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War in HOA – Fahie tells Premier to Bell that Cat!

- 1st District Representative lashes out at what he calls “culture of disrespect” by a Gov’t Minister
First District Representative Hon. Andrew Fahie (left) and Minister for Education and Culture Hon. Myron Walwyn. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Representative for the 1st District Hon. Andrew Fahie did not mince words last evening in the House of Assembly but lashed out heavily at a Government Minister for creating a culture of disrespect to elected officials like himself on the opposition side, and called on the Premier of the Territory to, “Bell that Cat”.

During “Any Other Business” of the July 26, 2012 closing of the HOA sitting which had commenced on July 24, but break for a day, Hon. Fahie started out his statement by establishing the need for respect by all and continuously referred to the legacy of the forefathers of the Territory and the foundation of respect that they had set.

According to Fahie, who spoke of several cases of disrespect for traditions by the particular Government Minister, did not call name but based on the context of the issues, it pointed to Minister for Education and Culture Hon. Myron V. Walwyn.

Fahie started out by pointing to the removal of the school sign at the Althea Scatliffe Primary with the words “Mighty Mighty Scatlife” which the Minister had the authority to do but cited that he wiped out tradition in the process. He then turned to the removal of Bevis Sylvester as the keynote Speaker of the Elmore Stoutt High School graduation for 2012, though it was traditional for the selection of the speaker to be by the 20-year class which was done and refused.

The recent statement made by Walwyn in the House about the media was another contention for Fahie who said all of that was not bad enough until the disrespect reached him.

According to Fahie, in his district, he was given the “right away” by Premier Hon. Dr. D. Orlando Smith, to go with the Minister of Communications and Works to get some things done for his constituency but he said “the individual wants to force the Premier”.

“And I am waiting on the Minister to bring the documents for me to go through them and make contact with me, and when I look low and behold I see a herd of people in my constituency, and I am glad for them, glad they are getting work … Finance hire a consultant for the first district to give out work leaving out the representative,” Fahie told the HOA.

The district representative said he knows it was not the Premier's doing. “He always gives respect, I know is not him, I know he is being forced. He will defend his man because he has to.”

However, Fahie said, “ I have to defend my wicket because the elephant get on my foot and I waited too long to call out ouch, somebody has to bell this cat, but I will remain respectful even to him”, but he will not let anybody to disrespect the people the first district.

“I can understand with the Airport need a consultant, but consultant for the 1st District, man I big enough to represent the whole thing,” Fahie charged.

“Any project in the district needs to realise with the district representative. We cannot have somebody who is not elected, being there at the Ministry of Finance, organising projects and other things for my district and the district representative is there with his papers giving out waiting for the Minister to hear back, because working with the correct channel, I wouldn’t even have think about going finance,” he said.

Fahie said he brought the issue of disrespect to the House because he understands what happened at the November 7, 2011 elections but the elections did not give anyone who earned the votes and serving as Minister the right to cultivate a culture of disrespect for elected officials.

“Premier bell that cat, the people of the first district sent me … I have been watching a culture of disrespect developing and it look like either we afraid to tackle it or we decide well alright let’s leave it to see if it get better. It is not getting better. It happen round the territory with all kind of thing and everybody saying leave it leave it, but now the birdie reach down by my district here,” Fahie boldly charged in the HOA.

Fahie further charged that he is not afraid and will not sit down and get disrespected.

31 Responses to “War in HOA – Fahie tells Premier to Bell that Cat!”

  • insider (27/07/2012, 11:10) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    how is it a war and the other soldier was not there...andrew please wait next time till the man is around...coward u are the way i see it...tell the man what u got to say to his face!
  • Janet Williams (27/07/2012, 11:21) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    here Myron go again...every body washing them mouth on that poke child
  • support your own (27/07/2012, 11:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The voters will bell that cat!!!
  • Crank Shaft (27/07/2012, 11:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Andrew is a big PUNK, throwing blows when the man isn't here to defend himself. When he and his agents were trying to railroad his own party nobody said anything, now he want to be the voice of reason?
    • life music (27/07/2012, 12:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      but there will be another sitting so he can get a time to jump up like a girl
    • move (27/07/2012, 16:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      to crank shaft; But Fahie does not control the boy agenda when he here or not so you chatting hogwash...who the hell afraid of Myron backside...with his power hungry bull and control freak???? Certainly not Andrew maybe Karen and those he can push around at he work places
      • insider (28/07/2012, 07:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        when he comes back we will see,,myron is perfect..the ndp needs a bad boy and they got one now...take that...bam..bam
      • mAN uP (28/07/2012, 08:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        the boy aganda..u sound so stupid..but even though he was not here Hon. Skelton put andrew in his place..bam...bam!
  • ooooo (27/07/2012, 12:28) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    myron is doing work in the 1st and the 3rd districts just to provoke the district come he's not doing work in the other districts?
  • zoe (27/07/2012, 14:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Can we all just get along?
  • smh (27/07/2012, 14:59) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    myron need to relax he self... he over doing it a lil bit fo real..yees u got to work but u have to take time and analyze things ansd stop doing things impulsively....or else its going to be your first and last term , cause you cant even see him anymore when he wanted votes he knocked your door down!!
  • Man Down (27/07/2012, 16:00) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Man we need a man like Fahie back as Education Minister. Straight to the point, no BS like Myron! We welcome that sir! As for Myron we hope we do not have to put up with this for another three years....
    • mAN uP (28/07/2012, 07:59) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      GUESS WHAT...u will have to put up with it cause Ho. Myron Walwyn going now where soon...bam...bam
  • Hmmm (27/07/2012, 16:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    So how the airport need a consultant? I need some clarification here please?
  • mother hen (27/07/2012, 21:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    And we the people of Virgin Gorda and the BVI still remember how rude and disrespectful Myron was during the campaign to the now former Premier Ralph T. O’Neal during the elections campaign. Myron got cuss on he deman
    • mAN uP (28/07/2012, 08:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      u people of vg is stupid..the ones who supports vip that is..stupid..had the top dog for years and gets what...nothing...nothing at all! think about that...but dont worry..we will take care of you all...bam..bam!
  • commitee to elect Myron (27/07/2012, 21:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    myron we from your commitee spoke to you about these matters boss, please hold it down Mr. Walwyn, you might mean well but you aren’t looking like an Honourable man these past few months...
    • mAN uP (28/07/2012, 08:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      FROM WHAT COMMITTE..u wish u were part of us we dont talk crap like this..reel and come again...bam..bam..u idiot!
  • Laws help us!! (28/07/2012, 01:50) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Myron needs to stop being trifling like removing slogans off of buildings and wanting to hire consultants?!!! U give some ppl power and it goes to their damn head. How about dealing with real issues such as finding the capital to upgrade the special education program so it's up to par?, making various buildings handicap accessible, find the funding for a cafeteria as well as an appropriate in house lunch program for Althea scatliffe. These are a few hints mr. Walwyn. Get busy doing what the voters put u in there to do!! Show some respect, learn to listen, and stop acting like your way is the only way!!
  • Tola Don (28/07/2012, 02:09) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Yet again the NDP come with this BS of having some one who's not elected by we the people giving out work. It was east end last time now it's west end now. Myron as a rookie member of the house fails to understand how politics works yes he's a electeted member by the people. He ain't get there on his own free will. And I'm time the people will make such a decision yet again. The people of the BVI ain't the people of 15-20 years ago. Myron needs to check him self, he's moving to fast. He's not even taking the advise from his own committee who is die hard supporters. Dr. Smith got his hand full but only in the BVI you'll see such a thing a member of the house act/behave in such a disrespectful manner with being punish by his party. Any other caribean country he'll be stripe of his ministry. There's other members of NDP that's capable of running Education. Myron thinks/feels he can't be moved/replace. In 3 short years people of the BVI it ain't that far away. Myron will feel the wrought of the VOTES.....
  • bay youths (28/07/2012, 08:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Andrew Fahie speech was hot and he has served the people of the first district like a champion, and we are grateful for the contributions he for Myron suckteeth!!!
  • GOAT WATER (28/07/2012, 09:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Myron power hungry with a chip on his shoulder we will soon take him off his high horse.. it's just a matter of time before he falls out with Lorna and Orlando and get fired..get ready marlon
  • ah saw (28/07/2012, 22:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ah saw my boy ain't fraid to represent. That's our boy. We couldn't careless if Myron was there or not. The House was in session and Myron was surmmons to be there. He could have send someone else London. Go Fahie! We with you.
  • court house (29/07/2012, 10:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    why you people wasteng time over Myron who we all agree is a goddamn idiot.
    • under the rock (29/07/2012, 12:34) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      yh i find myron to be very petty having to answer to every lil lil bird that flies
  • hush it (29/07/2012, 12:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mr. Walwyn please do us a favour and put a sock in it! Nobody wants to hear your whining and trying to shut down the media
  • gerry (29/07/2012, 13:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hon. Myron just mad that Adrew did a better job as minister for education that he could ever do!!!
  • kevin (29/07/2012, 23:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Who the hell Myron think that he is? This man is not good for this place and has lost all children need to boo he if he keeps this behavior going.....
  • fan club (30/07/2012, 00:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Go get um broxn bummer

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