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‘We are convinced we didn’t lose elections!’ – SVG Opp. Party Leader Arnhim U. Eustace

- civil disobedience campaign launched; legal challenge to be mounted today Dec 15, 2015
Leader of the Opposition of St Vincent and the Grenadines and President of the New Democratic Party (NDP) Arnhim U. Eustace has confirmed with this news site today December 15, 2015 that there has been a campaign of civil disobedience launched to protest what they allege to be elections fraud. Photo: Barbados Today
Following the elections on December 9, 2015, the NDP ended up with seven seats to the Unity Labour Party (ULP) of Dr The Honourable Ralph E. Gonsalves eight seats. However, Eustace and his supporters believe that the elections were fraudulent and they have refused to be part of any swearing in. Photo: Provided
Following the elections on December 9, 2015, the NDP ended up with seven seats to the Unity Labour Party (ULP) of Dr The Honourable Ralph E. Gonsalves eight seats. However, Eustace and his supporters believe that the elections were fraudulent and they have refused to be part of any swearing in. Photo: Provided
KINGSTOWN, St Vincent, WI – President of the New Democratic Party (NDP) in St Vincent and the Grenadines, Arnhim U. Eustace confirmed with this news site today December 15, 2015 that there has been a campaign of civil disobedience launched to protest what they allege to be elections fraud.

Following the elections on December 9, 2015, the NDP ended up with seven seats to the Unity Labour Party (ULP) of Dr The Honourable Ralph E. Gonsalves eight seats.

However, Eustace and his supporters believe the elections were fraudulent and they have refused to be part of any swearing in.

Irregularities & elections fraud?

Speaking exclusively with Virgin Islands News Online by telephone this morning, Mr Eustace said his party is convinced it won the constituency of Central Leeward, which would tip the scales in its favour overall. The NDP’s candidate for the Central Leeward seat was Ben Exeter. However, official results declared the ULP’s Louis Straker as winning the seat.

“During the elections there were a number of irregularities and indeed I would say fraud. In some constituencies you have ballot boxes and polling stations where there is 100 percent turnout and in others it even went past 100 percent turnout which is entirely impossible,” Eustace said.

“Now because of that and some other activities that we have discovered [we believe] that there are a lot of other irregularities. There are persons who have voted, who are not in St Vincent and the Grenadines, yet they voted,” he said.

Tampered ballots

Eustace alleged too that it was discovered at some polling stations that the counterfoils on the ballots had been cut off, even below the perforation of the counterfoil. “So you can’t even tell whether they had been signed or not by the person supervising.”

He said too that in one constituency there were reportedly ballot boxes from three polling stations which had no seals on them and therefore could have been tampered with.

“We are convinced that we did not lose that elections. In fact we know that the number of ballots that have been cut off are more than the number of votes that the candidate got for the Government. So we really believe that we won that seat.”

According to Eustace, there is a team of lawyers working on a legal challenge and the first approach to the courts will be sometime today.

“In the meantime we have launched a civil disobedience campaign and yesterday from about 9:00 am to about 5:00 pm our people have been on the street demonstrating and marching and so forth and we will continue that today,” he told Virgin Islands News Online.

15 Responses to “‘We are convinced we didn’t lose elections!’ – SVG Opp. Party Leader Arnhim U. Eustace”

  • facts man (15/12/2015, 08:52) Like (7) Dislike (15) Reply
    Only party in the region who did not challenge the things that went on in the election is the VIP in the BVI. All over from Trinidad to Guyana, St. Vincent and even in Dominica those elections were stolen
  • chappy (15/12/2015, 09:43) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    "tek yo licks"
  • cay (15/12/2015, 10:01) Like (9) Dislike (5) Reply
    Boss go ftom here take your licks like a man!
  • Scary Mary (15/12/2015, 10:22) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    do not be a sore looser Arnhim
  • Voter Too (15/12/2015, 10:37) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    I knew this was coming as ULP learn from the SKNLP but their turn gonna come sooner than later. Never in my life from any country you usually hear 100% turn out in an area as usually persons are deceased or living or studying abroad and not all tend to return home to vote other than receiving tickets to come home to vote. Perhaps the flights came on time unlike SKN where they said was a sabotage, which in turn the calypsonian said "angels stop the planes". Perhaps the same angels say cheating on both sides and leave it as it is.
  • one eye (15/12/2015, 13:14) Like (7) Dislike (3) Reply
    This man Eustace like Frazer just needs to give up the party leadership and get the message
  • Realist (15/12/2015, 13:15) Like (9) Dislike (4) Reply
    Take your licks like a big man. Boss go and sit down!
  • Higgins (15/12/2015, 13:22) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
    Another banana dictatorship, great. Wish they could get Mitchell out of retirement to run SVG instead.
  • Two Devils (15/12/2015, 19:50) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    Two Devils. Take your pick.. Either one is bad..Vincy in trouble. Lord send we Vincy people a Moses. I pray. Thank you.
  • take us for fools (15/12/2015, 19:53) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    I can't believe this prank continues every time the NDP looses
  • voter (16/12/2015, 11:15) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Sore looser
  • redz (16/12/2015, 13:25) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Eustace why don't u go on an island far far far away

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