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Walywn wants ‘only member in Cabinet from sister island fired’- Hon Wheatley

- Sixth District Representative wants Hon Vincent O. Wheatley fired
Sixth District Representative and Opposition Member Hon Myron V. Walwyn, left, has said Health and Social Development Minister Hon Vincent O. Wheatley (R9), right, should be fired. Photo: YouTube
Chairman of the BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA) Mr Ron R. Potter has refused to give in to the call by Health Minister Vincent O. Wheatley (R9) for him to resign. Photo: BVIEC/File
Chairman of the BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA) Mr Ron R. Potter has refused to give in to the call by Health Minister Vincent O. Wheatley (R9) for him to resign. Photo: BVIEC/File
The BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA) has been struggling to carry out its responsibilities in an efficient manner. Photo: BVIHSA
The BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA) has been struggling to carry out its responsibilities in an efficient manner. Photo: BVIHSA
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- It was on Tuesday, September 24, 2024, during the continuation of the 19th Sitting of the First Session of the 5th House of Assembly (HoA) that Sixth District Representative and Opposition member Hon Myron V. Walwyn said that Health and Social Development Minister Hon Vincent O. Wheatley (R9) should be fired.

Legislators were at the time debating the Health Services Authority Amendment Bill 2024.

Hon Walwyn criticised Hon Wheatley’s handling of the health sector, particularly concerning the recent issues on Virgin Gorda where a resident of that island went to the Nurse Iris O’Neal Clinic with an emergency and the facility was closed. The person later died.

Hon Walwyn said the minister’s failure to manage health care services, as both the Minister for the subject and the district representative, warrants his dismissal and not the Chairman of the BVI Health Services Authority, Mr Ron R. Potter.

Hon Wheatley has asked the Chairman, Mr Potter, to resign but he has refused. Mr Potter has said he could not do his job because he does not have a full board, therefore, there is no quorum and inadequate funding.

No love for sister island rep?

Regarding Hon Walwyn's request, the Minister hit back during his wrapping up of the bill. Minister Wheatley said the Sixth District Representative was playing his “usual politics” and that there were zero reasons for him to resign.

Hon Wheatley noted while speaking on Tuesday that he had already received a number of text messages from residents in District Nine and their interpretation of what Mr Walwyn wanted was “for the only member for a sister island in Cabinet to be fired…..”

The Health Minister noted that he has a comprehensive plan for Health Care and that the medical school is a part of this effort.

Hon Walwyn, who was rejected by the people in his bid for Premier in 2019, has already called for Premier Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) to resign as Minister of Finance.

17 Responses to “Walywn wants ‘only member in Cabinet from sister island fired’- Hon Wheatley”

  • one eye (26/09/2024, 10:00) Like (35) Dislike (12) Reply
    Myron please slow down
  • WTF (26/09/2024, 10:34) Like (34) Dislike (3) Reply
    So incompetence is ok because it's from another island?
  • jack donkey (26/09/2024, 11:02) Like (18) Dislike (2) Reply
    that a very poor effort at Spin Doctoring, instead of taking responsibility for being inapt and the way you went about dealing with VG health issues you try to make it about Tola Vs VG trying to show the seeds of division. I would have respect you more if you concede that the issue got away from you but you are grappling on to invisible straws.
    • @ jack donkey (26/09/2024, 12:11) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
      Hear who taking about spin Myron wheel and come again just remember the past especially when you headed the ndp you seems to have learn nothing
  • Look Ting (26/09/2024, 11:13) Like (12) Dislike (6) Reply
    I agree with Walwyn
  • WTF (26/09/2024, 12:18) Like (13) Dislike (12) Reply
    All this chat from a man who got arrested
    • Styler (26/09/2024, 17:08) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      And still before the court , also have one of VG lady with out job. While he’s working how can this be God don’t sleep Ealwyn
  • I agree (26/09/2024, 12:48) Like (18) Dislike (4) Reply
    For a change I agree with Myron.
    Vincent has done nothing for VG or Anegada
    • @ I agree (26/09/2024, 14:00) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      the development of Health Care on VG and Anegada should have been in Place from why back because Vincent just became the representative for those islands

      Just like current Minister For Works; when he got elected our country had infrastructure which needed repairing

  • in agreement (26/09/2024, 12:57) Like (13) Dislike (4) Reply
    I am in agreement 1000% with Walywn. Lot’s is saying under their breaths that this should happen and needs to happen. This is one of the reasons I like Walywn, he is not going to sugarcoat the BS that is going on.
  • sturpss (26/09/2024, 13:01) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    What being from sister island got to do with anything. You either doing a good job or you not.
  • I want to be Premier in 2027 (26/09/2024, 13:13) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    He might command more credibility if he called for accountability from both individuals involved. However, his reluctance to hold the person responsible for the daily operations of the healthcare system to account exposes his true motivations. His unabashed thirst for power was made clear when he disregarded the chain of command after his party selected a leader who wasn’t him. This showed that his concern wasn’t the public good, but his own ego. Now he wants us to believe that he’s reformed, no longer playing politics. Once, he had a promising future, but his proclivity for duplicity proved irrepressible. Now, we see him seizing this moment to ingratiate himself with the people of Virgin Gorda under the guise of serving their interests. I’m not convinced.Looks like a positioning for 2027 at large run.
  • LOL (26/09/2024, 15:52) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Minister has a Board and CEO charged with doing the work. Till now all they giving is excuses. He is right to fire both of them and get somebody who is willing to do the Job. Minister inherited two NDP plants who intend to make sure nothing happens until their party gets back in.
  • Xxx (26/09/2024, 17:49) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    All 13 needs to be fired especially the tall bullhead
  • What? (26/09/2024, 18:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    There might be a point here but Let he who is without sin cast the first stone!

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