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'We don’t want to give up our birthrights for a bowl of soup'- Premier Fahie

- Fires back @ Governor Jaspert over slow recovery claims
Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) has fired back at claims that the recovery of the Virgin Islands (VI) post-Irma and Maria of 2017 is moving too slow as insinuated by Governor of the VI, H.E. Augustus J. U. Jaspert during a recent meeting with the Press. Photo: VINO/File
First announced under the Dr D. Orlando Smith, National Democratic Party (NDP) government, the United Kingdom (UK) through a recovery and reconstruction package for the Virgin Islands (VI) had promised up to £300 million in loan guarantees and £10 million in grants to support the Territory's recovery after Hurricanes Irma and Maria of 2017. Photo: GIS/File
First announced under the Dr D. Orlando Smith, National Democratic Party (NDP) government, the United Kingdom (UK) through a recovery and reconstruction package for the Virgin Islands (VI) had promised up to £300 million in loan guarantees and £10 million in grants to support the Territory's recovery after Hurricanes Irma and Maria of 2017. Photo: GIS/File
BAUGHERS BAY, Tortola, VI – Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) has fired back at claims that the recovery of the Virgin Islands (VI) post-Irma and Maria of 2017 is moving too slow as insinuated by Governor of the VI, H.E. Augustus J. U. Jaspert during a recent meeting press conference.

“We continue our recovery process. There are those who think that we should be moving much faster because we have access to £300M, but that’s misleading the people,” Premier Fahie said on the Tuesday, February 4, 2020, edition of the ‘Honestly Speaking’ radio show on ZBVI 780 AM.

‘Speed up recovery’ – Gov Jaspert

Governor Jaspert at a February 3, 2020, press conference dubbed 'Catch up with Governor Jaspert' told the press that while 2020 was forecasted to be a challenging year, the Territory should seize its opportunities and get on with its recovery process.

"It’s a challenging year but also a year full of opportunities. For me, I think we need to make sure that we seize those opportunities. We have a recovery and development that I believe needs to increase the pace and we have the opportunity to do that," the Governor said.

But according to Premier Fahie, the conditions of a UK £300M Loan Guarantee which represents an opportunity for the recovery process is too vague and could mean sacrificing great rights in exchange for the funding.

We will take our time’ – Premier Fahie

“We have access to it but there are conditions that are being put on us where we are saying that we agree with most of the conditions… but we don’t want to give up our birthrights for a bowl of soup,” Hon Fahie said.

The Leader of Government Business continued, “We prefer to take our time and continue to recover how we are going and find ways to get the money and then to sign on documents where we are saying that the Territory will no longer belong to us?”

Premier Fahie underscored that while the Territory has always welcomed the UK Loan Guarantee for recovery and development, vague terms such as "other mechanisms" and "conditions" in the loan guarantee document must be well defined.

Loan Guarantee terms must be defined – Premier Fahie 

“Other mechanisms could mean that the public service has to be cut, we don’t know… because that is not defined,” he said while giving more examples of how a vague contract could take away power from the governing administration regarding managing the affairs of the Territory.

“In this day and era where we are all mature educational wise, politically wise, it cannot be persons talking to us, or we talking to them, it has to be that we are talking to each other,” the Premier underscored.

23 Responses to “'We don’t want to give up our birthrights for a bowl of soup'- Premier Fahie”

  • wow (05/02/2020, 11:37) Like (63) Dislike (27) Reply

    This governor wants us to go back in slavery? but press on Premier we with you!

  • RealTalk (05/02/2020, 12:38) Like (38) Dislike (8) Reply
    go bro be your brother keeper dont take thr bowl of soup over your birth right the bvi is growing back good one day at a time sweet jah
  • trrefdrfds (05/02/2020, 12:54) Like (24) Dislike (2) Reply
    The Public Service NEEEEEDS to be cut so I don't know what foolishness he is talking. As each year passes we grow closer and closer to total collapse. You have a $400mil budget and it costs $300mil just to run Government. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what is going to happen if it continues.
    • FEO GOMEZ (05/02/2020, 13:47) Like (2) Dislike (5) Reply
      SO take the bowl of soup then. Chiiiit you must be white or Stephen from Django
  • Yep (05/02/2020, 13:38) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    I believe we still cannot access the CDB loan ? Why is that still ?
  • Ghost (05/02/2020, 13:42) Like (8) Dislike (9) Reply
    I am with you Premier Fahie.. Thank God you’re not an “educated” make sure you read and understand every single word and make sure your I’s are dotted and your Ts are crossed inclusive of the “fine” print.. don’t let the UK or anyone pull any wool over your eyes.. you keep pressing on.. our country will get back one day.. everything takes time and diligent effort. You keep praying and asking God to guide you and your team and stay on the straight and narrow path.
  • trrefdrfds (05/02/2020, 14:13) Like (1) Dislike (8) Reply
    We should not give up our birthrights for a bowl of soup. What a significant statement. If only people realize what that birthright is!!! We know some don't care and others don't know.
  • rewrsdffds (05/02/2020, 14:25) Like (42) Dislike (1) Reply
    No he doesn't, our own is what wants us in slavery. They only think and care about themselves. Talking about giving up this and that, while the country look like shit. we can accept help and still keep stuff in place... all over the world is build up by other countries etc... if we don't stop with our small minded crap, things won't get any better, it will continue to go down hill, Our little place cant get decent roads, the place look so nasty. Other countries that ya'll consider "down island" look way better than us. Our own is what keeping us down, while they fill their pockets and helping who they want cause who they for.
    • FEO GOMEZ (06/02/2020, 00:52) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      What is scary is the influential people sons of the soil families with names on buildings all over town got the beginning of their wealth under colonialism. They will SELL OUT THE ENTIRE BVI ASLONG AS THE SAXONS PROMISE TOO MAINTAIN THEIR FAMILY FINANCIAL POSITION. These people aren’t expensive they are cheap whores. Can’t stand seeing their OWN in control feel comfortable under control of the most sinister beings ever to manifest; the scourge of the Earth.
  • 2 grand (05/02/2020, 14:44) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Maybe bowl of soup too cheap watery no substance pahaps the judas contract with thirty pieces of gold might be more fitting. My opinion throw me under the bus. Oh by the way many there already
  • Quiet Rebel (05/02/2020, 16:08) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    In the past, perhaps the Premier was too hasty in his decision making. He was trying too hard to please/impress too many people at once. Consequently, he rush too many decisions with his purported unconventional style. The VIP was given an 8-5 mandate to lead the country on 25 February 2019 so he had a small window/small honeymoon to plan, organize, direct.....etc things. This honeymoon give him the opportunity to effectively review policies and their consequences, especially the unintended consequences. Well intended policies have unintended consequences. Truth be told he rushed some decisions that may haunt him for sometime.

    Moreover, yes, in September 2017, monster hurricanes Irma and Maria, two cat 5 storms, devastated the VI to the tune of an estimated $3.6B in damages and the territory needs to be rebuilt. The territory needs to be rebuilt with resiliency, not just in like kind. The territory does not have the resources in reserve to directly fund the recovery and needs to borrow money at a fair and reasonable rate to fund the recovery.

    Further, the terms and conditions of any borrowed money must be a win-win for the BVI. It is a wise decision by the Premier to take the time needed to get favorable terms than to rush desperately into an agreement that may not be in the best interest of the VI and its people. The UK offered to co-sign or guarantee a £300M loan for the territory but it comes with some terms and conditions. Terms and conditions that the Premier is rightly taking his time to scour with a fine teeth Ace comb(Premier’s growth is encouraging). Just in case we forget, the UK is not giving us a £300M(~$400M) grant, for they are just co-signing the loan(French and Dutch may be taking a different approach for their territories that were also hit by the same hurricanes). The $400M co-sign loan has to be paid back by VI taxpayers long after Governor Jaspert leaves the territory and to punch his next career tickets. I’m on board with Premier on this one, for we cannot sell our birthright for a bowl of soup (well at least it is not a bowl porridge). Seems like the Guv is lukewarm about the VIP and digs at it every chance that comes around.
  • two cents (05/02/2020, 19:14) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply

    We need the U.K. guarantee. If he seriously thought that we could succeed in the recovery (properly and not slap dash) he would have walked away from it. But he continues to negotiate. We need it and he knows
    that! The BVI cannot get major financing on its own accord. Our dismal track record speaks for itself in terms of how projects have been run, how money has been wasted, thrown away on non starter on “investments” how no audited accounts have been produced by govt for years on end. He can stay there saying we will take our time and rebuild bit by bit but in the meantime the world will pass is by. Everyone around is making serious strides and we are just there.

  • Stand your ground (05/02/2020, 20:05) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
    Tell the governor go to hell we not for sale
    • rewrsdffds (08/02/2020, 11:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      No problem. The UK doesn't have any need to help. It can save its money and spend it on properly audited accountable projects in the UK. Meanwhile we will continue with our crabs in a barrel attitude and the place will sink further into self imposed poverty.
  • josiah'sbay (05/02/2020, 20:53) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    What the VI need is to seriously pursue self determination. Inject a system of serious checks and balances. Find an implement new revenue sources. Here are some proposal for different revenue streams:
    1) Lottery
    2) Recreational and medicinal marijuana
    3) Sport Betting
    4) Allow districts to raise revenue and share it with government
    5) Gambling
    All have been talked about but no serious effort has been made to implement any. The biggest impediment to progress is not trying.
  • Tom Jones Penn (05/02/2020, 22:00) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Sick n tired of the baseless and useless quotes.
  • ndp (05/02/2020, 22:26) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
  • Clear view (06/02/2020, 04:19) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
    I don’t believe this Jespert man is a racist
  • Liberty (06/02/2020, 07:39) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Born here, and not from here, how strange
  • lord o. (06/02/2020, 07:51) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Mr Premier the BVI progress and prosperity is bigger than your ego and much more important...The BVI need the RDA to start working. Put the money in. Get the BVI moving....We all know you are the leader. We all respect you as the leader need to flex your muscles.. Do the right thing for the BVI. Sad to say. I'm in agreement with the Governor on this one.

  • Local (06/02/2020, 11:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    We ant hungry take your time we doing ok right now.
    • Also local (08/02/2020, 11:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

      You may be doin ok but The country look like s**t an plenty people hungry. This talk of slavery is insulting to our ansesters. ppl have no idea what slavery is. How many slaves you reckon got lent $300 million and GIVEN $10 million plus trucks, supplies and all manner of stuff for free?

  • Can someone explain (09/02/2020, 09:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    What is the real purpose of the governor to stay on fb all day and neglect what is right for our people sad people

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