'We are being careless' about our history'- Dr Charles H. Wheatley

Dr Wheatley was responding to Co-host Damion C. Grange, who asked him about VI history and its documentation while on Talking Points on November 25, 2025, on ZBVI 780 AM.
“We are being careless,” Dr Wheatley said adding that he has been saying this very thing for “decades now”.
Documents about the VI and its history he continued have not been saved as they should have been.
‘We have lost a lot of our history’- Dr Wheatley
“We allow them to be destroyed and it’s very difficult now doing research. I have difficulties now finding some things that I would like to find and some things that I knew existed,” he stated.
Dr Wheatley also expressed regret about not making copies of certain documents as he thought these would have always been available but unfortunately today they are not.
“I can say for sure we have lost a lot of our history already,” he said.
Meanwhile, he stated that efforts are being made now to properly document what is currently available however “there [are] a lot of gaps”, the VI historian stated.

7 Responses to “'We are being careless' about our history'- Dr Charles H. Wheatley”
actively analyze both its past experiences and current circumstances for invaluable insights and lessons to guide guide its future decisions. Consequently, as Dr. Wheatley noted and to preserve history, and to accurately tell the story to the next generations and others, historical documents, historical facilities, artifacts, archaeological sites, etc must be properly protected, preserved, maintained, etc. for the use, quiet, and enjoyment, etc., of generations yet unborned. It is regrettable that invaluable historical items have been lost,perhaps, forever. As such, there is a fierce urgency of now to catalog and digitize available historical items.
Marcus Garvey: “ A people without knowledge of their past history, origin, and culture is like a tree without roots.”
Roger Burnett