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'We are being careless' about our history'- Dr Charles H. Wheatley

- Dr Wheatley said efforts now being made to document VI history but there are gaps
Author, educator, and historian Dr Charles H. Wheatley OBE has agreed with the statement that there is a problem in the Virgin Islands (VI) with documenting the Territory’s history. Photo: Government of the Virgin Islands
(L-R) Co-host Damion C. Grange, Co-host Violet Thomas-Gaul, Dr. Charles H. Wheatley, and Co-host Elvin Grant during Talking Points on Monday, November 25, 2024. Photo: Facebook
(L-R) Co-host Damion C. Grange, Co-host Violet Thomas-Gaul, Dr. Charles H. Wheatley, and Co-host Elvin Grant during Talking Points on Monday, November 25, 2024. Photo: Facebook
BAUGHERS BAY, Tortola, VI-Author, educator, and historian Dr Charles H. Wheatley OBE has agreed with the statement that there is a problem in the Virgin Islands (VI) with documenting the Territory’s history.

Dr Wheatley was responding to Co-host Damion C. Grange, who asked him about VI history and its documentation while on Talking Points on November 25, 2025, on ZBVI 780 AM.

“We are being careless,” Dr Wheatley said adding that he has been saying this very thing for “decades now”.

Documents about the VI and its history he continued have not been saved as they should have been.

‘We have lost a lot of our history’- Dr Wheatley

“We allow them to be destroyed and it’s very difficult now doing research. I have difficulties now finding some things that I would like to find and some things that I knew existed,” he stated.

Dr Wheatley also expressed regret about not making copies of certain documents as he thought these would have always been available but unfortunately today they are not.

“I can say for sure we have lost a lot of our history already,” he said.

Meanwhile, he stated that efforts are being made now to properly document what is currently available however “there [are] a lot of gaps”, the VI historian stated. 

7 Responses to “'We are being careless' about our history'- Dr Charles H. Wheatley”

  • E. Leonard (02/12/2024, 10:22) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    To effectively plan for the future, a community must
    actively analyze both its past experiences and current circumstances for invaluable insights and lessons to guide guide its future decisions. Consequently, as Dr. Wheatley noted and to preserve history, and to accurately tell the story to the next generations and others, historical documents, historical facilities, artifacts, archaeological sites, etc must be properly protected, preserved, maintained, etc. for the use, quiet, and enjoyment, etc., of generations yet unborned. It is regrettable that invaluable historical items have been lost,perhaps, forever. As such, there is a fierce urgency of now to catalog and digitize available historical items.
    Marcus Garvey: “ A people without knowledge of their past history, origin, and culture is like a tree without roots.”
    • Rattler (02/12/2024, 16:59) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      Leonard , ole boi,,you and other bloggers are trying to push a piece of thread up hill; it is a losing battle , for the population of the VI comprise of 70% expats and 30% locals. And few of the two groups give a rat’s @$$ about VI history or the environment or culture. They both only care about the ‘ green back’, the almighty dollar. VI history is not a primary focus in school. If locals don’t give a rat’s @$$ about local history, why should outsiders? It is as if locals are ashamed of local history and culture, preferring to embrace and celebrate other culture. Others are proud of their history and culture and celebrate it. Are Virgin Islanders looking to others to affirm their history and culture. Another commentator has a commentary which asserts that Virgin Islanders look to Whites for affirmation. What happened to that ‘rugged individualism’ associated with Virgin Islanders? Was it lost in the green back? Is it time for Virgin Islanders to get pride, and confidence back? Where has the juice and fire gone? Has Virgin Islanders gotten too lazy ? Has they gotten drunk on a few green back, losing their drive, and self respect, etc?
  • Roger Burnett (02/12/2024, 10:30) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    This brings me back to my book "Virgin Island Sketches". It was first published in 1980 and is now in its 4th edition. Unfortunately, hardback copies, together with its companion volume "Caribbean Sketches", are at present unavailable in the BVI. However, both books can be accessed at:

    Roger Burnett
  • HMMM (02/12/2024, 12:02) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    People here mostly don’t care about history any more than they care about the environment. Sad but true alas
  • Mr Hodge (02/12/2024, 12:36) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    Festival used to be a Virgin Islands Thing now it’s a musical event. You could have Gone Village for some Old Time BVI Food & Drink,those days have washed away As a matter of Fact Virgin Islanders are now second class up in here
  • reality (02/12/2024, 17:02) Like (4) Dislike (5) Reply
    Too many fake historians.
  • west (03/12/2024, 00:33) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Dr Wheatley you are speaking facts

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