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Was Tuesday’s flash flood a ‘pre-bacchanal’ warning?- Sandra Phillip-Hodge

Commentator, local author and 'prayer warrior' Sandra Phillip-Hodge, left, believes the flash flood that inundated Road Town on May 7, 2024, was no coincidence. Right: Flood waters at Elmore Stoutt High School campus on May 7, 2024. Photo: Facebook/Team of Reporters
Waterfront Drive underwater on May 7, 2024. Photo: Team of Reporters
Waterfront Drive underwater on May 7, 2024. Photo: Team of Reporters
Flooding at the roundabout in Road Town on May 7, 2024. Photo: Team of Reporters
Flooding at the roundabout in Road Town on May 7, 2024. Photo: Team of Reporters
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- While some are attributing the flash flood that hit the capital city, Road Town, on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, to blocked drains and ghuts and even to the volume of rainfall, some are asking whether it was something more divine.

“Strange weather patterns are being attributed to climate change, but who is in charge of the climate? Is it man or God? Commentator, local author and 'prayer warrior' Sandra Phillip-Hodge broadcasted on social media on May 8, 2024, as she quoted Psalm 24:1, which states: “The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof (all its fullness, everything in it), the world and those who dwell therein."

‘The washing & cleaning will continue’

Philip-Hodge then brought up the destructive weather events of 2017, which she also suggested were divine occurrences.

“In August 2017, massive floods preceded the bacchanal activities we call Emancipation Festival parade. One month later we had Hurricane Irma, which we will never forget. The earth, despite God's desire for it to be an ‘Eden’ for man to dwell in, has become an evil, dirty place. And God, ever so often exercise a cleaning campaign, that scientists can call whatever they want.

“The washing and cleaning will continue, as God sees fit!” Phillip-Hodge stated.

The Virgin Islands is gearing up to host its 70th Emancipation Festival from July 14 to August 10, 2024.

Effects of Tuesday’s weather event

Heavy rainfall on Tuesday quickly turned streets into rivers in Road Town and also caused rockslides, and undermining of roads across the territory. Businesses in Road Town especially were affected by flood waters. Schools were pushed online the following day, and some banks closed all day while some opened with limited services at noon on Wednesday.

To date, the Department of Disaster Management (DDM) has not provided any data as to the amount of rainfall experienced in the territory on May 7, 2024.

It did state; however, that the weather today will be partly sunny skies in general, with periods of increased cloudiness and a 60 percent or moderate chance of localised showers developing.

31 Responses to “Was Tuesday’s flash flood a ‘pre-bacchanal’ warning?- Sandra Phillip-Hodge”

  • Science (09/05/2024, 09:57) Like (18) Dislike (10) Reply
    Hope you will feature the views of a climate scientist to counter this lady's views. Not everyone in BVI is still believing the colonialists' fairy stories.
    • Linda (09/05/2024, 12:21) Like (51) Dislike (1) Reply
      These thunderstorms were predicted last week before they even got here. I prepared my yard. If people would look at the 10-day forecast as I do, they would have known to prepare where they live. The flooding in Town happens all of the time because of poor engineering, who refuse to clear the blocked waterways to the sea. What are they getting paid for? All they are doing is patching holes in the roads which get washed away again from the flooding. With these so-called Engineers, we are all going to drown.
    • Skyfall (09/05/2024, 15:43) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
      Anyone else remember the flooding in early August 2017? A month later along came IRMA!
    • 19 (09/05/2024, 16:56) Like (8) Dislike (5) Reply
      Yea, those so-called Scientists did so well with covid 19 that thousands are now dying from a poisonous injection. They are like governments whatever they tell you do the complete opposite and you will be fine.
  • WHAT!!!! (09/05/2024, 10:04) Like (20) Dislike (3) Reply
    Unhinged mumbo-jumbo.
    • WHAT!!! (09/05/2024, 14:05) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
      I agree with “what!!!” but please find your own name and stop using mine.
  • Ras. Stop. (09/05/2024, 10:07) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    Heaven pissing on the wicked world as a form of its disapproval. None escaping, the good and the bad. Just that some are more prepared. So happen that we are one of the unprepared ones.
  • hi (09/05/2024, 10:14) Like (36) Dislike (1) Reply
    We are in the season for rain so it was expected as we were also told it would be a record-breaking season. Instead of preparing for the rain we decided to prepare for parties and that's why we were caught with our pants down. We don't need a spiritual medium or a meteorologist to tell us we made poor decisions. I heard someone say the rain was a blessing for those who were prepared and a curse for those who were not.
  • Who have ears to hear (09/05/2024, 11:45) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    It is sad that many forget that when they were in trouble they called on God who delivered them but when they want to do what pleases their flesh, they will mock God and forget what He has done for them. I pray the nation repents because something BIG will come.
  • Amazed (09/05/2024, 11:56) Like (19) Dislike (1) Reply
    The DDM is a joke.The national weather service in San Juan forecasted this excess rainfall days in advance,Although the BVI is not in their jurisdiction,our Islands were included in the highlighted graphs. One wonders if the DDM cannot advise us of something so minor relatively speaking,what the hell is going to happen during this very active hurricane season.
    • From DDM TUESDAY MORNING. READ (09/05/2024, 15:13) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply

      Synopsis: The presence of a persistent strike front, along with light winds, daytime heating, and low available humidity will maintain an increased chance of rain activity in the area over the next 24 hours.

      Weather today: Partly cloudy skies, with periods of cloudiness and a chance of 70 percent or higher of localized rainfall, mainly during the latter hours of the morning into the afternoon.

      Weather tonight: Partly cloudy to cloudy skies with a 70 percent or a high chance of overnight showers.

      Winds: East-Northeast 7 to 19 mph or 5 to 12 mph, becoming variable or calm at times.

      Mares: 1 a 1,5 metros o 3 a 5 pies.

      Sunset today: 6:42 pm.

      Antigua and Barbuda Weather Services
      Bernell Simon - Fortune Teller

      For more information about weather, you can visit the Department of Disaster Management WeatherStem Station at the link provided..

      Disclaimer DDM disaster management department is not an official weather office. The information disseminated by the department is gathered from a number of professional sources used or hired by the DDM to provide such information. This information should be used as a guide by anyone interested in local weather conditions.. In no way can DDM or the Government of the British Virgin Islands be held liable for anyone who appropriately uses this information as legal evidence or as justification of any decision that may result in the loss of finances, property or lives.
  • Small (09/05/2024, 12:06) Like (17) Dislike (12) Reply
    Sandra, go sit down with your old self. You done live your life so let the young people live theirs. You think we forget about you in high school days?
    • Interested (09/05/2024, 13:33) Like (6) Dislike (4) Reply
      Tell us, we need to know more!! Hahaha
    • Me (09/05/2024, 19:17) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
      Am sure she remembers too, but obviously she's not stuck in the past as you seem to be. Go seek God and stay out of people's business when yours is nothing to write about.
  • Gumbo Soup (09/05/2024, 12:10) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    This was caused by an asmospreric river, Califonia has had a least two of them in the last two years, they have occurred in different parts of the world.
    Road Town is below sea level, and if high tide occurred during the rains the water cannot drain into the sea.
    What should have already taken place but still can. All new infrastructure should have a minimum first floor level
    As should all new roads, but this has to be set and enforced by our Government.
  • traffic mess (09/05/2024, 12:13) Like (31) Dislike (3) Reply
    If this flooding and the traffic mess that came with it is not a clear indication that we need to put back the Main Street and Wickhams Cay traffic how is was pre-covid, then we really have a set of dunce running the country. Nothing moved for hours because all traffic, including school only had one way to go each way. Rhymer please, this is not the time for ego, but let common sense be at the fore-front. Your traffic re-assignment was a mistake, admit it, and put it back how it was.
    The round-about will always be a bottle-neck once it remains there, but we can move around that as we were accustom to.

    Next, about Natalio party - if he goes ahead with preparing the grounds behind admin complex for this party, he too will prove to be a bigger dunce than he was the last time he opened his mouth. We could not fix 20 potholes throughout the island, we now have VG with major infrasturtual issues and addition to what was created by Tuesday flood.

    Also, let us take up all the concrete covers and get the guts cleaned starting from the mouth of each gut to the next. Government is not 100% of the problem as we as citizens need to be more responsible and cease and desist from throwing trash in the gullys.

    Lastly, who are our engineers. Politicians and their supporters should not be the decision makers when it comes to the infrastructure and getting it together. Does PWD still have qualified road engineers and technicians? If so, let them do their jobs and leave politics out of it.

    Together we can make this place a beautiful place for all of us.
    • AMEN! (09/05/2024, 16:44) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
      True words, Traffic Mess! A set of dunce who turn the traffic in the capital in the wrong direction succeeding in also sending the whole county in the wrong direction. Tis cocobay pon top of yaws!
  • Better believe it (09/05/2024, 12:22) Like (3) Dislike (13) Reply
    This is just the beginning of what is getting ready to come. You continue to do wrong upon the land, you will be punished. I feel bad that the innocent is going to pay the price. Just prepare yourselves because Tortola is going to get hit by a major disaster. Just prepare yourselves.
  • Really (09/05/2024, 12:35) Like (2) Dislike (8) Reply
    Plenty Chem trail planes in the sky like crazy these past days. I told people the government wants to stress the Tola people out,you all ain't dying fat enough like other places. When last you all seen the pretty blue sky which they cover? The man made Bible said they will block the sun. Stop staying dumb and wake up. The Sahara dust is there to depopulate the people with asthma, people on oxygen machine, and heart problems. No air is good to breathe now thanks to the government/ elite puppets
    • @Really (09/05/2024, 15:35) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
      lol I'm sorry but I had to address what you said in your comment.... I am with you on the chemtrail for weather manipulation yes.... but why say the man-made bible as if you won't proceed to social media or some instruction manual that was also made by man and use the information from those? The Sahara dust comment is even more ridiculous as the Sahara was once the bottom of the ocean. Its where all the dead phytoplankton and nutrients in the sand are that spreads around the planet to self-regulate and fertilize the planet. Disease is the planets way of regulating the population because of how WE and our forefathers chose to live. It's unfortunate but God made man, which also means everything man made still came from God as part of his plan. So whatever blessings or curses we are under its because of how we chose to live.
  • asking for a friend (09/05/2024, 12:48) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
    Who send she?
  • @ better believe it (09/05/2024, 13:32) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Go sud down with your bad mind self, stop your foolishness , I hope you are not living in tortola and if you are I hope you are the only one that get washed away with the diaster. I'm sure tortola is not the only place and people doing wrong, why did you come and say here if you see this is the only place that will get punish. Go back to where you come from before diaster reach.. FYI I'm not from the BVI
  • Hmm (09/05/2024, 13:48) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    So annoying…is like your life ain’t going how you wanted it to be! Go burn some weed!!
  • Dear Sandra (09/05/2024, 14:57) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Life is a continuous journey of evolving consciousness many of us can relate to where you are at presently however it is not the end of the journey so don't use it as a measuring stick to try to pass judgement. Those of us below your level of consciousness may become afraid while those beyond may be amused. Guidance and Love.
  • bvibuzz (09/05/2024, 15:02) Like (5) Dislike (4) Reply
    She turned fortune teller? Lady take a few seats
  • jack@$$ (09/05/2024, 16:45) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    somebody needs a screw or few
  • we the people (09/05/2024, 21:22) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    There doesn’t seem to be any urgency we need a loan to fix the roads at least It seems like the minister care.
  • Forbidden Truth (10/05/2024, 01:54) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
  • Just 4 the sake of love (10/05/2024, 08:11) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Sandra, believe you me Evil is still Evil , even though or even when , you play it off in the Church..
    God is watching, God is watching , and he sees everything.
  • Liquid Plumber (10/05/2024, 15:59) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Road Town just needed another flush is all. We're on it.

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