Water supply returns to JVD after two weeks

It was brought to this news site’s attention by several residents on the island that for some two weeks they were at the mercy of God and nature and in the hands of the Government when they were plunged into a state of water shortage.
“Yes it’s about two weeks we had this situation, for the first week it was gone totally at least in my area, some others might have gotten a little trickle at some time but as far I as know was almost the entire island went flat on its face without water,” said one Mr Smith.
Excuses upon excuses
According to Smith and confirmed by the Callwood, Creque and Malone families, residents were on the backs of the Ministry of Communications and Works and the Water and Sewerage Department about the situation throughout the period of water shortage.
“All we were getting were excuses, excuses. One time we heard they brought a whole shipload of pipes then another time we heard that the pipes they brought were not the correct size and they had to send a purchase again for the right thing for over here, excuse over excuse,” added the man.
Nonetheless, residents all were in a state of relief when they were able to turn on their taps and receive full water pressure via the public lines. “Well they come today (June 24, 2015) and it look like they fix it but we will monitor and see how it goes from here. We hope it’s fixed for good,” said one Mr Callwood.
Sympathising with VG
Some residents said they were in empathy with the residents of their sister island of Virgin Gorda who they said are the worst hit. One Ms Malone said she strongly feels that Government continues to treat matters of the sister islands with scant regard.
“I have nothing against my brothers and sisters on Tortola but had that situation you see going on in VG been for Tortola it would have been fixed long time, long time. We all know it has got to do with the production of water by Aqua Designs and not it’s the Government not wanting to come right with their deal and while they fight and be strong headed the people suffering,” she said.
Ms Malone further stated, “I urge this government to take matters of these nature more seriously, VG issue going on for far too long, meet Aqua Designs half way and let the people get water, stop taking so long with life, water is life, this is atrocious, I feel for them people, we had it for just two weeks and I was going out my head much less them in it for months, can’t work,” the woman said.

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