‘We are actually American… we don’t like to hear it’- Cromwell Smith

Mr Smith was at the time speaking on the Global Britain mandate and what that means to the Virgin Islands. The host was speaking alongside guest Bishop John I. Cline on the Monday, June 7, 2021, edition of his radio show 'Umoja' on ZBVI 780 AM.
Global Britain & its implications on OTs
Global Britain is the UK government’s mantra for its post-Brexit foreign policy. It was intended to signal that the country would not become inward-looking after Brexit, but on contrary would have a global outlook that went beyond Europe.
Under the Global Britain banner, the UK is also seeking to integrate more overseas territory’s (OTs) into the UK; however, political pundits have argued that the strategy will ultimately mean less autonomy for OT Governments and their people under Britain.
According to Cromwell Smith, the UK is now looking to have more control of the region and that one governor allegedly called for OTs to have a much closer cultural relationship with the UK.
“He was upset we that we had such a culturally close relationship to the United States… he said out of his own mouth, that cultural relationship should be more with England, that has to change.”
Cultural ties with USA
“We are actually American… I know we don’t like to hear it, we think we have some culture or something,” Smith said, relating to the VI’s cultural ties with the US.
Guest Bishop Cline said, in the case of the VI and the USA, the territory uses the US currency, watch their television, consume their news and educate the VI’s children in their colleges.
Both Smith and Cline agreed that the UK is seeking to take over the territory and control OTs through Global Britain.
According to Bishop Cline, “Everything we have built over the last 200 years can be undermined and compromised in the next 30 years if this relationship takes effect,” he said.
Political pundits have viewed the current Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into governance as the perfect tool Britain is using to have its way with the VI in order to carry out its Global Britain agenda.
While many deep-rooted Virgin Islanders believe governments have not been very astute with the territory's finances, their sentiments are not in favour of direct rule by Britain as they believe it is not what their forefathers fought and died for.

30 Responses to “‘We are actually American… we don’t like to hear it’- Cromwell Smith”
We have been using their currency for as long ad I can remember (and I aint no Spring Chicken lol). Same thing with watching and following their Tb news politics taking vacations attend their colleged and universities; even their vacationers is is of much greater value than the Uk.We support their economy to a much greater extent, importing their foods, beverages, clothings etc. Of course, St.Thomas served as our bread and butter; wherein our men went to work to earn and feed their famolies. Its no wonder we celebrate USVI_Bvi Friendship annuslly, use yheir ports of entry.. it is also no wonder that the UK is not as generous towards, unlike the US to its American Virgins.
I enjoy eating American as well as British foods. I enjoy reading materials from the Kingdom as well as American.
I enjoy British designers- to include clothing, shoes, furniture and the likes from the Kingdom, as well as the American counterparts.
I enjoy the English countrysides, as well as the American heartlands..
I just dont see WHY we should put one down for the other. Lets maintain that symbiotic relationship..
..Jus Sayin'!