Water bill waived for 30 days

This announcement was made by Minister for Transportation, Works and Utilities, Honourable Kye M. Rymer (R5) in a statement on March 19, 2020.
Free water!
“In an effort to promote healthy practices, Cabinet has approved the suspension of charges by the Water and Sewerage Department for water to residences for a period of 30 days in the first instance, effective Thursday, March 19.
“We are doing this because we understand that the precautionary measures that have been put in place for everyone’s safety will affect the livelihood of persons,” Hon Rymer stated.
In addition, according to Hon Rymer, water delivery will be offered free of charge to existing Water and Sewerage Department customers in areas affected by interruptions in the water distribution network for a period of 30 days effective Thursday, March 19, 2020.”
The Minister further said no more than three (3) customers are allowed at a time inside of the Water and Sewerage department offices at Baugher’s Bay.
Ralph T. O’Neal Administrative Complex
Meanwhile, persons visiting and working at the Ralph T. O’Neal Administrative Complex are encouraged to use the sanitisation stations.
The security personnel, according to Hon Rymer, have been trained to maintain the social distance recommended when addressing persons entering the Complex.
He also said sterile efforts have increased as the door handles are periodically wiped daily.
At the Department of Motor Vehicles, only ten (10) persons will be allowed into the operations area at a time.
“We encourage persons to call and make appointments as this will minimise inconvenience and aid in a smooth flow of business."
Persons are also being advised to have their insurance agent email to the DMV the proof of insurance, if possible. This would enable the department to maintain the social distance requirement.”
"COVID-19 has stormed the world and your Government has risen to the occasion, with a strong resolve to ensure that the people of the Territory remain safe now and in the future," Hon Rymer said.

13 Responses to “Water bill waived for 30 days”
We had water and a bad leak for months, Now they fix the leak there is no water.