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'We need an Official House of the Premier'- Claude O. Skelton-Cline

- said it would reflect a nation advancing towards self-governance & institutional maturity
Commentator Mr Claude O. Skelton-Cline is calling for the establishment of an 'Official Residence' for the Premier of the Virgin Islands, arguing that such an institution is essential to nation-building and a further assertion towards political and economic self-determination. Photo: Facebook
The official residence of the Governor of the Virgin Islands. Commentator Claude O. Skelton-Cline believes the territory's Premier should also have an official residence. Photo:
The official residence of the Governor of the Virgin Islands. Commentator Claude O. Skelton-Cline believes the territory's Premier should also have an official residence. Photo:
BAUGHERS BAY, Tortola, VI- Commentator Mr Claude O. Skelton-Cline is calling for the establishment of an “Official Residence” for the Premier of the Virgin Islands, arguing that such an institution is essential to nation-building and a further assertion towards political and economic self-determination.

During the March 4, 2025, edition of his radio programme Honestly Speaking on ZBVI 780 AM, Skelton-Cline lamented the lack of visionary leadership in the Territory since the passing of Hamilton Lavity Stoutt, and stressed the need for greater ambition in national development, pointing out that a "Premier’s Mansion"—similar to the Governor’s official residence—would reflect a nation advancing towards self-governance and institutional maturity.

A house that reflects progress

"We need an official House of the Premier, a living House of the Premier, like you have a governor’s mansion, with all of the accoutrements, all of the space, the kind of place that bespeaks a growing, a developing, a continually emerging country. That’s one of the things that we need to do."

According to the outspoken man-of-the-cloth, such a development is not merely symbolic but represents a significant step in building national confidence and pride.

Criticising the status quo, in which official government functions and high-level meetings are often hosted at the Governor’s residence rather than in a space owned and operated by the elected leadership of the Virgin Islands, Skelton-Cline said: "When people come in right now, they go down to the governor’s house and we have become so satisfied, so at ease with somebody else’s stuff; We have become so satisfied with mediocrity."

Path to Self-Determination

Skelton-Cline also linked his call for an official premier’s residence to a broader vision for institutional development, which he argued is crucial in demonstrating to the world at large the Virgin Islands’ readiness for full political and economic independence.

"Since 1950, now in 2025, we should have a proper courthouse, proper houses and systems; This is institutional building," he asserted, further adumbrating, "Proper educational parts, from primary to tertiary education, where you move about in the world virtually, technologically, in the fiscal space that exists—these are the kinds of things that we need to demonstrate to ourselves."

He cited existing landmarks such as Peebles Hospital and the Cyril B. Romney Tortola Pier Park as examples of successful infrastructure projects but insisted more must be done to instil national pride.

"We have anchored a Pier Park and named it after one of our soldiers, we’ve anchored the hospital but what about a proper library—my God—anchors in the community? This is how you build confidence. This is how you build trust. This is how you build pride."

25 Responses to “'We need an Official House of the Premier'- Claude O. Skelton-Cline”

  • No!!! (09/03/2025, 07:19) Like (26) Dislike (4) Reply
    No! We do not need it and you not getting a contract to build it!!! The Premier says we are working towards independence. Once that happens, the Governor's House can become the Premier's house. A pastor who should be reminding people about their mansions in heaven are encouraging them in the things of this carnal world. Forgive him Father! You know who need a house? The first time buyers who cannot afford one because of the economy and inflation. Discuss.
    • @No!!! (09/03/2025, 10:08) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      If we become independent, unless we opt for a Presidential system of government, the Governor's House becomes the residence of the Governor General.
  • annoying (09/03/2025, 07:24) Like (11) Dislike (17) Reply
    He is right these dogs will never complain about a house for a uk governor paid for by our hard earned taxpayers, but will say all kinds of negative for a house for our local premier

    We are still in mental decline and slavery
  • BuzzBvi (09/03/2025, 08:00) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why do the irrelevant musings of this guy keep getting into the VI media? The Premier already has a house. The Governor lives in it and will until the VI get independence. Which unfortunately will be never while we listen garbage spouted by people like C.O. S-C.
  • Norris Turnbull (09/03/2025, 08:01) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    There is a house in McNamara. Utilize it.
  • A Voice of Reason (09/03/2025, 08:11) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    A State House is usually for the Head of State. The position of Premier is not Head of State, as the BVI is not a sovereign or independent entity, at least not yet. Let’s move past these nonsense discussions and focus on more important issues, like improving access to health care by reforming a system that bleeds public fund to private providers; or improving infrastructure so that every time it gets heavy rains the towns down flood out; or getting these guns and narcotics off the streets; finding sustainable ways to have equitable pay for civil servants. Let’s stop with the theatrics of nonsense discussions and discuss those things that require all of us to move our society forward.
  • The Big House! (09/03/2025, 08:13) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Head coach already in Residence?
  • salt (09/03/2025, 08:39) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    This little place called Tortola is screwed. Tuesday crying for money Wednesday let’s build someplace for somebody that already has somewhere to live, TO LIVE. Lol
  • What? (09/03/2025, 08:59) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Like Caribbean bank building in St Kitts!
  • Interested (09/03/2025, 09:04) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    We cannot afford to fix our roads and infrastructure and upgrade our health services and you want to build a house for the premier ?
    Where are your priorities? Who is going to pay for it ?
  • 2024 (09/03/2025, 09:05) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    there was an official House for Head of Government Business: Wheatley Grandfather was the last Person the lived in that House: That House Then Went to DDM: Romney used his own property as the House for the Head of Government while he was chief minister

    It is easier for them to get the cash and pocket money than reside in the Offical House
  • CSC (09/03/2025, 09:29) Like (2) Dislike (9) Reply
    He is so right on this one .
  • md (09/03/2025, 09:46) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Not a house. We need roads, good electricity, sewage, water, Internet.
  • and (09/03/2025, 09:57) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    With whose money may I ask.
    • Must (09/03/2025, 11:09) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
      its a must, tax payers are duly responsible for this one. its for the residence of the premier just like the governor house
  • Senior native citizen of the British Virgin Islands (09/03/2025, 10:18) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Every has the right to their own opinions including, Mr. Claude Skelton Cline. But with an overload of plans in progress, others in question on the table by our current Premier cabinet, what part of Mr. Claude Skelton brain this new idea came from? Maybe he thinks in his mind (brain) that the eligible voters of the people of the B.V.I will on coming choose him as Premier.
    If such a house is to be built, he and him family would become the occupier of it. What a thought.

    In my opinion I know that this idea is yet another money squandering idea. So for me it is rejected, and the same should you, if you truly value our people's best interest.
  • Well (09/03/2025, 11:08) Like (0) Dislike (4) Reply
    either all other countries or majority have an official residence of the premier, president or prime minister, even some deputy have official residence. we need one here how come only the governor have a house?
  • Please Sir (09/03/2025, 11:12) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    What exactly do you want and is looking for? Are you trying to run for a seat somewhere in office? If you are, not going to happen. You had your chance to make your Country a better place but all I have seen is how you helped destroyed your Country out of greed. You fleeced the taxpayers for the slow floating elephant.
  • tola boy (09/03/2025, 11:17) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply

    Our public health sector is in total shambles and you talking PISS bout home for Premier? He billing one right now SK***T.

  • born here (09/03/2025, 11:18) Like (1) Dislike (5) Reply
    I am No fan of csc but I must agree 100 percent how come it’s ok for the governor to have a house and not the premier?
  • Suuure (09/03/2025, 11:31) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    So your cronies building company can do the job for max$$?
  • NB (09/03/2025, 12:48) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    You really need your head examined. What the h3ll is wrong with you? You here on this blessed Sunday morning spewing $hit. The tax payers have to pay for the mansion. You kissing a$$ for future favours trying to get in bed with them. People are SUFFERING Claude and you here using your platform to chat pi$$. And then call yourself man of God. Ayo sick messon
  • Hg (09/03/2025, 13:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Csc the builder. CONTRACT THAT CSC LAST NAME.
  • seems (09/03/2025, 13:32) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Seems like you want to follow other countries like the head of bank in St.Kitts. millions and millions and more to build a mansión. Please lets live with the people and feel the people's pain less one become an island by them self. We don't want no fight for political power to live in a mansión. Polital Power struggle is real and very evident in the BVI. While our present premier seems to be a humble man. Others may not so lets do do self check. No disappointment for the BVI over a building. Live in your own home for now.
  • Spread (09/03/2025, 13:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Keep spreading out the wealth to keep businesses afloat. When you build a mansión more activities can be held their therefore monies will stay in the government purse. Don't get me wrong we need to save money yes but hold off on that thought for now to many people and businesses are under pressure.

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