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‘We have sought to increase security @ Castle Maria’- Premier Wheatley

- following frequent occurrences of persons escaping the temporary Immigration detention facility @ McNamara
There have been several incidences of persons escaping the temporary Immigration detention facility at Castle Maria, some of whom were never recaptured. Photo:
Following frequent occurrences of persons escaping Immigration detention at Castle Maria in McNamara, Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), who is responsible for Immigration, has said moves are being made in tighten security at the makeshift detention facility. Photo: Facebook
Following frequent occurrences of persons escaping Immigration detention at Castle Maria in McNamara, Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), who is responsible for Immigration, has said moves are being made in tighten security at the makeshift detention facility. Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Following frequent occurrences of persons escaping Immigration detention at Castle Maria in McNamara, Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), who is responsible for Immigration, has said moves are being made to tighten security at the makeshift detention facility.

It was on August 22, 2022, that a Guyanese woman escaped from the Immigration Department’s temporary detention facility at Hotel Castle Maria but was subsequently recaptured following information received from a member of the public.

There have been several incidences before of persons escaping that facility, some of whom were never recaptured.

‘Certainly displeased’

“We have sought to increase security at Castle Maria. Of course, we are certainly displeased with persons escaping repeatedly from Castle Maria and so we have engaged the security and the establishment on measures that can be implemented to prevent that from taking place,” Premier Wheatley stated during a press conference on Friday, August 26, 2022.

The Premier also expressed gratitude to the member of the public who assisted with information that led to the recapture of the escaped person.

He also announced that his government is moving towards building a detention centre.

18 Responses to “‘We have sought to increase security @ Castle Maria’- Premier Wheatley”

  • ... (29/08/2022, 10:33) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    PURE TALK AGAIN FROM THIS MAN! Look at that list that came out security companies in the BVI making big money This matter is a joke
  • Concerned 1 (29/08/2022, 10:34) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is a easy fix, the security firm that is contracted to secure the detainees is responsible for providing a secure location for keeping these persons until the can be sent back to their countries of origin. Once the detainees are handed over to the firm , they are now totally responsible for their safety and security. If a detainee escapes, the firm has to pay a bond . If the detainee is recovered, the bond is then returned to the security firm
  • really!!!! (29/08/2022, 10:46) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
    This man can NOT be serious!!!!!!!!!! The Immigration Detention Center has no CALL being there!!!!!!!! The building is NOT designed for that purpose. It is a residential area. It is a HOTEL for Christ's sake. And a bad one at that. Do you know anything about these people you are holding there? All you know is they are there illegally. Do you know if they are rapists? Murderers? Pedophiles? On some countries wanted list? And ALWAYS escaping? Typical reactionary BVI government. You will wait until one of the escapees harms someone in the neighbourhood or somewhere else after they escape, or worse, one of the people living in McNamara takes matters in their own hands. Then what will you do? Say sorry and do something about it? JEEZ. Mr. Premier, is it EVERY day you continue to show us that you have no sense?
    • SHANICE (29/08/2022, 16:58) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      lord i eh want to laugh about your last words " have no sense" u are so very correct ,and i said the very same thing , this is a hotel , they pay for a room for them so they are free to move whenever they want , thank you
  • big show (29/08/2022, 11:08) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Would someone tell this fool to stop talking because every time he opens his mouth he spew bullshxxx like opening the ESHS in September and now he’s saying it was for the sake of Material and now they are here now I drive by there from time to time and I know those buildings will not be open this year so stop fooling the people Jackaxx
  • Real Macoy (29/08/2022, 11:24) Like (2) Dislike (6) Reply
    Give the premier a chance , everything takes time.
    Stop bashing the man. It takes lots of money to work a miracle.
    The government have their hands full at the moment with plenty of deadlines to meet.
    He came meet thigs as hey are, so he need time to change thigs in the right manner.
    • @Real (30/08/2022, 05:17) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      He came meet things as they are???? Holy smokes wasn't he there ALL THE TIME? In terms of the high school, wasn't he self the minister for education and goodness knows what else ALL THE TIME? In terms of immigration, wasn't he the Deputy Premier ALL THE TIME? I guess if he was sleeping for the last three years, then that would explain the comment that he just came and meet things there.
  • Crap (29/08/2022, 11:58) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    So gunmen running through the fire station with no security and you want to study security at castle maria for unarmed people what we have to feed??? Where is this government's priorities
  • Accurate Reporting (29/08/2022, 12:48) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ok Vino:

    "There have been several incidences before of persons escaping that facility, some of whom were never recaptured"

    How about you tell us taxpayers the following:

    1. How much have we spent in the last 12 months on security here
    2. How many people have escape in the last 12 months
    3. What provisions are in the contract with the security company to address such escapes?
    4. Are there any consequences to anyone other than the tax payers for these escapes?
    • Listen (29/08/2022, 15:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

      Agree. also i visit a client who is being held and trust and believe that place needs to be shut down. i wouldn't even let my dog sleep in that place 

  • Fritz (29/08/2022, 14:46) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    Why don’t you request the financial info from the government to see if the security company is being paid? Perhaps their contract has lapsed or the government is in default of contract for non-payment? Get all the facts before you report it and don’t be so quick to point the finger if you don’t have all the facts.
    • @fritz (30/08/2022, 09:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      why do we need to request the financial information from the government to see if the security company is being paid.

      let just say the government hire this security company and the government has not paid them yet, its the security company to pay their workers, so when ever they do get paid from the government that money is theirs. plus if the government is default of contract for non-payment why don't the security company just write a letter to the government and say my workers will not show up to work cause we are not getting paid. why show up to work and turn a blind eye for the person to run off. if you have a job and you going every day and when its time to pay and you don't get paid are you gonna still show up let me guest no right. and i do have facts someone these workers does be seen sitting under a tree just relaxing. these people are getting away from window why not check every 20 or 30 mins to see if the person or person still in the room by knocking and they have to answer.

      so fritz just know its not always about money some of these worker go to work but don't take it serious.
  • The Opposition never gets tired of (29/08/2022, 14:47) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    Opposing almost all of the current Premier plans. They are so negative-minded that can see no good on good.
    Beefing up security a Castle Maria temporary holding of elegal immigrants should be excepted by all, but the opposition members are stuck in their opposition mindset.
    The current Unity Government is far more valuable to us than a bunch of opposing want-to-be, mouth-talking, selfish-mindset opposers.
    • @opposing (30/08/2022, 05:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      If it smell like, look like, walk like, talk like nonsense, chances are IT IS. I do not think it is a matter of opposing for opposing sake, this time.
  • ????? (29/08/2022, 18:09) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    I agree that these Detainees( captured criminals/illegal Immigrants) should be housed behind barb wire fences. That hotel/guest house was not built or designed to facilitate such. The Government has to by-pass these friendship negotiations of past and think about the seriousness of present National Security Measures. What about utilising the Barge that was being paid for National Security Surveillance? Furthermore, put them on the next Plane Out! I am sure it will be cheaper than Housing them. Oh, I may sound inhumane, but I doubt it's worst than the Conditions they traveled to get here. #shuss
  • Motion (29/08/2022, 20:33) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Increasing security is not the issue the location is not a holding facility and u cant put rat to mind cheese. Someone is getting paid.
  • Not even reading comments (30/08/2022, 00:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    For this is foolishness I'm gonna call it like it is .sorry!
    Pure trash, build a proper building within 2 months and stop this craziness about implement measures. What is our problem mr. Premier, man this is disgusting and nuff to make one vex I call it down right stupidly. We finding money for everything else and we have a major problem on our hands. You can't fix it fast enough's it is better you all stop wasting time and effort in meeting when one can come up with these answers to try put a plaster on a huge wound. Man you all can do better all you just making the people of the territory upset. Wasting time and energy.

    Some body please tell the UK to send us a special task force to help us handle this type of wound in the Virgin Islands.

    Sickening sickening now. Governor you better get with the program and help the territory with this mess.

    The money you paying to house them can be put into that building.
    The VI have so many engineers you are going to tell me they cant put a proper detention center on paper in a week. You got to be kidding me. Make sure it has an area for catering food.just like the prison. You all joking
  • @ real maCoy (30/08/2022, 06:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    U just defending the game that is being played here / NEGLIGENCE is one thing INCOMPETENCE is another and COMMON SENSE speaks volume ???? ( ifsomething as simple as that is a PROBLEM < ???? > then how can you manage a country of 30 thousand people ❓ ???? ( that game is straight OUTA Hollywood

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