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‘We must be blind to party colours’ this elections- John I. Cline

- encourages voting population to vote intelligently
Clergyman and political commentator Mr John I. Cline aka ‘Bishop’ has said he has been accused of voting partyline but it is not so and it will certainly not be so in the 2023 General Elections of the Virgin Islands. Photo: Facebook/My BVI
The three main political parties in the 2023 elections race are Virgin Islands Party (VIP), National Democratic Party (NDP) and Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM). Photo: Facebook
The three main political parties in the 2023 elections race are Virgin Islands Party (VIP), National Democratic Party (NDP) and Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM). Photo: Facebook
DUFF’S BOTTOM, Tortola, VI- Clergyman and political commentator Mr John I. Cline aka ‘Bishop’ has said he has been accused of voting partyline but it is not so and it will certainly not be so in the 2023 General Elections of the Virgin Islands.

“Last elections I didn’t vote party line. I look for people on the ballot who I believe could be worthy of my vote because my vote is my voice,” Mr Cline said on his My BVI show live-streamed on Facebook on March 30, 2023.

The former leader of the New Life Baptist Church (NLBC) in Duff’s Bottom said this time around he will do the same, look for people on the ballots who he believes will qualify for his vote, which is his civil and democratic right.

“Unfortunately some of those people I voted for, once I voted for them and they got to power they didn’t want to hear my voice, so now I see how you are and this time around I can’t vote for you again.”

‘We are more intelligent’

Mr Cline urged those eligible to vote to do so responsibly and intelligently, ignoring party colours and personalities.

“So I can’t just go vote for you because you green or you blue or you red, I can’t do that.

“We are more intelligent. We have more information. We see when we give a particular party a mandate of a great majority how they just act irresponsibly.”

Mr Cline noted’ however, that he believes in a mixture of persons in the House of Assembly, both youthful and experienced and noted that there are persons over 70 years in the UK Parliament. He also pointed put that US President Joe R. Biden is like the “rock of ages”.

“Because you cannot leave the future of the country just to say you want a new set of people,” Mr Cline stated.

28 Responses to “‘We must be blind to party colours’ this elections- John I. Cline”

  • WOW (04/04/2023, 13:21) Like (16) Dislike (3) Reply
    Dees man dem don’t stop ?
    • Madussa (04/04/2023, 17:51) Like (33) Dislike (1) Reply
      Sometimes it is better to just be quiet. Why does he feel he must inform us how he is voting? We didn't ask.
  • lie (04/04/2023, 13:33) Like (25) Dislike (5) Reply
    Just shut up and go away. Strupes we are tired of you and claud
  • Welbwell (04/04/2023, 13:41) Like (8) Dislike (16) Reply
    Who are you talking too?

    Not VIP supporters.

    All the way !!!!!!

    No mistake.

    Out the gate with Blinders on.
  • WOW (04/04/2023, 14:13) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    If he had the same drive with his church and all churches overall, then the churches and the country would not be so divided.
  • Come on (04/04/2023, 14:14) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    Everyone knows that John is backing Ronnie & PVIM 100%, so he needs to stop trying to mislead us and fool us. I guess this is the role they gave him to play.
  • street talk (04/04/2023, 14:19) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is the same man along with a few others who went to the Governor by night pounding the Government on behalf of his family Mitch and CSC, and his lawyer friend, and his other friend Ronnie, and called for them to step in and form a coalition government. Not all clines, but this specific set has done more damage to the country out of greed and use their loudmouth and public podiums whether at church or other places to try to fool us to make us think otherwise. Time will tell.
  • Man of God (04/04/2023, 14:25) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    As one man of God to another, I am totally surprised at this guy and a few other "so called" popular pastors who continue to turn a blind eye to the evil and witchcraft of Governors, as well as their evil suppressing actions. They only see what they deem is wrong for a certain set of people and not others. People keep an eye on these Governors and those around them because their hands are not clean. Becareful listening to this guy and blame the wrong people and then go and do the wrong things during election day. Stay AWOKE!
  • WTF (04/04/2023, 14:49) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    John, does people really care wether you vote partyline or not? You guys don't have to use the media as a mouth piece to be relevant. No one cares how you vote. Every one's vote is their choice and maybe conscience if you have one.
  • So true (04/04/2023, 14:58) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    I think the younger generation have wised up. Some people will be a nut head forever, with no change of mentality. Hope all goes well this time around
  • Sure (04/04/2023, 16:02) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    What policies are we voting for again? Seems like a popularity contest and the polices will fall in place afterwards
  • Edmond (04/04/2023, 16:05) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    This is the kind of BS we talking about in this country. Blind to colors when it is not convenient to you and then paint your church with the color that support you right Cline?

    You Cline guys just need to go talk to your real god which is Lucifer.
  • Political analyst (04/04/2023, 16:35) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    I got reverence for religious leaders but I take a little difference view here from the Bishop on the role of the crown. The crown is no longer absolutist; it is a constitutional monarchy with mostly a ceremonial function. Starting with the Magna Charts in 1215, under King John, and the Glorious Revolution of 1688, (William of Orange), power started to shift from the crown to Parliament. The UK operates as a constitutional monarchy with mostly a ceremonial role with the monarch serving as head of state. The political and executive powers are devolved to Parliament. In addition to being head of state and representing functions, the monarch also chairs the Privy Council. Moreover, every bill passed in Parliament in the UK has to be assented by the the crown before becoming law. But assenting seems like a rubber stamp. The last time the crown did not assent to a bill was in 1708 under Queen Anne—the Scottish Militia Bill. Moreover, in the BVI, every bill passed by the HoA must be assented to by the U.K.-appointed Governor before becoming law. Though the crown does not have direct influence over political and executive actions, it has indirect influence .

    Moreover, I subscribe to voting for the most experienced, knowledgable, and qualified, along with being the best suited , candidates to serve in the HoA. However, the party system is core to the governing system in the BVI. Even in a hung HoA, independent candidates and others invariably join a party to form a government.
  • Sambo (04/04/2023, 18:28) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The crown in England may not be absolutist but its representative(s) in the BVI behave in an absolutist fashion behaving in a special privileged, entitled, exclusionary and superior , and controlling manner. It Colonialism 2.0 in the 21st Century. It is leaning on social Darwinism and survival of the fittest,,convenient scriptures to promote divine will and laws of nature as to how to treat and view people of color, treating them as an inferior, permanent underclass.
  • Rhythm up.. (04/04/2023, 18:30) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    No party, no one addressing the real issues with Practical solutions...The water Issues, the road issues, the tourism Issues, New cruise ship dock. NHI, Merging of the Ports into one, Reduction into rental expenditure, ...The politicians are playing games skipping and cherry picking what to say,...I ain feeling, hearing or seeing anything different...Its going be the same, no matter who in Govt..
    • Political Scientist (04/04/2023, 20:58) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Rhythm UP, 10-4, you are on point. The campaign is truncated and the candidates are talking up a storm , making claims about existing problems but are not providing any targeted solution plans. If one is to peruse the target, it will show a scatter shot pattern. They are all missing the bullseye. It is either that they are poor shots or they are deliberate in their actions, for they lacked solutions to deal with the myriad of issues, ie, health, education, infrastructure, skyrocketing cost of living, rising crime, economy and so on. Moreover, there are a few weeks before voters head to polls. As such, the parties need to come forth with a) specific plans/specific projects, b) how they will be paid for, c) time line for completion, d) what projects, if any, are going to get suboptimized, etc. Party(s) failing to do this is not serious and not worthy of forming the next government. Secondly, what is the party(s) plan for handling the CoI. Like or hate the CoI it must be on the TDL.
    • RealPol (05/04/2023, 08:35) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Alarmingly, there seems to be deficit and a paucity of plans as to how to approach and solve the myriad of problems experiencing by the BVI. Instead, there are nuff talking points about what is wrong but no targeted and definite solutions. Former Mayor of Chicago Rahm Emmanuel once quipped: “Never let a good crisis go to waste,” Well, the BVI is in crisis, some say a hyper-crisis, but both party and independent candidates are missing an opportunity and letting a good crisis go to waste, it seems. The general election is approximately 3 weeks away and no entity or individual has laid out a comprehensive plan as to how they will attack the BVI problems. Is the political system bankrupt and in a quagmire? It seems like the territory’s compass is broken and it’s drifting aimlessly in perilous waters. Are we this “Less”? Can Somebody prove me wrong please and surprise me, us, won’t you? It is time to lead and lead effectively. The nation will be grateful to you. Lead or get out of the way and stop fooling yourself and us, pretenders. This is not rocket science—leadership, leadership, leadership. I’m dreaming about Christopher Fleming, Dolph Faulkner, Lavity Stoutt, Noel Lloyd.
  • @ THOSE CLINES (04/04/2023, 18:51) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Native Senior Citizen of the British Virgin Islands (04/04/2023, 20:23) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    If you truly care for a good future for the citizens of the British Virgin Islands, you will not allowed yourselves to be influence by the former New Life Baptist church Bishop,John Cline on election matters. He and others that think, spoke, speaking, have acted in certain way should not be trust to advise us correctly.for our best interest.
  • Stop mocking God (04/04/2023, 22:02) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Go ahead trying to use your own head and thinking and say is God talking to you. Best quit while you're ahead. Did God really speak to you. What happened to all you claimed he told you about 5G during covid. It's sad that God seem to speak to you more about politics than bringing people to the kingdom of God. The earth us already God's and the fulness thereof. He don't need you to help him keep it. You better go and study the Bible to make yourself approved, a workman who need to not be ashamed because you're definitely spiritually unfit and spiritually illiterate. Go srufy God word and give him your life.
  • ? (04/04/2023, 22:09) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Did New Life gave the Government any discount when the HoA was having their sitting?
    • ??? (05/04/2023, 08:59) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      @? If you nitice, he running his mouth every second since the HOA has gone back HOME. He ain't getting that heavy weight monthly cheque. Bah! bah! bah!
  • HeHe (04/04/2023, 23:50) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    This Pastor is,always meowing after he got more than his share of the Governments Milk.
  • Res (05/04/2023, 05:08) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Don't let them fake pastors mislead you every election they bash each other once they can't get their pockets full they will just support the the ones they will get favors from they all corrupt CSC,JC
  • reality (05/04/2023, 05:46) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    Not one of the party has a clear plan to lead this country. They are all hoping to win stumble their way along. Hoping the economy will drive itself while they are trying to grab for their families or friends. Name one with a plan to address the water problem, our roads, the economy, youth employment, education, healthcare the high rental cost. For example we have three large reservoirs and no water in the pipes because the Capoon's bay plant is producing very little water, but not one of the candidates running can present us with a simple plan to renovate and expand the capacity of the water treatment plant. The huge payoff to just one of these legislators could finance this project and provide a lasting solution for the whole western side of the island. A simple bill to compensate the politicians should be (1) a one term politician get 20% of one year salary as a gratuity payment and no pension.
    (2) a two term politician get 30% of one year salary as a gratuity and no pension.
    (3) a politician serving three terms or more get a gratuity of 50% one year salary and a monthly pension of 30% of their monthly salary. Don't forget we also have social security pension. This way we do not drain our government just to pay politicians who have already received their salary and also bring it more in line with our Public servants who have to work for upwards of twenty five years to get a pension.
  • Blind (05/04/2023, 05:58) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    You need to be BLIND WITH PPL WIFE ...COME HERE TALKING S--T????????????
  • ccc (05/04/2023, 07:00) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Just because we not with his blue team
  • Forbidden Truth (05/04/2023, 12:25) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    We gotta be blind to the ways on mankind.

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