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‘We are fortunate to have such a vibrant Filipino community’- Gov Pruce

March 20th, 2025 | Tags: Filipino culture dances Daniel Pruce Governor
Governor Daniel Pruce with members of the Filipino community at Government House on March 14, 2025. Photo: Facebook
One of the performances by members of the Filipino community. Photo: Facebook
One of the performances by members of the Filipino community. Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Filipino culture was displayed in various forms at Government House on Friday, March 14, 2025.

The Filipino community was hosted by Governor Daniel Pruce and his wife Rachel.

There was singing and various dances that vibrantly highlighted the Filipino culture.

“It was a great pleasure to host a celebration of Filipino culture at Government House. Thank you to everyone who took part - we are fortunate to have such a vibrant Filipino community here in the BVI,” Governor Daniel Pruce stated on his Facebook page on March 17, 2025.

Filipinos comprise the top five countries that make up the 73.1% expat workforce in the Virgin Islands.

79 Responses to “‘We are fortunate to have such a vibrant Filipino community’- Gov Pruce”

  • Truth Others Afraid To Speak (20/03/2025, 08:19) Like (29) Dislike (26) Reply
    i would rather have them than the spanish
    • @Truth Others Afraid (20/03/2025, 10:16) Like (20) Dislike (11) Reply
      I as well, and I am not afraid to say it. I would prefer to have a Filipino as my neighbor over a Spanish or Haitian.
    • Deh Watcha (20/03/2025, 11:53) Like (6) Dislike (4) Reply
      Sometimes exactly what we wish for we get.
    • @truth.... (20/03/2025, 14:11) Like (0) Dislike (5) Reply
      But you can have the Spanish and not them or are you a woman so they pose no treat to you unlike the Spanish ladies ????????
  • smh (20/03/2025, 08:23) Like (68) Dislike (8) Reply
    Why does nobody seem to realize a 73% expat workforce is a problem.
    • I agree! (20/03/2025, 10:59) Like (36) Dislike (4) Reply
      Especially if they don't want to go home!!!! We truly need to start rotating our workforce.
    • @SMH (20/03/2025, 11:47) Like (19) Dislike (4) Reply
      You also need to check who are buying up our lands in great numbers. This is also a BIG problem! Who have started land pools etc....and should this practice be allowed.
      • HMMM (20/03/2025, 18:03) Like (15) Dislike (3) Reply
        The BVI government officials are being outsmarted by foreigners, and they are also not looking out for its people. Employers are hiring expats and paying them hefty salaries whilst denying BVIslanders/Belongers access to the workforce and ignoring the professional development and training needs of BVIslanders/Belongers. The developmental and pay gaps inevitably result in expats being able to afford to purchase land and property whilst BVIslanders/Belongers are unable to do so.

        Due to poor planning in respect of the advancement of BVIslanders and overall lack of concern by government administrations, it is apparent that the present generation of BVIslanders/Belongers are now apartment bound and are unable to afford to build and purchase homes. It is recommended that legislation be enacted which provides that a foreign investor (any non-Belonger legal or natural person) only be permitted to purchase land or property that has a particular market value, say $1 million and up.

        It is truly troubling that those in authority act as if they are powerless and sit back and watch while our country is being taken out of our hands.
        • Comment (20/03/2025, 22:40) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
          Typical black leadership. Looking out for everyone else but your own…and we think that we have better leaders than Africa!
  • Rubber Duck (20/03/2025, 08:26) Like (45) Dislike (17) Reply
    Be careful residents the governor is trying to divide us
  • Well (20/03/2025, 08:34) Like (39) Dislike (14) Reply
    We never see him interact so happily with locals or say something nice.
    • @Well (20/03/2025, 11:02) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
      Plus, there are much more nationalities in the VI as well. They should all come by his residence and give him a parade show.
    • True (20/03/2025, 16:59) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
      is he interested in our culture as well?
  • HMMM (20/03/2025, 08:39) Like (15) Dislike (3) Reply
    Why wasn't Claude invited to this event. ....hahahah
  • WOW (20/03/2025, 09:00) Like (23) Dislike (6) Reply
    Home come the governor can't do that for the Hatians?
    • @wow (20/03/2025, 10:22) Like (29) Dislike (4) Reply
      The question is how many of the Haitians are here in the Territory illegal or don’t have working permits to work in the Territory.
      • Why stay Tola (20/03/2025, 20:50) Like (1) Dislike (5) Reply
        When Labourers getting paid $150-$200 a day to work in St John and St. Thomas!

        I would leave this discriminating h*llhole too!

        • BYE BYE (21/03/2025, 13:37) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
          Leave don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you
        • But yet here you are (22/03/2025, 16:13) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
          You can't be talking smack like that and still here. You probably here because they, unlike the BVI, smart enough not to hire trash like you; 'we' stupid bad. Only when outsiders like you can't get your way you start talking garbage. Go crawl back under your rock!

          Native son has ferries running every day. Buy a one-way ticket and do not return!

    • Yes (20/03/2025, 11:10) Like (16) Dislike (2) Reply
      Because he loves CATS.
  • Shocking! (20/03/2025, 09:03) Like (15) Dislike (1) Reply
    73% of the expat workforce? I would've never thought it was that much.
    • Yeah… (20/03/2025, 09:18) Like (17) Dislike (10) Reply
      You can bring this all the way down if you develop a good skill set, or get a good education. Then and only then will you be in a position to stop allowing expats in. ????
      • @Yeah... (20/03/2025, 11:06) Like (50) Dislike (5) Reply
        No need to bring down the numbers if we rotate our workforce and send existing contracted workers home every 3 to 5 years.
        • Two needs exist (20/03/2025, 15:27) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
          There is certainly a need to bring down the numbers and there is also a dire need to stop renewing work permits for the same expats and commence rotations. BVIslanders/Belongers are underemployed and there is a need for further academic and professional development across all fields. Rotation should be implemented immediately because work permits renewals (which is generally at the expense of BVIslanders/Belongers advancement) should not be a route to belongership in the BVI.
        • bystander (20/03/2025, 21:39) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
          You would have to put the salaries up by quite a bit if you did that to make the offer competitive. If you didn't the businesses would fail due to having insufficient competent workers.
      • Please! (20/03/2025, 15:13) Like (13) Dislike (5) Reply
        For the hundredth time, BVIslanders/Belongers also possess solid skillsets and have acquired good educations. The issue is that there is a segment of the expat community that desires the BVI for themselves and they do not believe that we deserve to call the BVI our home. As a result, BVIslanders/Belongers are intentionally hindered and excluded in their own country.

        If you are a BVIslander/Belonger, you are a national disgrace! If you are not a BVIslander/Belonger and are residing in the BVI, please LEAVE! The door is held open for you. Go improve your country! Based on the foolishness you are spewing; I am positive that you are incapable of doing same.

        You are right that we "can bring this all the way down". If the government enforces the current work permit policy in relation to overstaying, implements the law which stipulates that qualified BVIslanders/Belongers have the first rights to jobs in the BVI and invests adequate resources for the development of BVIslanders, this mess can be cleaned up.
    • resident (20/03/2025, 11:15) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
      This is not good for the BVI. Only in the BVI.
    • The inaction is shocking! (20/03/2025, 17:31) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
      Why is the government not doing anything about this? The bare minimum is ensuring that the overstaying policy is enforced. When work permits have expired, foreign workers should leave the BVI. Work permit renewals should only be granted in rare instances; the expat workforce should be changing every 2 - 5 years. Thereafter, new foreign workers will enter, where necessary. Within such period, BVIslanders/Belongers should be trained and prepared to step into the roles which are left vacant (it is obvious that not all roles will be able to be filled by BVIslanders/Belongers but there should be a plan in place and the progress should be monitored). None of the foregoing are being done; this is why the BVI's workforce is in the state it is in! It appears that the persons in power are short-sighted and are content with the thousands of dollars the BVI is collecting per work permit. In the long run the revenue generated from work permits are mere pennies in comparison to the generational wealth that will be lost by BVIslanders/Belongers overtime. The constant need for expats to fill senior positions in the BVI's workforce shows that the current labour system is grossly deficient. Are work permits being aimlessly approved to make a quick buck whilst not considering the ramifications? What is the BVI's goal concerning BVIslanders'/Belongers' role and advancement in the labour market? What are the supporting objectives to attain this goal? Presently, the labour system "is giving" exclusion and stagnation for BVIslanders/Belongers.
  • Reality check (20/03/2025, 09:20) Like (19) Dislike (10) Reply
    It was very disappointing at the Governor's Christmas event how few locals bothered to come. Same with other events I've attended at Government House, although I know how heavily weighted the invite list is to locals. If invited, it is rude not to attend, and not attending indicates to the Governor that the locals aren't interested, hence inviting people who want to attend!!
  • Guzzle (20/03/2025, 09:23) Like (27) Dislike (15) Reply
    There are less than 1000 Filipinos here. They're not robbing anybody, they come here to work, make money and go back. Nothing wrong with them.
    • @guzzle (20/03/2025, 09:48) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
      Please get your facts correct. A lot of them were not invited. I get 8 coworkers who told me they were not invited to attend when I ask them if they not going. The pinos community pick and choose who to invite.
      • Correct (22/03/2025, 13:52) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        Absolutely. They discriminate among themselves just like the Guyanese do. Haha
    • @guzzle (20/03/2025, 11:09) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
      If they would all go back, I agree.
    • bvi (20/03/2025, 16:17) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      Is that what the pet and stationery store and provisioning supermarket all say? The official reports must have been wrong then. SMH
    • This is not the case (20/03/2025, 17:00) Like (21) Dislike (2) Reply
      They are not leaving; that is the problem. They are preventing young BVIslanders/Belongers from entering the workforce. There is no reason why Filipinos are working as cashiers and there is also no reason to approve a Filipino's work permit renewal for a cashier position. Many young BVIslanders/Belongers want those positions. Every year we have a new set of young people to enter the workforce; they cannot enter if a foreigner is in that space.
      • @ This is not the case (20/03/2025, 18:11) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
        It’s called selling out. The powers that be seem to don’t care about opportunities for young people or future generations of bvislander all they can see is if I approve this work permit that’s another head I get to collect fees from they can’t see that they ultimately destroying the bvi. How is it we have a labor and immigration department that supposed to be regulating this and still can be so outnumbered in the workforce 73 friggin percent. Somebody need firing and we need to purge at least 30% of them. What happens when that 73% all able to apply for papers cause we let them stay as long as they want. Idiocy! Somebody need firing for allowing the numbers to be this off balance. Business owners going to want their little Asian slaves it’s the government responsibility to regulate immigration and right now there doesn’t seem to be much regulation happening just pay me my fee and you can stay here as long as you want.
  • Madhouse mouse (20/03/2025, 09:29) Like (23) Dislike (8) Reply
    Nice folks, hard working with friendly customer service. They help our services greatly. We should welcome them and integrate them more into our communities. They like all the samethings that everyone else does, it's just that their cultural preferences are a bit different. They're in a similar struggle as everyone else here. Thank you for your service.
    • @madhouse (20/03/2025, 09:44) Like (34) Dislike (7) Reply
      Wait until they start to carry news on you. And pretend to work hard,
      • @ @madhouse (20/03/2025, 15:19) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
        Carrying news hoping that their friends can get your jobs.
        • PM (20/03/2025, 17:00) Like (20) Dislike (0) Reply
          Using their bootleg certification to get jobs, pretend to work in the first 8 hours and work during the overtime hours for overtime and regular time pay. Bad talk staffs to management so that they can bring in a best friend, siblings or family. Take a close look at that company down prospect reef side.. Quite a few of them are cunning!
    • Don't be fooled People (20/03/2025, 11:16) Like (25) Dislike (3) Reply
      All most all Asians are friendly, quiet, and handworkers but you better understand the nature of the beast! They will also take over your communities' businesses etc. if allowed to stay and many are very racist towards the Afro community... Ask the black community in America.
  • hmm (20/03/2025, 09:36) Like (18) Dislike (1) Reply
    The same vibrant set who bailed on us after hurricane Irma and when those that remained and cleaned up and rebuild, then they came back.
  • hmm (20/03/2025, 09:43) Like (24) Dislike (2) Reply
    So why he never invited the other cultures too?
  • one thing for sure (20/03/2025, 09:59) Like (10) Dislike (12) Reply
    The Filipinos that resides on the Island is not causing and type of trouble or getting into anything. They are hard workers. They look out for each other and help each other out. In the Filipinos community they don’t tear each other down like……. They are nice friendly people.
  • Local citizen (20/03/2025, 10:03) Like (7) Dislike (8) Reply
    Hey I really love you guys especially the women…such beautiful both thick and slender!! Personality is amazing even tho some of them are fake with it lol
    • @local (20/03/2025, 14:10) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
      How many of them you see into interracial relationships?? Hardly they looking for their own kind
      • @ @local (20/03/2025, 15:13) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
        That's good. I don't think that our kind are lookin
      • look good (22/03/2025, 13:53) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        Look good it has a few breaking-up homes straight. And then go back to their own kind when the mischief and damage is done.
    • @local (20/03/2025, 15:16) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      I am happy with my Afro-Caribbean men. Tall, Dark, and Handsome with the best bodies on planet earth!
  • ohhhh (20/03/2025, 10:14) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    @truth others afraid to speak.
    The same Spanish that your grandparents left here to go and live by so they can support their family here in BVI. Life is a circle. You may end up in the Spanish place.
  • -------------------------- (20/03/2025, 10:17) Like (11) Dislike (4) Reply
    any governor who is picking winners and loosers in a society is BAD NEWS
  • Stealth (20/03/2025, 10:43) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
    The Phillipine Islands(PI) is a wonderful place but it is a developing country like the VI. There are pockets of wealth with large swath of low standards of living, quality of life, etc. People from the PI are unarguably hard working and are highly motivated workers who migrate for a better quality of life to support they and their family. Like every other group, they have the good, bad , and ugly.

    Nonetheless, the Vi needs to revamp its labour and immigration policies. There is video circulating on the Bahamas policy on citizenship. The Bahamas , 5359 square miles and approx 90 times as large as the VI does not have birthright citizenship. People born in the Bahamas it appears are not automatically Bahamians.There must be a connection by blood for automatic citizenship. The current ratio of expats to local is approximately 70:30. The VI let the immigration process get way almost to a point of no return. No doubt there is a demand for expat workers but the need must be managed so as to not disadvantage locals. Further when one is naturalized, they should be called Virgin Islanders, not Belongers. Seen..
    • @Stealth (20/03/2025, 11:27) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
      What actions can we take? It appears that our government is not prioritizing the interests of its citizens. Despite our efforts over the years to address this critical immigration and labour issue, they continue to delay and disregard our concerns. I am ready to be the first to sign a petition to initiate change.
  • hmm (20/03/2025, 10:48) Like (3) Dislike (14) Reply
    Their language can be taught in our schools. It should be easy to bring in a teacher.
    • Please..... (20/03/2025, 11:28) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      No thank you!
    • Struppes (20/03/2025, 17:14) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      Stop looking work for your countrymen. BVIslanders are not that gullible! We have our education system to improve and our people to develop before such suggestion is considered. We are also not interested in issuing any more unnecessary work permits.
  • Just Sayin' (20/03/2025, 10:59) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
    I think if someone does a study of who is actually hiring and bringing them into the country, you will find that it is the local owned business community, and not expat businesses.
    • @Sayin (20/03/2025, 11:29) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
      It does not matter who are bring them in, but how long their are in the country.
      • The labour department needs to put its foot down (20/03/2025, 17:21) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
        The labour department needs to stop issuing and renewing work permits for entry level jobs BVIslanders/Belongers can fill. We do not care which local owns the businesses who are bringing them in. When will it stop?
  • Real Macoy (20/03/2025, 11:01) Like (5) Dislike (4) Reply
    The majority of the Phillipinos are great people. No one in this world is perfect. Most of them have great customer service experience which is good for business. So Tortolians and other countries just need to step up or follow suit if we don't want to loose our jobs. However the government still have to be very careful with he number of expatriates entering the British Virgin Islands. We still have to push the locals to educate themselves and try to take advantage of most job vacancies available.
    • @ real maCoy (20/03/2025, 11:44) Like (10) Dislike (4) Reply
      Folks are usually friendly when the price is right, but it raises the question of what truly drives them. Are they truly invested in excellent customer service, or is it all about profit and future benefits? I remember getting on the ferry to JVD, where my local Afro-brothers assisted me in boarding after taking my ticket. In contrast, there was other occasions when a Filipino worker took my ticket and didn’t seem to care if I fell over.
  • dude (20/03/2025, 19:34) Like (2) Dislike (11) Reply
    Improve your work quality and there is nothing to fear of outsiders taking your job. Have pleasant attitude and try to be helpful rather than forceful. Kind words rather than harsh words, and a smile goes a long way.
  • The Reaper (20/03/2025, 19:42) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    Where is Ice…
  • concern (20/03/2025, 20:18) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is the government not concerned of the influx? #cheaplabor
  • Wellsah (20/03/2025, 20:30) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    I would understand if the majority are in essential professions like healthcare but customer service? lol with the Philippines being a leader in the outsourcing market the only reason is getting paid USD. Why not go to thailand for hospitality or tourism related jobs?
  • Disinterested (21/03/2025, 04:26) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Guv is entertaining the PI ‘Flip’ community, cool. Is he going to entertain the Haitian, Latino, Vincentian, Guyanese, Jamaican, etc, communities( there are approx 120 nationalities in the the BVI. The Caucasian community has a standing invite to Mount Olympus, The Guv behaviour is typical colonialist behavior. They separate the population into groups, choose one, which is then beholden to it.—meritorious manumission. It is begs the question, is the UK trying to establish an outpost Asia?
  • Either corruption or stupidity or both (21/03/2025, 06:24) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Crazy thing is we continue to let in more and not making nobody go back home so my question is when is enough!? What metric or formula are we using to regulate the amount of expats in the country because to me it’s already too many. Are we just going to infinitely let in any amount of people with no concern for the long term effects?
  • LOL (21/03/2025, 06:56) Like (0) Dislike (5) Reply
    Black is so yesterday..nobody wants that anymore.Yall too miserable and intitled.Thamk God the Philippines exist.
  • Hey BVI (21/03/2025, 07:22) Like (0) Dislike (7) Reply
    Your xenophobia is showing
  • El Demonio Negro (21/03/2025, 07:49) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    • @El Demonio Negro (21/03/2025, 13:42) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Do you think all of those degrees are real? If they were, how come you have to teach most of them how to do the work? Btw, why is it their Certifications are through one or two of the same University? It makes one think, there might be some type of collusion going on. Locals know their worth and thats why they aren't trying to collect peanuts from these BVI employers after studying so hard and attaining their degrees. I am sure you aren't working for pittance, thats if you aren't self employed or working in the family business. So why should the locals not want better or fight for what is rightfully theirs?
      • @@El Demonio Negro (22/03/2025, 13:58) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
        AHHHHHH this is the comment I was looking for. Because for some reason ALL of them come with this list of degrees and don't know squat!!!!

        Employers need to do better background checks cause I never see a thing like this EVER!!
  • Blu label (21/03/2025, 13:26) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    I have no issues with anyone, but its very alarming to know that we are losing jobs for the young people coming into the work force from this country.
    Everyone is looking for an oppertunity to better themselves, and their families.
    But we must also be willing to educate our young people,and give them hope and pride in their Community and Country.
    Every State, every Island, every Continent, the entire World, every where has some bad apples that needs to be refurbished. One day at a time.
    Customer service here is very poor in most job sectors I will be the first to admit that.
    But please do keep in mind, we are all human, most can learn if they are thought. I have personally had some unfriendly service from some of the same nationalities mentioned here. But we can not judge an entire community, race or nationality on that one or 5 persons behavior.
    I do agree we need to rotate work permit holders to give others a chance. If someone shows interest in staying longer and making the BVI their permanent home after 2-5 years here.

    Perhaps a board should be provided for such persons and we get a chance to make a decision on whats best for country not Self!
    Our young people need help, they need to be thought respect, dicipline, and professionalism from early o clock.
    Then we can teach work ethics, on the job professionalism, loyalty, trustworthiness, dedication, humblism etc. Until we tackle these areas , others will keep on coming and winning in our country.

    Hate is a disease, Love brings peace, but stupid is just Stupid. Wake up!!!!!

    Disheartning , I have never been invited to the Governors house, our house, but I as a born BVI lander would go, if I were. Its out of respect.
    Something lacking overall not just BVI locals all play a part! Its the Melting Pot Culture here!
  • sturpss (21/03/2025, 16:58) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Just for some context in UK that expat percentage is 16%, in Canada it 23% in the USA its 13% and these countries have a lot more resources and land than BVI. so why out stupid self basically here like we dont have no sense allowing our locals to be outnumbered in the workforce to such a degree. literally nowhere else in the world doing this retarded S**t. 73% is ridiculous and it need addressing NOW!!!!

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