Waterfront collision between two vehicles
It was today December 13, 2016 around 1:30 P.M. that a white SUV type van was driving out of the Road Town, Tortola Waterfront circle, in the area of the Ferry Dock, when a black SUV collided head on into its right side.
It’s unclear who was at fault, but it appears that no one was injured in the accident. Police arrived moments later to investigate the mishap.
The owners of both vehicles are unknown and it is unclear how the matter was resolved. In addition, there was no sighting of traffic ticket master Police Officer Glenn 'Supa Cop' Callwood in the immediate area of the accident.

42 Responses to “Waterfront collision between two vehicles”
Sign has been taken down.
The white is not necessarily wrong.
Some drivers speed up because they might believe they have the right of way in a situation like this. Even if not speeding, if the black struck the white when it was already across the road and making the turn, then the black would be careless and negligent. Especially considering the black had just passed a pedestrian cross-walk, it should have been going slow enough to stop. This is not a stop light or round a bout situation.
Its the same thing if you are ALREADY on the "wrong" side of the road passing an obstacle and a vehicle comes at you on the "right/correct side of the road" and strikes you, then you would NOT automatically be wrong.
it is also the responsibility of the black vehicle owner to drive defensively and may have been able to avoid the accident by allowing the white vehicle to proceed ( that is if the black vehicle could have stopped).
For all drivers, there are a ton of things to look out for on our roads:
1. Pedestrians crossing wherever they like and without even bothering to check to see if traffic is coming or not. They just step right out into the road and expect everyone to mash on their brakes to let them through. If anyone gets hurt (or worse) doing this sort of nonsense, I have no sympathy for them. I have had several narrow misses and aside from scaring me half to death, it annoys the heck out of me that people expect you to know they are going to cross the road where no crosswalk exists, no eye contact is made and no warning is given. These types clearly think they OWN the road!
2. Tourists who seem to have no concept of where they are going or that the big long paved thing is actually a road ~ and NOT a sidewalk.
3. Cars parked illegally and blocking the driver's view of crosswalks. More than a few times, someone has stepped right out from behind that big honking SUV that parks in front of Umi's all the time.
4. Scooters swerving in and out of traffic, driving down the center of the road and coming so close to other cars that they startle other drivers, making them swerve.
5. Scooters, cars and trucks completely ignoring yellow AND red lights and just proceeding right through the intersection as though it wasn't there.
6. Trucks choking us with their foul, disgusting black smoke and driving down the middle of the road so you can't see oncoming traffic well enough to pass where it is legal and safe to do so.
7. Cars illegally forcing their way into traffic having passed more than a dozen cars patiently waiting their turn to go around the round-about, because we all know THEIR time is FAR MORE VALUABLE than yours.
8. Traffic entering the middle of an intersection when the light turns red. So what, everyone else can just wait.
9. People stopping in the middle of the road, jumping out of their vehicle and entering a store or restaurant, making everyone else wait while they do whatever it is that is so much more important than anyone else getting where they are going.
10. People stopping to have a little chat with someone in another vehicle or on the sidewalk, making others wait. Long ago, this was acceptable because life was slower, the roads were bigger and not nearly as busy. It is NOT ok today! Everyone has a cell phone, you want to chat with your friend, then CALL them!
I am so sick of our inconsiderate and incompetent drivers! LEARN the rules of the road for heaven's sake and stop ignoring the LAW! If you hit me and you are in the wrong, I am not going to be "nice" about it. If I hit you and I am in the wrong, I will admit my mistake and pay the consequences.
The problem with Virgin Islanders these days is we think we are never wrong and even if we KNOW we are, we don't want to pay the price. Many of us need a reality check! Grown Up and stop doing stupid things like trying to turn left where you know darned well it isn't legal to do so! And taxi men, I mean YOU too!