‘We have not closed any police stations’- CoP Collins

Mr Collins responded that he read last week about some concerns about the police station in Cane Garden Bay being closed.
CGB Police station ‘open every day of the week’- CoP Collins
He said it actually reminded him about when he went to Standing Finance [Committee] back in 2021, and a Minister held him to account for Cane Garden Bay Police Station not being open, and within a week it was open.
He said Cane Garden Bay is open every day of the week, Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, “or 9 to 5.”
Mr Collins said on occasions; however, the police station door is closed and the reason is because the officers are out walking in the community and “talking to people and engaging.”
“And I have this conversation regularly at community meetings, I could put a police officer behind a desk at the police station and leave him there for 8 hours. They will probably see three or four people asking for directions, asking for guidance.”
Mr Collins said he prefers to put an officer in the community where they can engage with 3 or 4 hundred people on a beach in Cane Garden Bay when the cruise ships are in “or things like that.”
He said there is a need for balance, to ensure the police are there when people need them.
Officers have to go to RT Police station to be briefed & debriefed!
“So we haven’t closed police stations. What I have done is, I have removed response officers to be briefed at their morning shifts, afternoon shifts, and night shifts at Road Town Police Station.
“So, they are all properly briefed and debriefed and they know about where the crime hotspots are and they know what the topic of the day is and where the resources need to go. They are then deployed across the territory.”
CoP Collins also said community policing continues to operate out of the East End, West End and Cane Garden Bay [police stations] on a full-time basis.

42 Responses to “‘We have not closed any police stations’- CoP Collins”
In town big sign POLICE HEADQUARTERS. On several occasions I observed tourists going to the police headquarters only to see it it locked!
The Commissioner is not doing a great job and is not being truthful. He is concern about drug burst and that's good but all Commissioners have done drug burst but this one is mainly interested in that for the wrong reasons. There is a man who is busy using that and quietly going through everyone's phone calls and accounts in bank to build a case to destroy the people to aid in the bigger plan the Governor and the UK have to try to take over using these hogh handed actions as justification. This man is dangerous.
You see,people treat you how you allow them to do.
Now if you can not have access to an office ( Police) twenty four hours ( 24hrs) a day consider it closed.
Mr Vernon Malone began opening up the Police force over 20 years ago and the moomoo come closing Police station at 5pm and the residence of East and West are just sitting there and having Mark Collins taking you all for FOOLS.
Come on people.
Where are the two DCPs and two Suprintendants. Come on. Stop being so selfish. Stop thinking about Rank and think some more about these Beautiful Virgin Islands.
Every time a Commissioner comes to the BVIs the Police Force goes 3 to 5 years backwards.
This is so because they Come with their own agenda and not with the interest of the force.
BVIs stand up or is it that,you all are for this because it gives the criminals even more time to do what they want.
Mark Collins,again any time a Police Station is not accesible 24 hrs consider it closed.
Are you as Commissioner and your senior management Team not interested in the time it takes to respond to an incident.
So,are you looking at the People of the BVIS and telling them,, that it will take the same time from Road Town to Carrot Bay as it would take from ftom West End Police Station to Carrot Bay so hence there is no need to have officers there 24/7.
Come on People. Stop putting your heads in the sand like ostrics. Too late shall be your cry.
These men are here to have a good time. This is your home. So please take care of it.
This guy comes and serves up tales on a plate as to why the station can not be opened 24/7, why we can not operate police stations as residents and locals wish? We slurp it down. Up to yet the governor can give no reason or assurance to the public on the progress of assenting a cannabis bill. We slurp it down.
How can we have police stations open 24/7 for the people when these UK installed authorities are busy oppressing the people to their liking.... their goal does not align with actual community protection as prohibition actively creates criminals!
Continued lunacy why 300+ police can not man a station for public walk in contact 24/7 when a store with 8 employees can do it. For some of them its a job and vacation before retiring, a stepping stone to their next civil appointment.