‘We are not going to have early elections’ in VI- Premier Wheatley
Formation of Unity Government
The Virgin Islands went to the polls in February 2019 which saw the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) winning the majority of seats to take the helm of the territory’s government, at that time head of the party was Andrew A. Fahie who became Premier.
The government took a historic turn however when Fahie was arrested and charged while in Miami Florida on April 28, 2022, leading to the formation of the Government of National Unity.
This saw a change in government structure utilizing elected legislators, where the VIP removed Fahie as their Chairman replacing him with Dr Wheatley who was the Deputy Premier at the time before becoming Premier.
With this background, Premier Wheatley has put to bed the notion that the government might be moving towards holding early general elections.
Gov't intends to complete a full 4-year term - Dr the Hon Wheatley
He told a press conference on January 6, 2023, “Well in the framework for the implementation of the CoI Recommendations and other reforms we committed to doing a full term, a full four-year term. So of course the first meeting of the house of Assemble in 2019 was in March, I think March 12, so the House has to dissolve by March 12.”
When asked to confirm that there will be no dissolving of the House before March 2023 Premier Wheatley responded, “We are not going to have early elections.”
On the other hand, Premier Wheatley was asked if he sees himself leading the VIP into the next general elections. The Premier said that given media reports have indicated that other parties within the Unity Government will be putting forward a slate for the elections, and the Virgin Islands Party will be no different.
32 Responses to “‘We are not going to have early elections’ in VI- Premier Wheatley”
Fix the dump and stop the bulls**t
- Revive the Cruise Ship industry
- Direct flights from USA to BVI
- New Port Facilites at JVD
- Construction of new and needed facilities at ESHS
- Repaired the L-shaped building at ESHS that was damaged since Irma
- Repaired BFEC secondary building
- Repaired the administration building in North Sound VG
- Repaired the administration building in JVD
- Constructing new primary school building on JVD
- Repaired Flax Administration building on VG
- Repaired Administration building in the Valley, Virgin Gorda
- Repaired Road Town Fire Station Building
- Repaired the multipurpose complex
- Fixed the a/c in the multipurpose complex
- Repaired the reservoir in North Sound Virgin Gorda
- Repaired Lee Road on Virgin Gorda
- Construction of new public roads on Anegada
- Repaired the Fire Station building on Anegada
- Repaired the Faulkner Administration building on Anegada
- Design for construction phase of West End Port facility on Tortola
- Purchase land on VG to design and build Port facility to separate cargo and passengers
- Pass Integrity in Public Life Legislation
- Revived the scholarship abroad programme
- Construct new roads on JVD
- Paved Dog Hole Road on JVD
- Resolve many water issues on JVD
- Refurbished the old hospital building on Tortola
- Finished and opened the New Iris O'Neal Clinic on Virgin Gorda
- Placed medical Doctors on Anegada
- Helped the local medical team during covid with the addition of medical persons from CUba
- Stabilized the economy during covid with grants and other moves
- New playground area in the school in North Sound, Virgin Gorda
- Trained and retooled many locals for new jobs in the covid era at HLSCC especially in Hospitality area
- Trained many young locals in Alternative Energy at HLSCC to be ready for the new opportunities in that area
- Repaired many public roads and roadsides that were destroyed by Irma that were hazards to the public.
- Electric Shuttle Bus Service through the Town
- Redirect of the traffic in Road Town (one of my favorites)
- Tax break for Belongers purchasing lands for a period of time
- Duty break from Customs Duty for a period of time
- Continue to be the first to pass a balanced budget on time every year of office
- HLSCC passed accreditation
- Dr. Orlando Smith hospital passed accreditation
- Repaired many community centers that were damaged since Irma
- Take our children & teachers out of the moldy buildings back to the ESHS
- Start sewage project in CGB
- Repairs to Ralph T. O'Neal Administration Complex that was damaged since Irma
- Launch Captain and Marine Programme at HLSCC where a lot of our youth benefit and became entrepreneurs
- Kept the economy from a total collapse during the worse of covid
- Actions during the worse of covid saved plenty lives
- Repaired and constructed many recreational areas including basketball courts
- The EE/LL sewage project
- Kept our Financial Services Industry stable and striving in the middle of attacks and the pandemic
I will stop there for now. if you or anyone need more, please say as I have done a thorough research as there are plenty more. The good far outweigh their bad but they do a poor job of promoting themselves. After doing this research exercise I agree with those who blame GIS for not doing their job to let the people have a constant balance of government.
A lot of surprises coming for ah lot ah ahyo in some of those offices; you all will hold your head and bawl!
My hope and my trust is in the Almighty.
but the VIP government was disbanded because of allesged criminal activities.
The Unity Government has been put together by the currenr governor, John J. Rankin, therefore the Unity government cannot be entitled to a full four years term except ther be re-elected to power. I read this was said, but I don't believe that even if the present Premier said those words was intentional by him. What I belueve is that a misprinr happended.
Right is proof of might, not continuing hating, fighting, slandering, and daily bikering among neighbours.
Scripture verse
"Life and death is in the power of the tongue."
In other words, be careful what you think, say, and do to others and self.
Good present leaders are those that immitate good moral principles of good leaders before them.