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‘We have to travel…people need to grow up’- Premier Wheatley

Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has defended himself against accusations that he travels too much. Photo: Facebook
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) referenced his recent trip to the Asia-Pacific region as a majority of business under the financial services sector comes from Asia. Photo: Government of the Virgin Islands
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) referenced his recent trip to the Asia-Pacific region as a majority of business under the financial services sector comes from Asia. Photo: Government of the Virgin Islands
FISH BAY, Tortola, VI- With his usual critics ready to pounce whenever members of the government have to travel for official business, Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has said travel is necessary as his government is working hard for the people of the Virgin Islands.

Speaking on The Big Story on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, host Cathy O. Richards asked the Premier, “There seems to be this concern of the Virgin Islands, some sections, I should say, are quite uneasy about how they see spending happening in the Territory. How do you address these concerns? It is felt that you are not a master at spending economically.”

Premier Wheatley replied that those concerns are “funny” as under his leadership with the Virgin Islands Party, the Virgin Islands (VI) has had the biggest budget, made more money, and had the most expenditure in its history.

I have taken the VI through a ‘very difficult period’- Premier Wheatley 

“We’ve had long-standing issues that have been unaddressed like our airport, and you know, we’ve been doing a number of things in the Territory which just really other persons have not addressed so persons will be able to judge at the end of the tenure what they think of my leadership,” he said. 

Defending spending decisions, Premier Wheatley said he has taken the VI through a very difficult period. 

“We’ve had of course hurricanes, we’ve had pandemics and of course, we’ve had political instability due to the Commission of Inquiry, and of course, we’ve been able to pilot the Territory and the Virgin Islands through that period,” he defended. 

Premier Wheatley questioned if those critics, while making these accusations, could walk a mile in his shoes. 

“Every day I work hard, Cathy, to make sure the Virgin Islands is a great place to live and to work. Yes we have a lot of challenges, we met these challenges here and all we can do is take them one challenge at a time and keep solving them which we’ve been doing,” he continued. 

Travel concerns are a ‘political tactic’- Premier Wheatley

Richards also confronted Premier Wheatley on concerns surrounding spending things such as travel as opposed to “grave concerns” such as hospitals and the National Health Insurance. 

“I think we do ourselves a disservice in the House of Assembly when we talk about travel because all we do is fool people, “ Premier Wheatley said, adding, “Every government travels…it was the same thing that happened when the National Democratic Party was in, you know whether Virgin Islands Party or whoever else would focus on travel and then we’d start to talk about the travelling minister, that’s been a technique going back as far as I can remember.”

Premier Wheatley said this tactic is neither new nor is it specific to him. 

Government ministers travelling is nothing new, the Premier added, saying travelling is a must. 

People need to grow up- Premier Wheatley

Premier Wheatley continued that travelling is also important to the Territory’s Financial Services sector. 

“Financial services account for sixty per cent of government revenue, that pays for our schools, the same hospital you talk about, pays for the infrastructure and the roads,” he said. 

He referenced his recent trip to the Asia-Pacific region in February 2025 asking, “Don’t you think it’s important for us?”

Premier Wheatley said the majority of the VI’s financial services business comes from Asia and so it is important that the government of the day ensures it remains strong and vibrant. “Persons prefer to play politics with things like travel,” he accused. 

The Premier said he is not at a party when he travels, as it is very tiring and gruelling and taxing on your body. 

“We’re working hard for the people of the Virgin Islands, and I make no bones about it, travel is needed, and people need to grow up and forget about those immature political tactics because that’s not going to help the people of the Virgin Islands,” Premier Wheatley chastised. 

16 Responses to “‘We have to travel…people need to grow up’- Premier Wheatley”

  • cay (12/03/2025, 08:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Gone the critics you will continue to out fox them
    • No need for first class flights or five star hotels (12/03/2025, 10:04) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
      Even the jet setting air-miles loving new minister for finance should be traveling in the back of the plane and staying in ordinary hotels!
  • Lb (12/03/2025, 08:35) Like (25) Dislike (0) Reply
    YOU took us through what? YOU personally and single handedly?? This power really getting to your head dread! YOU are a civil servant, so YOU didn’t do anything that deserves any praise or worship. WE did collectively, and mostly the private sector did on its own. You sure have an inflated impression of yourself in this role!
  • asking for a friend (12/03/2025, 09:03) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Which opposition members are in Jersey?
  • Wellsah (12/03/2025, 09:30) Like (14) Dislike (2) Reply
    bigger financial partnerships and deals has been done over wechat your backside just want to take unnecessary trips they don't need to see you in person
  • Senior native citizen of the British Virgin Islands (12/03/2025, 09:31) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
    In reference to our Hon. Premier speech, please bear with me a while. Thank you.

    'Travel is a political tactics. No, it isn't. It is necessary only when needed. What are an ambasador duties, Premier? Do you personally need to travel so often? No, you don't, but you do. For you it is tactical, but for us, it is cash not always spent wisely.

    "We are working hard for the people of the Virgin Islands,"
    Hard yes, but not very wise.Not all, some only.

    "People need to grow up - Premier Wheatley.
    He is partly right. Some people do need to grow up. He is one of the group.

    "Immature political tactics...

    He spoke of his own immature political tactics.

    I am not one that fuses about our government's needs to travel, but our citizens deserve a good report for overseas travel experience. That's only fair, Premier Natalio Sajuande Wheatley.

  • well meh boi (12/03/2025, 09:33) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well hear dis lil bwoy
  • sir (12/03/2025, 10:12) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    travelling is necessary but you must determine what is absolutely necessary for you to go,
  • NB (12/03/2025, 10:27) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Pupa Jesus, sometimes I does wake up good good you know, and then I does read things like this on the news. Not even a headline that says
    *Tax Threshold increased to $20,000
    *Vybes K concert cancelled. Funds will now be utilized to offset some expenses for medical supplies for hospital
    *Premier endeavors to limit travel expenses by flying Economy/stay in AirBnB/utilise Zoom calls
    *NHI review
    Or something like that...yuh know what I mean?
    I does can't wid this place and our 'leaders' sometimes...well sah
  • What ah waste ah time (12/03/2025, 10:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    He need to grow some balls
  • Anonymous (12/03/2025, 11:08) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    No big deal they all live high off the hog
  • yea right (12/03/2025, 11:28) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Travel is necessary but for years ayo traveling and don't implement one single thing. Every country in the Caribbean building new airport and seaport, proper roads and all yall doing is traveling to end up paying millions for the same thing ours counterparts pay much less for. So by all means travel but go Vincy and ask Ralph how he's doing. Go Antigua and ask Gaston how he's doing it. Yall rather just milage grab on our tax money and nothing to show
  • yeah (12/03/2025, 12:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    This the only thing I could agree on
  • resident (12/03/2025, 12:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    ever heard of zoom, teams and webex, you don't have to travel anymore to do meetings, you mr. premier need to stop spending our money going on trips that accomplish nothing for the territory
  • Mbviga (12/03/2025, 12:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    we need our own d.o.g.e in the bvi
  • Maturity (12/03/2025, 12:42) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Practice what you preach. Grow up yourself. You’re running the place into the ground. Step outside and look around you.

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