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‘We are under direct British rule right now’- Hon Vanterpool

- said if the public is fine with that he has no problem but he will not stand for it
Backbencher in the National Unity Government Honourable Mark H. Vanterpool (R4) is convinced the Virgin Islands is under direct rule from Britain. Photo: YouTube
Governor John J. Rankin, CMG. According to the veteran legislator, Hon Mark H. Vanterpool, if the Governor isn’t satisfied with anything that Cabinet or the House of Assembly (HoA) does he has a right to institute direct rule right away without even asking anyone. Photo: GIS/File
Governor John J. Rankin, CMG. According to the veteran legislator, Hon Mark H. Vanterpool, if the Governor isn’t satisfied with anything that Cabinet or the House of Assembly (HoA) does he has a right to institute direct rule right away without even asking anyone. Photo: GIS/File
DUFF'S BOTTOM, Tortola, VI- Although the United Kingdom (UK) opted against suspending the [British] Virgin Islands Constitution and imposing direct rule as recommended in the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) Report, many believe that the UK is still enjoying a form of direct rule.

This is also the strong opinion of backbencher in the National Unity Government of Premier Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), Honourable Mark H. Vanterpool (R4).

“They say we are not under British rule but we are under direct British rule right now, I don’t care what anybody tell me,” Hon Vanterpool stated during the debate of the motion to withdraw the controversial Register of Interests Act, 2022, during the Fourth Sitting of the Fourth Session of the Fourth House of Assembly (HoA) at Save the Seed Energy Centre in Duff's Bottom, Tortola on July 14, 2022.

The Governor ‘run things’- Hon Vanterpool

According to the veteran legislator, if the Governor isn’t satisfied with anything that Cabinet or the House of Assembly (HoA) does he has a right to institute direct rule right away without even asking anyone.

“I think I went to school, not the brightest school maybe, but I went to school. I can read and write.

“That says that he’s in charge, he run things. The public needs to know that and if the public likes it fine but I will not stand and take it like that, we have to speak up,” Hon Vanterpool stated.

UK bullying VI?

Many have argued that the Order in Council on reserve to suspend the local constitution and impose direct rule if the UK is not satisfied with the progress of the implementation of the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) Report, is like holding a gun to one’s head.

This has been termed as “bullying” and a total disrespect of the democratic rights of the Virgin Islands people.

“This thing about having a gun to our heads and then we going to talk about a constitutional review with a gun to our head?” Hon Vanterpool questioned.

He also called for the CoI report to be debated in the House of Assembly (HoA) for the purpose of transparency and democracy.

36 Responses to “‘We are under direct British rule right now’- Hon Vanterpool”

  • trevor (15/07/2022, 08:25) Like (58) Dislike (14) Reply
    This dude is a big reason we had the COI, why we do not trust the politicians now.
    • Rubber Duck (16/07/2022, 05:14) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      Not yet Mark, but if you continue on your present road and refuse to pass the Register of Interests Bill you soon will be.

      At that point investigations into past events will be stepped up.

      And who wants that?

    • controversial (20/07/2022, 10:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      who to blame.......we all to blame

      uk aint study us for years only when something wrong
      dem aint give we no money, no help... only when hurricane come
      politicians fool us off even lavity... dem incompetent or no vision
      foy boy the worse, calling for coi while he running drugs
      he is now on long term vacation in miami
      but we vi ppl dem need a cut in idiots and a drug man
      but we quiet while we get bullbud up our behind
      after 70 years of we own rule wha we get

      old premier in jail for drugs
      new premier should be in jail for he have no balls
      direct uk rule without constution suspended
      get rid of vip gov...but bring in disUnity gov... with idiot as we Premier
      gov minsters and dem crook frends getting investigated for shady deals
      no solar elec...bviec raping we with them prices...going on bout cost of oil
      everything the gov do bout coi but forgetting we the vi ppl
      we talk bout who is from the vi and not from vi but aint seeing we might soon not have a vi
      last 2 premiers want to talk bout independence but cant even move out of dem mother house
      vi ppl ayo better wake up and find somebody who can lead us out of dis mess
  • full circle (15/07/2022, 08:27) Like (20) Dislike (6) Reply
    When vino wrote about this three weeks ago a lot of people got mad now they heard it from mark
  • The artful Dodger (15/07/2022, 08:33) Like (29) Dislike (6) Reply
    HOA still picking the publics pocket while attempting to distract.
  • Ooohhh. Boiii (15/07/2022, 08:36) Like (41) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mark is right about the Political Climate ; but Mark have to take some of the BLAME as to why we are where we are now. All of them “ politicians” got Swell headed and did what they wanted to do ; and DID NOT do what they didn’t want to do . They created a complete unleveled field in SOO many businesses and made “ poor people “ POORER . He personally helped by offering “ sales” at his super market BUT at no lost to him —- just reduced profit ..In terms of the BVI PUBLIC infrastructure——. We all know NO MEANINGFUL effort was made as ALL roads are a mess and Road Town is still full of Shit !
    In simple terms /words OUR LEADERS FAILED US , and I think it was/ is because of SELFISH gains —-and “ kick backs”. Explain the salaries paid to these “ consultants “

    Need some feed back —- be it pro. or. con
  • Really (15/07/2022, 08:44) Like (33) Dislike (6) Reply
    We were under all you dirty politicians whip all the time
  • think (15/07/2022, 09:01) Like (8) Dislike (14) Reply
    This might be what Slowande and his brother negotiated for. Nobody knows the discussions that were had behind closed doors. Many citizens have not seen the document that was put forward to avoid direct rule which is exactly what they have. All these smart Virgin Islanders and it took so long to realise what has really happened. Lawd, we have to be smarter. We were played. Sowande got to be a puppet and the governor the master. You all take that. He got the title and we got direct / indirect rule.
    • Really? (15/07/2022, 10:05) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
      @ think. Really? All of our Premiers were under the Governors, not just Wheatly, Where have you been? The Governor was sent here as a direct link to the Uk, to send all info about the OT's.
  • Down Island and Up Island (15/07/2022, 09:01) Like (1) Dislike (16) Reply
  • josiah'sbay (15/07/2022, 09:05) Like (12) Dislike (14) Reply
    Mr, Vanterpool is correct, yet we walk around with our heads in the sand refusing to accept the reality of what has happened. Some of us a calling for and election, while the Government hasn't gotten their power back and we are holding on to a non functional Constitution. What? Are we going to elect a different Government that will have to deal with the same condition? There is no work around, no appeasing or satisfactory stable relationship that can be had with the UK under the current conditions. There are only two choices, be a colony or go independent. Any other choice will circle back into the same quagmire of a relationship that exist now.
  • realization (15/07/2022, 09:11) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    Direct Rule by UK here now. Governor large and in charge. Only remaining obstacles are an out date constitution and 12 recycled politicians.
  • Damn Right. (15/07/2022, 09:48) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
    You're damn right, we're under direct rule and it's because of you et al.
  • Native Senior Citizen of the British Virgin olive Islands (15/07/2022, 10:10) Like (24) Dislike (1) Reply
    Hon. Mark Vanterpool, Rep. D4 (district 4).
    I do agreed with you that we are under direct rule to comply with the CoI recommendations accordiling to the UK, and for a limited time period. But if we enter into a confrontational war against the UK, we will definitely lose the war as soon as it began.
    Even if, and I believe that the UK is strong handed. Remember that had our political leaders managed our( we the people (the politicians employer) righteously, things would have gotten to where it is, politically speaking.
    I humbly, and wisely suggest to you, Hon Mark Vanterpool not to spur up the minds of ignorant, and unwise people, that definitely will cause a delay of time towards our next general election. You and others political leaders we voted in power to represent our (the your employer's (the people) best interest, not you own.

    I highly respect you, Hon. Mark Vanterpool, but what your have said can be detrimental to us both rich and poor, especially in tough as this. Many people are hurting financially.
    Let us not speak as if the UK is solely responsible for all the mess that we are now experiencing. Believe me, we, especially some, I don't mean all, politicians are are mostly at fault, not the UK, truth. Calm down, please.
  • 2 pac (15/07/2022, 10:47) Like (1) Dislike (14) Reply
    Mark, absolutely correct!
  • Ranks (15/07/2022, 10:47) Like (9) Dislike (8) Reply
    Blame or no blame Hon. Vanterpool is correct. The current Ministers will regret being yes men all in the name of holding a post, time alone will reveal it all.
  • Seriously (15/07/2022, 11:03) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    I am happy to see that someone who is not afraid to speazk their minds said it. We are under the British ruling. we need to pay close attention on what is happening around us. Look at the additional cops placed at the gates at customs and everything now has to be passed by the Governor and HE IS IN CHARGE!!!
  • And, (15/07/2022, 11:08) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    who's fault is that??
  • Fear & Guilt. (15/07/2022, 11:17) Like (21) Dislike (2) Reply
    You have a choice "Resign". Simple. Those who don't want to comply ."Resign". Things can't continue the same way...
  • support (15/07/2022, 11:24) Like (6) Dislike (6) Reply
  • me again (15/07/2022, 12:07) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    Let's get away from this theatrical display, aren't we sensible enough to go into our next House Of Ass esblying meeting and move a motion or a bill(since we are the ones to make and amend )and vote unanimously to withdraw the COI'S recommendations once and for all.
    If you our representatives would dialogue with us we would stand up and show our patriotism.,but we won't because , you all feel you are different than us.
    welcome to the real world ,if you know how to play the real game with real people in real situations.
    Life is real, real real.
  • E. Leonard (15/07/2022, 13:05) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    The UK’s intent was to suspend the constitution and imposed direct rule on the VI. The alleged legal challenges of some high ranking government officials may have heightened the desire, provide fuel for imposing direct rule. In the end, the UK achieved its aim, ie, it has direct rule without actively suspending the constitution. True, an order in council suspended the constitution but the suspension is being held in abeyance and can be imposed at the whims of the FCO/Governor. The threat of suspension is being held over the VI’s head like the Sword of Damocles. Truth be told, the VI having self-governing powers is a mirage, for the true power always rest the Governor, ie, retained responsibilities, special responsibilities, reserved powers, and the assent power. Further, even powers devolved to the VI can be easily reversed, ie, suspending the constitution and imposing direct rule. Moreover, there are no Pilates in the VI’s current debacle. Both local government(s), the people, and the Governor. The obvious is as clear as mud. The UK having direct rule is not a dystopian fantasy; it is real, it is truth.

    Moreover, the VI is between a rock and a hard place, it is stuck out to sea without an oar, for the UK is accountable only unto itself; it has unilateral and absolute power. The VI lacks and is limited in its ability in having any concerns truly redress. The lack of accountability was set centuries ago, ie, Treaty of Tordesillas (1494), Treaty of Varagoza (1529), and through conquest, colonization and subjugation. Indeed, the VI is under direct rule. Colonialism lingers.
    • Curious (15/07/2022, 17:50) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      @E. Leonard, you cut wide and deep, keeping it real. Having observed your reference to the Treaty of Tordesillas and the Treaty of Varagoza and being unfamiliar with and curious about both, I did some research. With my findings, I see the point you are making, especially in the case of small territories such as the BVI. In essence, the European superpowers collaborated to divide and share up the rest of the world. Some countries, ie, the large countries, have escaped the tentacles of the UK, Spain, Denmark, Portugal, Belgium, etc, but the smaller countries such as the BVI and other OTs are being dominated by the UK and others. Agree that the European superpowers that divided up the spoils were accountable only to be themselves.
  • bush (15/07/2022, 16:06) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply

    Sit Your cr**ked a..... Down

  • minute man (15/07/2022, 18:41) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    *K da UK
  • @ E LEONARD (15/07/2022, 20:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    • Trolling (16/07/2022, 11:36) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      @@E. Leonard, with your signature all CAPS, you seem to be trolling E. Leonard. I have slowly read the blog and it seems like what was said is factual. Colonialism was reference but didn’t see any racism. In any event , if you going to criticize, keep tings truthful and make valid counter points. It is ok to criticize but put some meat on the bones with your criticism. I don’t know Mr. Leonard but from his social media commentary it seems he is fond of factual debates.
  • Facial Expression (15/07/2022, 21:49) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is saying ( am hurting am about to cry ???? I was this close being a billionaire until til the COI stepped in and spoil my fun . ( and his thumb looks like a di*k ????
  • if (15/07/2022, 22:17) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    If we were under direct British rule, don’t you think there’d be more arrests?
  • Law Abiding citizen (16/07/2022, 07:49) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Thank God, England is here! I hope she stays!!
  • Really (16/07/2022, 09:11) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Really Mark? You can see how the UK ‘manipulates’ us but you couldn’t see Andrew selling the future of our children for a few millions? And all the other crap you all had going on in there. YOU spent these last years buying up real estate and investing heavily in your businesses all with the intention of leaving the BVI sitting in a vat of shit that you and your party left to ferment. WE do not want to hear you. WE do not trust you. If you had ANY respect left in you you would have retired by now.
  • jah (16/07/2022, 11:17) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mark should be the last person to talk..when the government give him millions to distribute food during quarantine he kept half for his supermarket..I clearly remember when the lines was long at riteway after hurricane irma and Maria mark didn't help no one,in fact he was in front riteway speaking on the microphone that he has quality goods at affordable price..these politician are the worst they are only for them self and their friends,take a good look around the VI and investigate how much property the government actually own and how much the ministers own! The ministers use taxpayer money to build their mansion pay no interest and then rent it back to the government,that is why the banks in bvi losing interest in the VI,the mulitcomplex building paid two hundred plus thousand to nagico insurance and the building under construction,how corrupt is that..the government are paying warehouses space with nothing inside.the government invest in housing sectors going up Joe's hill and they are renting cutlass tower and skelton bay lot for thousand of dollars..
  • Gun at head (16/07/2022, 12:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    When the VIP did the fast track for belongership. I was told because i did not finish my house in the stipulated 3 year period (because i could not affording to do the upper floor due to lack of financing from the bank) i had to pay a penalty and if i did not pay it within 2 weeks, i would not get belonger. Is this the same as holding a gun at ones head or is it blackmail or both?
  • Boiling Frog (16/07/2022, 12:50) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    The BVI was is surrounded by the tepid Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean and BVI people is in it and comfortable with the tepid water temperature for decades. Then the temperature started to heat up, conditions changed, but the people either ignored the changing conditions or recognized the changes but looked the other way, ignoring the changes. The BVI situation is akin to the boiled frog syndrome. That is a frog in lukewarm water that is gradually heated up will boil to death. On the other hand, if a frog is placed in hot water it will recognize the danger and jump out. The BVI is in hot water and the BVI people must find a way out of the hot water. It was betrayed.
  • @ TROLLING ???? (18/07/2022, 10:17) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    he who thinks he knows , knows not he knows nothing ???? hey using a different name won't change the fact , looks like the truth really hurts , ( no offense intended ) and since you got the meat , more power to you ,and you may continue fooling yourself .

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