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‘We can only observe & give recommendations’- Elections Observer Mission

- said it will not interfere with the elections process in any way
Some members of the Elections Observer Mission (EOM). From left: Legal/Political Analyst Anne Marlborough; Head of Mission Hon Fatoumatta Njai NAM; Election Observation Lead, CPA BIMR Fleur ten Hacken; and Mission Coordinator, CPA BIMR Matthew Hamilton. Photo: Facebook
The team of election observers is being led by Head of Mission Honourable Fatoumatta Njai NAM, who is a Member of Parliament (MP) from the Republic of Gambia. Photo: Facebook
The team of election observers is being led by Head of Mission Honourable Fatoumatta Njai NAM, who is a Member of Parliament (MP) from the Republic of Gambia. Photo: Facebook
Election Observation Lead, CPA BIMR Fleur ten Hacken said the team will be meeting with key election stakeholders and a wide range of representatives, including civil society and will also attend election related events. Photo: Facebook
Election Observation Lead, CPA BIMR Fleur ten Hacken said the team will be meeting with key election stakeholders and a wide range of representatives, including civil society and will also attend election related events. Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- A team from the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) British Islands and Mediterranean Region (BIMR) Elections Observation Mission has arrived in the [British] Virgin Islands (VI) to observe the elections process.

The mission is an independent team of 8 international observers and comprises parliamentarians, officials and analysts.

Speaking at a press conference that marked the official opening of the Observer Mission, today April 18, 2023, members of the team said the Elections Observer Mission (EOM) is here to only observe and make recommendations and will not interfere with the elections process.

The team is being led by Head of Mission Honourable Fatoumatta Njai NAM, who is a Member of Parliament (MP) from the Republic of Gambia.

Njai emphasised that the organisation seeks to promote knowledge and understanding of constitutional, legislative, economical and social aspects of parliamentary democracy.

She said the team was invited by His Excellency Governor John J. Rankin CMG and the visit agreed upon by Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) and the Opposition Leader to observe the elections on Polling Day, April 24, 2023, as well as advanced Polling Day, April 20, 2023.

‘We are impartial’

Njai explained that this is the fourth time that a team from the organisation has been invited to observe and it has organised short-term election observation missions across 6 United Kingdom (UK) overseas territories since 2011.

She said they will also be joined by 3 short-term observers over the weekend to observe the proceedings on Polling Day.

“We should also bear in mind that we are impartial, we can only recommend and it is up to the people of the Virgin Islands to do the implementations. We cannot force them, we cannot impose on them. We can only observe and give our recommendations,” Njai emphasised.

This was also reemphasised by team member Anne Marlborough.

“We’re here to observe the election, we’re not here to participate in the process itself in any way. Our role is a passive one, we won’t be interfering with the process at all in any way. We have a consolidated methodology that governs our work…and we abide by the declaration of principles for international election observation. The CPA BIMR is a signatory, a party to this declaration of principles observed by election observers around the world,” she said.

Focus will be on ‘quality of election’- Anne Marlborough

Marlborough added that the team will act impartially, professionally and with integrity and will look at the legitimacy, inclusivity, transparency and credibility of the elections.

“It’s important to stress that our role isn’t one of assessment or comment about the politics, about the political outcome of this election. Instead, what we focus on is the quality of the election, the operational modalities of the election. We’re really looking at the conformity of the electoral process with the domestic and international frameworks that govern the elections here in the British Virgin Islands…We also look broadly at the legal and political context for the elections,” she added.

Additionally, team member Fleur Ten Hacken said the team will be meeting with key election stakeholders and a wide range of representatives, including civil society and will also attend election-related events.

She added that the preliminary findings will be shared just after election day and the final report published within 2 months of election day.

This, she explained, will also include recommendations on how the process can be improved.

She noted that the team has had the opportunity to interact with stakeholders prior to arrival and will continue during the visit.

14 Responses to “‘We can only observe & give recommendations’- Elections Observer Mission”

  • 2023 (19/04/2023, 07:02) Like (10) Dislike (7) Reply
    Bob Marley sang a song which speaks about political strategy: Great Britain came back to the territory and every thing we do is wrong

    The same Great Britain had our people in chains and beat them to death and that was alright: our people work to their death on those plantations

    When slavery was no longer financially profitable to England they left the Virgin Islands and our people went from salves to what you see today

    • SugarCharles (19/04/2023, 07:12) Like (4) Dislike (8) Reply
      Our people don't acknowledge our history. They still want to be on the plantation taking orders from Massah in big white house. If we do not get up and shrug off this King sugar pain, we shall be doomed to repeat our history again. Wake up, Virgin Islanders and stop this White Supremacy Msntality in the VI.
    • Common Sense (19/04/2023, 07:27) Like (19) Dislike (9) Reply
      The slaves have been dead for almost 200 years as have the people that enslaved them, the world has moved on since then, but, you clearly haven’t.
      • Josiahsbay (19/04/2023, 08:25) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
        You dear sir clearly don't understand the present connection to the colonial past. They are the final arbiters in our constitution and they assent to our laws. What part of that has moved on from the colonial past? A simple observation will tell you that we are still colonized.
      • Common Sense (19/04/2023, 13:10) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
        The BVI being a British territory has nothing to do with slavery, now, if you are complaining because you want independence, that also has nothing to do with slavery, Taiwan, Scotland, Catalonia and numerous other areas talk of independence, there’s no slavery issue involved there. If the BVI asked the UK for Independence it would be granted the same day, so, what’s your problem.
      • 2023 (19/04/2023, 15:29) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
        @ common sense: only a fool forgets their history: common sense truly is not common!!!

        Marcus Messiah Garvey; Once said Black Man will never know himself until he back against the wall

        Some wants to sweep those days of the whips and the chains under the rug while out in the hot sun cutting the sugar cane and picking the cotton

        • Common Sense (19/04/2023, 16:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          You know there literally millions of very successful black people around the world, as an example Obama and the NFL football league. You never here these people complaining about slavery, what does that tell you ??
    • Question. (19/04/2023, 07:56) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
      How are they going to get pay. Who is pay them? ..Usually they take instructions and is more loyal to who is paying them..
  • @2023 (19/04/2023, 08:00) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    So what is your point? Bob Marley also sang about "emancipating ones self from mental slavery" Why are we still binding our selves in mental chains in 2023? Remember as Bob said "none but ourselves could free our mind"
  • Reality check (19/04/2023, 08:28) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Oops, there goes the "white envelopes"!!!
  • resident (19/04/2023, 09:14) Like (7) Dislike (3) Reply
    It's very good we have independent, qualified overseas observers to give us confidence in how the elections are run. Thank you, Governor, for inviting them.
  • FREE VACATION TRIP (19/04/2023, 09:41) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
  • VOTER6BVI (19/04/2023, 11:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • smh (19/04/2023, 18:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Jah guide the people, enlightenment individuals to vote their conscience base on whom is truly designed to accomplish tasks for the betterment of Our Territory. Let the People let go of bias and personal grudges and vote accordingly. People remember that it is not what your Party Affiliation or Personal attachments are but WHO actually will get the Job done by working in Unison and Peace with the House of Assembly and The People. Some of you all already know that voting Party Line doesn't or didn't make a difference in your struggles.

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