'We must continue to have hope for a brighter tomorrow' - Hon. Fraser

“In my last Christmas address, I can recall moaning over our battles with the effects of a worldwide lingering recession, unfortunately, there is no good news to report in terms of recovery. On many fronts our own economy is being challenged, and in particular Financial Services, and Tourism, our two main pillars,” Hon. Fraser said.
“Despite our Government’s best efforts our economy continue s to shrink, as companies continue to close, and persons are laid off, most permanently, we must continue to have hope for a brighter tomorrow,” he added while urging that persons hold the Government in prayer as they attempt to steer the ship away from dry land.
“While clearly this is a day of joy and celebrations, it is my duty to reflect on the past year and give God thanks for his goodness to us for our spared lives. I am also obligated to be a source of comfort to those in our hospitals or at home afflicted with ailment,” the Third District Representative stated.
“I also mourn with those who have lost loved ones, in my District and the territory, including myself who has lost a sister. So I equally share your grief and mourn with you. I also ask God’s richest blessings upon you during your time of sadness.”
According to Hon. Fraser, “We have all learned to accept the tragedies life brings, and we have learned to live despite them all, and that’s what make this time of year so special, for there is still one thing; we have Christ our loving Savior to look to for strength and comfort.”
“On this Christmas day I know we are experiencing tough economic times , and that we are not all equally equipped to meet the challenges, but rest assured that I am with you,” he promised.
Hon Fraser said, “In these Virgin Islands it is seldom ever possible to measure hardship through failure because as a people Virgin Islanders have been conditioned to always put our best foot forward. Therefore, I must continue to remain grounded and always be mindful that though you may not say or show your difficulties or sorrows, that Christmas is not about me, but about you.”
“In a recent conversation with an old school -mate,” he added, “now a man of plenty, including wisdom, he said to me, that when he was age 5 Christmas see med to take forever to come, but now at age 50, Christmas seems like every day. And he went on to give a very logical and rational explanation which I found quite plausible. And why not, for often times I feel the same way.”
“But it got me to thinking that Christmas does indeed comes only once a year,” he continued, “and most people don’t have the luxury to think like my friend, or even myself, so today is a special day for you. And why not, you have been looking forward for it all year. So the best way I can help you en joy this very special day called Christmas was to remind myself that Christmas is no longer about me, but about you.”
“It was on this day over 2000 years ago Jesus Christ was born, and ever since that day, during this season the true church celebrates the bi rth of this virgin-born child who is born to us, the son who is given to us, the Mighty God, the Son of David, the everlasting King.”
“My People of The 3rd District, and the entire territory, I extend my heart to you in whatever sadness you are confronted with this Christmas Day. Be it due to a personal ailment, or that of a family member or friend. Be it due to a loved one being incarcerated, or hospitalized, I pledge my continued support to you.”
“I am quite aware, that by the time this message reaches you, the caroling from the night before would have stopped, and the serenading may be at full blast,” Hon. Fraser said. “But as you sit down with friends and loved ones to enjoy the day’s meal, and salivate over your delicious pastries, particularly Tart and fruitcake, I want you to enjoy yourselves in the true spirit of Christmas.”
“For if ever there is a time to celebrate it is now. After all, “Hark! The Herald Angels singing”, was a call to listen intensely, to hear the angels give glory to the New-Born King. Just as they celebrated then, on that day to be known as Christmas Day, you are expected to celebrate now.”
“In closing, let me say on behalf of my wife Kharid and myself how thankful I am to the people of The 3rd District for their expressions of love and confidence in me, for having me as their Representative for this my 14th Christmas. I thank you.”
“And may I extend greetings to all the people of the territory, particularly my constituents, both those at home in the B V I; and in St. Thomas, St. Croix and St. John, United States Virgin Islands.”
“May each of you and your loved ones both near and far, have a Merry, Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year?”

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