

Premier Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) said Members of the House of Assembly have engaged the BVI Bar Association, individual lawyers, concerned citizens, and a number of other stakeholders and the concerns are consistent enough to warrant that the bill not be passed in its current form.

Dr Wheatley had also expressed concern that the public was not privy to and did not request certain amendments that had shown up in the draft bill, which was subsequently gazetted for public review.

Additionally, local police officers of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) claimed to not have seen the version of the bill that made it to the HoA.

The bill seeks to repeal and replace the Police Act (Revised Edition 2013) and to make provision for matters including the Powers, Duties and Privileges of Police Officers; Police Bail and Breaches and Police Property.

68 Responses to “‘We need the Police Act to come back to’ HoA ‘for passage’- Gov Rankin”

  • Xxx (17/10/2023, 09:54) Like (20) Dislike (19) Reply

    Because this untrustworthy governor looking more power to ab*** bl***$

    • @xxx (17/10/2023, 11:54) Like (16) Dislike (15) Reply
      You are correct. Rather than empowering the people of the BVI he is trying to empower himself. May be if he focuses his energy and his new found UK funding for crime on the source of the issue rather than the symptoms then he will get my support and the support of many. His intentions are not pure and it is beginning to show through his impatience and aggressiveness.
  • herbs power (17/10/2023, 10:00) Like (51) Dislike (28) Reply
    Boss go back where you came from, you was not elected by the BVI. you lie to much and is not welcome.
    • @herbs power (17/10/2023, 11:39) Like (19) Dislike (4) Reply
      You are so right but who ever replaces him will be on the same agenda because it is their directive from a set of non elected senior public servants in the UK who have no regards for us. Can you imagine they saying they need an oppressive law to stop crime? If this is so then let us put in such laws to stop the banks from abusing us and other such laws. The truth is they are lying and taking us for fools. Clearly their intent is wicked but not to them.
    • To: herbs power (17/10/2023, 12:13) Like (12) Dislike (4) Reply
      I always like your posts. Here is more food for thought. What are these intentional standards and rights the Governor is talking about? Who determines them? Well it is the same UK and other big countries who set those standards which are rarely in the best interest of most other countries especially smaller ones like the Caribbean Islands and else where. Usually they are also not applicable. So the Governor needs to stop trying to insult our intelligence.
  • West side (17/10/2023, 10:07) Like (31) Dislike (12) Reply
    When is he leaving? we had enough of this governor
    • History (17/10/2023, 11:47) Like (20) Dislike (6) Reply
      The COI Act was written in 1880 which was only 46 years after slavery was abolished in the BVI. It was written by the UK officials of the day not for fairness but to keep all descendants of slaves n check with the wishes of the UK. A slavery based act is governing a free people in the 21st century. This needs to be challenged as it is a slap in the face of democracy and not relevant in today's world.
      • @History (17/10/2023, 12:25) Like (14) Dislike (3) Reply
        Now they are at it again. They wrote the new police Act in the UK and send it down to the AG and HOA and demand it be passed as is without debate and ammendments or they will suspend the constitution and do it themselves. The more things change the more they remain the same. They see nothing wrong with any of their actions. They have no regards for our rights as a people.
    • Citizen (17/10/2023, 12:09) Like (12) Dislike (3) Reply
      Whether he leaves or not. The UK has a mandate to keep their remaining colonies in check. “Keep the knee on our neck”, if you follow. So the next unelected appointee will be requesting the same thing this one is. To get rid of this is to get rid of the UK not the man.
  • Bvi wake up (17/10/2023, 10:10) Like (21) Dislike (9) Reply
    The issue is the UK & Governor have their plans to oppress the BVI people but has cloaked it as good governance. They care less what the majority thinks as they think they know what's best for us. They spending money to try to further enslaved us but they could not find the money to build schools and other initiatives which are more effective in reducing crime. Instead they want legislation to give their UK Commissioner of Police more power for which he will not be accountable to no one so they can legalize the infringement of our human and democratic rights under the cloak of fighting crime when in fact it is about taking us over through legalizing abuse of power. BVI WAKE UP.
  • time for action (17/10/2023, 10:25) Like (15) Dislike (6) Reply
    I keep saying I agree improvements need to be made in BVI but we are no worse than anywhere else. The Governor & his UK bosses have no good intentions for us as they see us as inferior and they superior. They needed a legal vehicle to engage their colonial plans so they:
    1) Initiated a non transparent, racially bias, predetermined, and non-independent COI. This gives them a "so-called" transparent independent report to work from when in fact it is their doing and it is not independent. They called the COI. They high handedly hire a specific person to get a specific outcome with no transparent hiring or selection process. They wrote the terms of reference. They used their staff to assist the COI Commissioner. They influenced the report. It was all them but they take us for fools. This was and still is a set up.

    2) They knew before hand what the recommendations were so they ran to implement an order in council to suspend the constitution if all their preauthored 48 recommendations are not implemented within their ridiculous and unreasonable deadlines. Knowing full well it cannot be achieved and most of the 48 recommendations are not in the best interest of the people and economy of the BVI. Knowing full well the BVI people will object to some of them including this high handed police act. In addition since when a judge has the experience of running a country to write 48 recommendations which are non negotiable to run a country and dictate they must be accepted wholesale. This is a clear set up.

    These actions need to be fought in the courts. They are behaving as if the only rights the people of the BVI have is what they allow.

    BVI it is time for action as they do not intend to stop.
  • Blind Man (17/10/2023, 10:31) Like (17) Dislike (5) Reply
    Meson go sit down with that thing you glad for the little incident about school and prison as a excuse but we not stupid tell your officers to do their job and get off them ass from driving up and down wasting tax payers money. Hurry go back you done accomplish your plan you got Andrew now leave in peace.
    • Styler (17/10/2023, 14:31) Like (10) Dislike (4) Reply
      I love your comment, he Dam well set up Andrew, God don’t sleep time will tell go your way
  • youth man (17/10/2023, 10:32) Like (15) Dislike (4) Reply
    This Governor is showing more and more he does not respect our democracy and our democraric rights. It is his way or no way. The police act ammendments are largely infringing on our humans rights but he cares not because his plans must go through no matter what. This makes me question his motives. All lawyers in BVI and abroad have clearly stated the ammendments are dangerous as it gives the police powers they do not need and without accountability plus citizens rights will be violated with no recourse. HOA is not suppose to he a rubber stamp for no one so I geuss this is one of many reasons why he is dangling the order of council over our heads which is wrong and is not democracy. This bill needs an immediate judiciary review as well as all aspects of the COI to show this dictatorship once and for all what he wants is wrong and what he did is wrong. Also passing a law like this does not and cannot guarantee success with eliminating guns. This is more than guns they are after. It is now clear they are after oppressing us as a people. I am now deeply concern if the COI was really independent. They are showing their true colours more and more.
  • Police Act (17/10/2023, 10:32) Like (4) Dislike (10) Reply
    or direct UK rule are the only choices!
    • @Police Act (17/10/2023, 12:04) Like (12) Dislike (4) Reply
      The Governor & Commissioner of Police are becoming desperate, impatient and dangerous. They have shown they cannot be trusted. They are challenged with the truth. We have a choice which is to unite our efforts and start a movement to save the future of our country and heritage from this "full speed ahead take over train no matter what the BVI people thinks or says" that is headed at the people of the BVI. Unity is strength.
    • Hold on though (17/10/2023, 12:14) Like (13) Dislike (3) Reply
      When ever someone is imposing their will on you that is called OPPRESSION! This cannot be condoned.
  • WOW (17/10/2023, 10:34) Like (18) Dislike (2) Reply
    The BVI is in a fight for its life because the Brits are determined to get what they want and how they want it even if it means doing it through dictatorship. This is an attempt to totally dominant their will on a people and this is wrong.
  • Clearly (17/10/2023, 10:35) Like (12) Dislike (4) Reply

    You can watch this man's face and see rac**. You can see he thinks we are fools and only he and who he sanctions have integrity and the knowledge to run a country. This is a real case of bullying.

  • Hmmmm (17/10/2023, 10:38) Like (12) Dislike (3) Reply
    So he have us for @#$ now to think the passing of a bill which gives a police force we cannot trust unlimited powers will eliminate guns from the streets. If he could not get this done in the UK then why is he trying to play us for @#$ to try to make us believe it can work in BVI. He really is up to no good.
  • Concerned (17/10/2023, 10:43) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    What’s this man motive behind of this bill? He trying kill we out or wa
  • Lack of Trust (17/10/2023, 10:45) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    As it stands now there is no trust in he nor his UK Commissioner of Police. Both of them called the people liars when they told them the out post police stations were not open daily. Then later back track without acknowledging the people were correct. The Governor told the public the COI report would be just recommendations and no one should draw to conclusions until afterwards where discussions would be had. As soon as the report was finished he is now demanding all 48 preauthored recommendations be implemented without discussions. The list of deceit with him and his UK Commissioner of Police is long. So he cannot expect the majority of the public to trust anything they say or do. He need to stop talking to the public as if we are idiots. He is beginning to annoy the public.
  • ccc (17/10/2023, 10:48) Like (14) Dislike (5) Reply
    • Preserve democracy (17/10/2023, 11:50) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
      Elections in the BVI allows for democracy where the people's voices through their votes are heard. They vote who they want to represent their affairs. If these people are not working in their best interest then the people have the power to vote them out in the next general elections and vote in new leaders. Neither the UK nor their Governor has ever ran for office in the BVI and asked the people to select them to run their affairs. So no order in council should give such powers to non-elected people to run the affairs of the BVI people or any other country. It is not right. It does not represent good governance nor democracy. It is high handed and a modern day slavery whip, law, and action. We must educate our people of these facts and we must stick together to preserve not just our democracy but to preserve democracy itself. Such anti democratic actions should be banned worldwide as these actions are wrong no matter the reason.
  • What? (17/10/2023, 10:49) Like (19) Dislike (1) Reply
    Can you imagine giving the Brits through their Uk Commissioner of Police who is challenged with the truth these kinds of power to just burst into your home at anytime and search at free will without a warrant based on their intel which could be based on gossip? This is so scary. Worse yet the Governor is trying to justify it. I am now worried about their real motives.
  • bvibuzz (17/10/2023, 11:03) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
    They are taking away our rights day by day one at a time the only solution is our independence from the colonial power
  • end game (17/10/2023, 11:04) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
    Use a bogus COI they put together to justify their actions and spend million of dollars to conclude and enact the following which was the aim any how but needed to find a way to justify their actions to the UN and international world:
    1) Use the crime and corruption card and play it to the fullest even without evidence so they can put white UK people at almost every senior government position such as Head of prison, police, customs, immigration, permanent secretaries, AG, DPP, and HOA. In this way they can abort all attempts for independence and easily get rid of anyone who opposes they wicked plots.
    2) Use immigration to give the 5 million UK residents the rights to automatically be belongeres in the BVI so they can flood the country with like minds. They will have the numbers to run and win elections and get a white UK Premier, Ministers and entire HOA body. They can then control the people and laws. This is the real reason why the Governor is pushing the belongers issue and trying to violate kur rights with a high handed police act.
    3) Make sure Customs, Immigration, and many other subjects like crown lands fall directly under the Governor. This will give them total dominance.

    I will stop there for now but just like the outcome of their COI was predictable so is this review he is doing of law enforcement and crime in the BVI. These people think nothing of us. Our leaders need to do a better job of educating the population and standing up for our rights. These people want financial services and finance and the country but without the people. It is time for a modern day positive action movement. It is time for BVI to unite to preserve our future and heritage.
  • Anonymous (17/10/2023, 11:08) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    There are many types of speculations as to why Mr ranking is pushing this police bill. I’m going to say the position of which I stated previously, they have an agenda to take away our rights. There’s no way that we can comment on any specifics dealing with these particular matters when the governor has not come clean
  • Just an observation (17/10/2023, 11:15) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    Has anyone read or watch the news in the UK lately? If not please do so and you will clearly see serious crime is on the increase and even deemed out control in certain areas. This includes gun crimes and drugs. There is also a growing concern about the UK not providing resources to the police in many areas. Also there are increasing protest by the public outside Parliament building and other government buildings on the neglect of the people's needs and increasing government corruption being ignored and swept under the rug. I did not make this up. Go and check it for yourself. So if this non elected Governor and his non elected UK colleagues cannot get it handled where they are from and they are the ones who advise the elected officials in UK as what to do and implement then we should not put any trust in them. I am now 100% certain this is not about crime nor corruption but about a disrespect for us as BVI people. We have rights too.
  • Citizen (17/10/2023, 11:17) Like (15) Dislike (1) Reply
    We the Commissioner of Police to resign and be sent back home or let's deport him. He is incompetent. Every year they are recruiting new officers, and he cannot keep the police stations open. Enough is enough, time for him and the Governor to go.
  • balance (17/10/2023, 11:17) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    Power without accountability brings dictatorship. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
  • i said it (17/10/2023, 11:19) Like (13) Dislike (3) Reply
    Now I really understand what Andrew Fahie was fighting against for the people of the BVI. Now I understand why it had to be done in a way where it made their hands look clean.
    • Styler (17/10/2023, 14:54) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      You are so correct that’s why he make sure he got locked away and out of here so he don’t feed us with anymore information
  • Serious warning (17/10/2023, 11:25) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    For the information of all the Governor & his UK bosses are operating high handedly using the old corruption card along with crime (both universal in nature) because they know it gets black people scared of them from slavery days. They have a 3 prong plan (so we have to start praying mixed with affirmative action):

    PLAN #1 --- Attempt a bloodless takeover by having the local government kill themselves and the their people by implementing without debate or adjustments all of the 48 preauthoured by UK COI recommendations. Most of them are set up to allow the UK to run the show by way of how they are written. The elected official will just be a figure head if that at all. One thing for sure the people of the BVI will suffer as the UK will bring in all white UK people to takeover all top government public service and security positions and more thereafter. This way they do not have to use the order in council to suspend the constitution.

    PLAN #2: Implements the suspension of the constitution if they meet any resistance and claim it is because the local government refused to implement all the preauthoured UK written 48 recommendations they claim will ensure good governance but rather is an oppression of a people cloaked as good governance. Then the UK will run the show with their people & by way of how they wrote the recommendations. The elected officials will be no more and neither will democracy in a pure form . One thing for sure the people of the BVI will suffer as the UK will bring in all white UK people and put in all top government public service and security positions and more thereafter. What we will realize is life will not get better for the average person but worse. But it will be too late when most local people realizes this.

    PLAN #3: Pressure the local government to get many belonger status to the people waiting like what the Governor is pressuring to do now. But this is not with any good heart to the Caribbean people. The UK will use this opportunity to flood the BVI with white UK residents to significantly out number the locals and Caribbean people. The UK will then have the numbers to ensure a prominently white VI population with an all white elected government and a white Premier who is really themselves as they will have the numbers to do it. They will use the UK Commissioner to do a series of arrest whether justified or not to instill fear and try to eliminate any local or Caribbean person who rises up against them. Of course independence will always be voted down as they will be in charge and it will never be in their best interest as they will have the Financial Service Industry and Finance. The local people will only be talking about how BVI use to be and they will still have us blaming each other because of how well organized they are doing their plans and actions as is the case now.

    BVI & Caribbean people now is not the time to fight each other. Government & Opposition now is not the time to fight each other. Now is the time to unite. Ensure transparency and accountability without destroying the economy and livelihood of your people and local businesses by turning it over to the wicked people with their wicked plot at hand cloaked as otherwise. If we do not unite and get serious about it we will become prisoners in our own beloved BVI. It is time to chart a way and deadline for independence. It is time to take & make the next step. Do not mind those who want everything perfect before we move because we will never achieve that as the UK to this day has not as well as no other country is perfect. Let us also start praying mixed with action.
  • I will continue to say... (17/10/2023, 11:30) Like (13) Dislike (4) Reply
    The COI was never transparent, thorough & neutral in scope, nor independent of the Governor when he is the who one called it. He is the one who wrote the terms of reference. He is the one who hand picked the commissioner for the COI without transparency. He is the one who furnished him with information and put him in a one track direction. He was the one who got his staff UK colleagues from their same UK Office to be the staff of their UK COI Commissioner to influence the report. If an elected official in BVI did this then most of the naysayers would be hitting the roof. The territory has been set up through abuse of power so they can try to justify their take over plan. It is not be accodent the report has in this police act, take over of immigration & Customs, & othet questionable actions. We must rise up and fight this modernized colonial plot and strategy.
  • only saying (17/10/2023, 11:35) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    Whenever I post about these guys slavery and racists mindset some of you get angry but their true colors are coming out daily with more to show. They will not stop unless the people rise up. They are depending on us to remain divided so we can stay quiet. All of this is part of their take over strategy. It is not about the best interest of the people of the BVI. It is about financial services and finance. It is always about the money and not the people.
  • Vg man (17/10/2023, 11:42) Like (16) Dislike (3) Reply
    I hope the people see why they want more power through the suspension of the constitution so they can pass these kinds of laws and others no matter how the people cry out against them or how they violate the people's human rights and our democracy.
  • The Nation (17/10/2023, 11:48) Like (16) Dislike (3) Reply
    The police have enough tools and resources as it is to solve crime - the Governor first needs to clean up the force and get rid of the corrupt, law-breaking and dishonest police officers before he bring back the police act to parliament. Next it does make me wonder if these spate of crimes and them being unsolved is a set up to find justification to bring the police act back into relevance so that our basis fundamental and constitutional rights can be taken away??? This is a question I have. Governor you don't need to give the police more powers - very often your police well know who do the crime - the news does be on the street - before you bring the police act back how about finding out why the criminal court cases involving the several charged police officers are taking so long to be dealt with. And how about the guilty officers not getting a pat on the back punishment when they are found guilty like the one who got a 2 year suspended sentence for tipping off. How about cleaning up RVIPF before you come after the public with your police state police act.
    • @The Nation (17/10/2023, 12:06) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
      POWERFUL POST! I press dislike by accident but you are on point. I could like your post all day. It makes sense.
  • What a guy (17/10/2023, 11:50) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    All the Governor is telling us is give him what he needs or he will mash us up and get it any way. I thought bullying was a crime.
  • This is it (17/10/2023, 12:08) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    I never thought I would live to see the day where a country imposes its will on another country to pass oppressive legislations and polices to destroy their people and turn the country into a police state with no recourse.
  • simple (17/10/2023, 12:16) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    The UK find a new strategy of how to try to impose their Global Britan on the BVI knowing full well it is not in the BVI's best interest.
  • Hmmmm (17/10/2023, 12:37) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Have it passed in the UK first. Sometime around 2012 or so they tried it in the UK and they got a hell of a backlash, that put it to sleep.
  • smh (17/10/2023, 12:46) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Police Act needed more teeth but must NEVER STRIP BVI citizens and residents of their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS. There must always be checks and balances. What is the status of the case with Frandy Martin? This sticks out like a sore thumb in everyone's mind. Our police force is corrupt to the bone and the UK has a vile history and nothing has changed. I don't understand why the BVI is making it so easy for them to come in and take over. Wake up brothers and sisters, WAKE UP.
  • Funny (17/10/2023, 13:01) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    John Rankin Mark Collins Pam and the UK officer please leave the vi
  • The Celtic (17/10/2023, 14:02) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    If that's the case John Rankin, we will also need a Police the Police act as well brought to the HOA for passage, to protect the innocent because these things cannot be painted with a broad brush, power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    Let that be that.
  • The Nation (17/10/2023, 16:56) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Another thing to the Governor and the Members of the House of Assembly, take a walk down to the Complaints Commissioner's Office and get a report from the time that office was set up to get a list of all the complaints made against the police/police officers. Ask for FRANK views from the Complaints Commissioner's Office and not diplomatic responses and you will begin to see. May the Lord peel back the injustice that does go on in this place.
    • @The Nation (17/10/2023, 19:22) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      You are so correct but take notice that any complaints about the police or any other subject under the Governor never goes no where. Those files even did not make it from the Complaints Commissioner to the Governor's bogus prearranged COI. The Governor and his crew are worse than any politician we complain about.
  • Concerned (17/10/2023, 17:07) Like (3) Dislike (14) Reply
    There are two issues here.

    The LAW as it applies to everyone in the BVI. Does not matter where you from there is one law for everyone.

    The LAW needs to be updated as there has been increased organised crime in the BVI which needs to be addressed. Why would the house of assemble object to improving the Law to protect everyone in the BVI and hold illegal activity accountable.
    • @Concerned (17/10/2023, 19:19) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
      You must be the Commissioner or a paid UK blogger. The history of the Brits is to always make you think they are trying to help you when they are really killing you in a comfortable and unnoticeable manner. If the content of the Bill was sincere then so many lawyers and people would not be speaking out about it. We all agree we must fight crime but passing a bill claiming to do so but it really is taking away our human and democratic rights is a bigger crime. These same tactics the Brits used in Turks and now crime is worse than ever. The BVI is being set up and this is not right.
  • ann (17/10/2023, 19:21) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    If the governor wants it then it means that it's not good for the bvi
    • To Ann (17/10/2023, 19:40) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      You are so correct. Worse yet, he is going down a slippery slope by bullying and forcing the hand of the House of Assembly to pass what he wants and how and when he wants or else he will suspend the constitution. I believe you call this BLACKMAIL.
  • Tolian (17/10/2023, 19:44) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    A serious war going brake out in this country if that bill pass
  • Hmm (17/10/2023, 20:13) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Not until you pass A cannabis act. Do not trample on our rights!

    "claims act is compliant with international human rights standards"
  • Hmm (17/10/2023, 20:16) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    No we don’t. You can take you and all your island man police to the UK. Not here.
  • RVIPF (17/10/2023, 20:45) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Governor you need to see that the police officers Walk and patrol the streets. Mobile patrol also, which will be a backup and fast responding to the scene of an incident.
  • Rat Fink (17/10/2023, 21:29) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    International standard and Human Rights does not entertain people in your position lying, being deceitful and disrespectful. Cartvyour sss with your settler mentality and criminal mind.
  • home (17/10/2023, 21:31) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    Send this man back to the UK
  • Native Tongue (17/10/2023, 21:39) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Who is the WE this Débil is referencing?
  • 6don284 (17/10/2023, 22:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Ops goin drop too automatic
  • Hold On, just hold on! (18/10/2023, 05:34) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Mr Governor,
    With all due respect, it would not be wise to have someone's house/apartment searched without him/her being present. Common sense suggests that, at such time a corrupt officer can use that opportunity to plant FALSE EVIDENCE!
  • Ban (18/10/2023, 07:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Go back to the HOA with a legislation to ban all toy guns selling and coming into the territory. Target that first because we are asking parents and everyone else to raise our children right but you need to target the root cause of fun that train our youngsters and turn them into criminals. These toy guns help to train criminal minds.
  • This is a set-up. (18/10/2023, 10:15) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    That's why you allow the Commissioner, who is the worst ever in the BVI to deliberately have the Police Stations closed at a time when the Police force here in the BVI is the largest ever here in the history of these Islands. You wanted crime to get out of hand just so you could enforce your Bill. JUST PURE EVIL!
  • LittlePplIsntworthy (18/10/2023, 14:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Little Lazy..
  • cnn (18/10/2023, 15:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    These poor virgin Islanders are just trying to survive in this bvi of systemic, institutional racism with a white governor and police chief
  • @LittlePpITsntworthy (18/10/2023, 17:42) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    I don't know what or who you are but, please cut the crap. This medium is just for people who have meaningful thoughts not slow lazy bums!

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