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'We have capacity to vaccinate @ least 9000 more people'- Premier Fahie

- but said supplies on hand have fast approaching expiration dates
8,519 people in the Virgin Islands population of just over 30,000, have had the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine as of April 7, 2021. This represents just 28 per cent of the population. Photo: Internet Source/File
Premier and Minister of Finance Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) said the Virgin Islands has the capacity to vaccinate at least 9000 more people. Photo: Facebook
Premier and Minister of Finance Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) said the Virgin Islands has the capacity to vaccinate at least 9000 more people. Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- “We have the capacity to vaccinate at least 9000 more people. I repeat, we have the capacity to vaccinate at least 9000 more people,” Premier and Minister of Finance Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) stated as he made an appeal to the territory to get vaccinated for the sake of its health and economy.

The Government had hoped to have at least 80% of the population vaccinated to achieve herd immunity ahead of fully reopening its economy; however, there has been a reluctance to taking the vaccines, particularly from the local population.

Only 28% of VI received 1st dose of vaccine

8,519 people in the Virgin Islands population of just over 30,000, have had the first dose of the vaccine as of April 7, 2021.

“…and according to health officials, there have been no reports of any significant adverse effects to those persons,” Premier Fahie said in a COVID-19 update on April 8, 2021.

He also noted that each supply of vaccines currently on hand has ‘fast approaching’ expiration dates.

‘We will continue to educate’

“We will continue to educate, and inform the public of the benefits and advantages of being vaccinated. Our lives, our health and our economy depend on what we all do. What we will not do, is allow our supply of vaccines to expire awaiting the decisions of some of the public.

“In this regard, a decision will have to be made whether or not the volume of vaccines that is at risk of being expired would have to be returned to the United Kingdom and/or Dominica.”

The Premier also noted that Government’s “proactive steps” in securing vaccines from COVAX in 2020 would have to be heavily weighed, “in that: do we want it or not? If it is that we do it will work out well, but if it is that we do not want them it would result in wasted resources.”

Meanwhile, Hon Fahie, speaking on the ‘ZOEJ SAYS’ talk show on Saturday, April 10, 2021, indicated that whether the territory is 80% vaccinated or not, the VI will fully re-open in June 2021, given his government has done all it could to balance lives and livelihoods as well as to encourage vaccination.

32 Responses to “'We have capacity to vaccinate @ least 9000 more people'- Premier Fahie”

  • Poll (11/04/2021, 11:37) Like (23) Dislike (3) Reply
    Again I’ll ask, those who had coronavirus, what did the doctors give you to recover to get a negative test result?
    • Rubber Duck (11/04/2021, 12:02) Like (7) Dislike (18) Reply
      We have had 178 cases, 19 unresolved and 1 death. If after we open up Covid spreads into the 20,000 unvaccinated, then based on the percentages of those figures we can expect approximately 125 deaths.
      • god is watching (11/04/2021, 12:18) Like (21) Dislike (18) Reply
        @Rubber Duck I rebuke you in the name of Jesus because ducks like you who have vaccinated can still get the virus and spread it! Please stop! It is not a cure, it is not safe. We the unvaccinated are in a healthier position than you 8,000 + who have so foolishly taken it. How is it that we need the vaccine to open up the economy? Does that make sense? The very WHO said they are not sure if the vaccine can protect or stop persons from spreading the virus. The world is operating under FEAR! Instead of trusting God who owns the cattle on a thousand hills and to whom the wealth of the world belongs! Continue to be fooled! Time will tell when that vaccine goes through y'all body!!
        • island man (11/04/2021, 14:19) Like (14) Dislike (8) Reply
          @god is watching you a fool. you really feel God don't want you to take the vaccine? Have you also taken the time to see how they make vaccines? The vaccines are NOT made from the virus.. if you don't want it don't take it but keep ur moth shut and don't try to discourage anyone
        • Rubber Duck (11/04/2021, 19:45) Like (24) Dislike (5) Reply
          The vaccine prevents you from catching the disease and also prevents you from spreading it. What else do think the point of it is? And Jesus did nothing for the 3 million it has killed so far. It’s your funeral.
          • @rubber duck (12/04/2021, 08:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
            The Lord Knows What He Is Doing And What He Have Planned!!! Only His People Would Be Saved The Rest Will Stay To Suffef And Burn In Hell...Cause He Shall Return With "FIRE" where no man shall hide!!! Serious Punishment!!!
          • Lucifer (12/04/2021, 08:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
            Maybe it was Jesus that gave those 3 million a fast track pass to heaven?
      • @ Rubber Ducky (11/04/2021, 13:52) Like (16) Dislike (10) Reply
        Fearmongering as usual!
        • Rubber Duck (11/04/2021, 19:47) Like (5) Dislike (7) Reply
          I tell you the facts. If you are afraid of the facts then that is good because you should be.
      • Wellsah (11/04/2021, 18:12) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
        @Rubber duck. It looks like when common sense and reality check was sharing out you Duck under a thick layer of Rubber.
    • @ poll (11/04/2021, 12:27) Like (1) Dislike (7) Reply
      They were given your mother stale food
    • STOP THE COVID HARASSMENT (11/04/2021, 23:49) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
      People continue to ignore the harassers who obsessively are under your posts, the Community Boards, etc trying to tell you what’s a minor risk with blood clots just take the vaccine with their bull.

      They won’t miss you if you ended up getting a blood clot and worse case happen, they don’t pay your medical bills.

      Stop entertaining people who could care less about you and are only selfishly pushing their views on others.

      CDC already said certain people are at risk including women and young children so consult with a doctor to determine whether or not you should and as for the foolish comments about our doctors saying it’s okay, THEY ARE NOT CDC OR VIROLOGISTS AND TIRED GIVE WRONG MEDICATION PLUS IT IS STILL YOUR CHOICE.

      No-one can sue the vaccine companies for 4 years...ASK YOURSELVES WHY
  • Employers & Employees (11/04/2021, 12:00) Like (6) Dislike (14) Reply
    Employers and employees need to figure out this vaccine issue, Employers do whats best for their business health and progress, Employees do whats best for they and their family health and progress....I took my shot because the boss encourage me to take it, help keep the office safe....So, Mr. Premier leave the vaccine issue for Emoyers and employees to figure out.... When an unvaccinated staff come in contact with a positive person and contact tracing demands their work place shut down...hmmm.
    • Peaches (11/04/2021, 12:20) Like (45) Dislike (7) Reply
      SMH!! You and your employer are so ignorant! You can STILL get the virus and SPREAD it!! That is what they say! Stop talking as if y'all vaccinated going to be so safe and immune from the virus! Silly sheep being led to the slaughter!
      • Wrong (11/04/2021, 16:22) Like (8) Dislike (10) Reply
        actually the vaccine protects 100% from dying from Covid-19 now thats a FACT. Now why don't you tell the 3 million lives lost not to bother taking the vaccine.....
        • Wrong (12/04/2021, 08:47) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
          You people take vaccine when you was a child and still get sick so wa so different about this other man made vaccine?? There are not preventing anything...Stop Being Fool..Never Got Vaccinated In My Life And You Guys Who Got Vaccinated Get Sick So Often This Is Crazy Fr...Not even Funny!!!
      • 007 (11/04/2021, 19:51) Like (11) Dislike (5) Reply
        How dumb are you? The vaccine massively reduces the chance of catching and spreading the disease.

        And if you did catch it it is isn’t serious.
      • Doctor No (11/04/2021, 20:08) Like (6) Dislike (28) Reply
        Why then as the vaccine is given to over half the UK population have deaths gone from 1800 in a day to yesterday’s 7?

        Why have infection numbers gone from 60,000 a day to 1700 a day?

    • Hush. (11/04/2021, 13:47) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      You trying to stir up something .
  • 007 (11/04/2021, 12:08) Like (4) Dislike (5) Reply
    Worth noting for after we open

    An Oxford University study has confirmed the remarkable effectiveness of common asthma treatment Budesonide for treating COVID-19, reducing the risk of serious disease by 90% if taken at an early stage.
  • Peaches (11/04/2021, 12:11) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Andrew you saying this so candidly. I only hope...
  • premier (11/04/2021, 13:22) Like (10) Dislike (9) Reply
    Let Us Put Our Faith In GOD And Not Just A Man Made Vaccine..You Guys In High Position Don't Care About Anyone..Doing All Of This Just For The Love Of Money..You Guys Crazy..One Life To Live And Making The Right Decision To A Longer Life Is Putting Your HEALTH OVER WEALTH!!!! You Guys Worry About Money Too Much But It Is Time You Guys Find Time To Serve GOD Acknowledge Him And Stop Getting Caught Up With The Devil Works...No One Can Save Your Life Not Even The Vaccine..You Need The Creator In Order To Be Here On This Earth..Disrespecting GOD In So Many Ways..What Done In The Dark Must Come To Light..Where No Man Shall Run Or Hide..Choose Your Path Carefully..My GOD Is Powerful!!!
    • mr premier (11/04/2021, 16:12) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
      Dont be intemidated or dictated by outside forces.. U said u opening in June make it hppen...Some these other countries will try to pressure you to become oppressive like them...
    • 007 (11/04/2021, 19:54) Like (2) Dislike (6) Reply
      God didn’t save the 3 million who have died of it. And if you catch it you will be running crying to the doctor not to your pastor.
  • west (11/04/2021, 19:20) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Okay, Ralph Conzales! We will obey master!!
  • unvaccinated (11/04/2021, 23:41) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
    We are not voting for any one who is vaccinated
    • Be Observant (12/04/2021, 09:26) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      The same way bill gates don't care about anyone and his own family deny taking the vaccine and they want other people to take it when them knowing his intention is to depopulate the entire world..all of it is a whole system where these governments get caught up in it and follow the same footsteps because they love money so they going run after it n if they don't do it they can not be sitting in no high position...Remember it must have a head master to send out his people to do a certain task/job...and for the mission to get completed they will come up with plans to target the human mind because once that is accomplish they will have full control in telling you what to do n what's not...where we have seen already happening n more to come...
  • options (12/04/2021, 09:02) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    how can he say he did all he could!! why we cant we be offered other options of vaccine? maybe then more of the population will be vaccinated.
    • @options (12/04/2021, 16:18) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Better off you make ypur own trust yourself or mankind???
  • Responsible (12/04/2021, 09:20) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Mr.Premier stop trying to save everybody. Regardless of what you do and how you do it we are going to say you wrong. Just cannot please ungreatful people. Let every body be responsible for their Covid safety. You have triied you respect life but you cannot save everybody let everybody take on being responsible for themselves. you have shown a lot of campassio. Look how we were treated after 2017 hurricanes. Our Givernment then went missing in action and now have the nerve to be criticising this Government. They want us forget the cindition the staff and children of ESHS had to endure. The education Minister did not even visit the school. We were sold items that were donated and intended for free distribution. A lot of us would be dead if we had another set of people in Government. I have nothing to profit regardless to who is in government, I am just tellinhg it like it is
  • Just Open up (13/04/2021, 08:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    These vaccine naysayers are not paying my bills so if God is going to protect them - despite giving them the tools to protect themselves then let's just open 1 May to all vaccinated people. I am literally about to lose my house due to jackasses like this.

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