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Wanted sex offender arrested in St Croix

October 12th, 2019 | Tags: sex offender USVI Daniel Cover USDOJ
Attorney General Denise George on Friday announced the arrest of 36-six-year-old Daniel Cove, a registered sex offender who was arrested Thursday by Superior Court Marshals at the Village Rehabilitation Center in Sion Hill on St. Croix. Photo: Internet Source

St Croix, USVI - Attorney General Denise George on Friday October 11, 2019, announced the arrest of 36-six-year-old Daniel Cove, a registered sex offender who was arrested Thursday by Superior Court Marshals at the Village Rehabilitation Center in Sion Hill on St. Croix.

He was charged with failing to comply with registration requirements. Cove was convicted in 2002 of indecent assault and battery on a child under age 14 in Massachusetts and sentenced to prison. After his release in 2013, he moved to the Virgin Islands and registered as a Tier2 sex offender, meaning he had to register every six months for 25 years.  

Cove was arrested again in 2016 on St. Croix for failing to update his sex offender registration.  His last known verification date that listed his address as 11 Estate Diamond, St. Thomas was in August 2018. 

Cove’s exact location was unknown as investigators from the USVI Department of Justice (VIDOJ) were actively searching for him. Superior Court marshals were notified of Cove’s location and apprehended him.

A team of special agents from the VIDOJ with the assistance of other local and federal agencies,  routinely conduct unannounced inspections of registered sexual offenders for the purpose of verifying their locations and other personal information, such as their work and home addresses, the department said.

The Attorney General/VIDOJ is mandated to administer and enforce the sex offender registration laws of the territory.

9 Responses to “Wanted sex offender arrested in St Croix ”

  • ABC (12/10/2019, 13:57) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Watch out yall
  • Steve (12/10/2019, 19:35) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Get him out of the Caribbean all together, so he don't be messing with our children. If he does, he won't do it again...TRUST ME!
    • *Hmm (13/10/2019, 18:15) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
      @Steve get him out the Caribbean you say, right here in said Caribbean loaded with these sick bastards
      • Thanks (26/11/2021, 02:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        The only sickness is the lawmakers who created the laws to preserve woman’s sexual purity. Most laws do is pushing away the father from his children and his new baby. The only sickness is that people contradict themselves in the very same actions that brought them here. Doing family research our great grandmother was 16 years old and married the guy who raised the most fantastic historical woman in US Mainland History. Each person can judge another person but they will need to get the log out of their eyes before they try pulling the twigs out of this guys eyes. True there are crazy people lurking around but when you are unloading the facts of his case you don’t know his age nor if her parents just ousted him for disliking him. Females have a twisted way of personal gains only to the detriment of the innocent procreator.
  • Fran (12/10/2019, 19:42) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    I don't like his evil ugly face. Keep him out of the Virgin Islands and let him go back from whence he came.
  • rock city (13/10/2019, 09:34) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    We need a registration for the bvi
    • *Hmm (13/10/2019, 18:18) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      @rock city we do really do but too many of the offenders is somebody son, brother, uncle, cousin, father so no nobody pushing for such a thing to be put in place
  • Greg (13/10/2019, 09:42) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    These child molesters need their own prison island where there is no escape, just drowning and eaten alive by sharks. Let these sickos feed on each other and keep them away from good decent people. Look at his face, a animal waiting to pounce on his next victim.
  • Scumbags talking (26/11/2021, 02:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    What’s really a shame that people target the very action that created them. Each involved individual isn’t necessarily guilty of his or her crime and some people are speaking out of their behinds. People have a right to procreation and to the extent they can support themselves then it’s not your job to judge them. Half of the real sexual predators are just not caught and live in your house.People who talk trash are probably just as guilty as others and just covering up for their own sins. Remember when you slept with your 14-16 yo girlfriend when you were 17-26, according to the law you’re a so called sicko yourself. But oh I wasn’t his age. B please it’s just a walnut shell that never was cracked open and arrested. Only in scumbag America does procreation and anti puritanical behaviors consist of a crime.

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