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Walwyn's new target, the VI media!

- Claims that the media has lost their way & participate in reckless reporting
Minister for Education and Culture Myron V. Walwyn has attacked the media in Parliament and claimed that they seem to have gotten totally out of hand. The Minister said, "Erroneous information is disseminated day after day, facts are made up, and countless anonymous sources infer statements that question the integrity of both public and private citizens". However, the freshman Minister did not give a single example. Photo: VINO
This is not the first time that the NDP Administration, since taking office in 2011 has attacked the media. Attacks have come form the Premier Dr. the Hon. D. Orlando Smith, Communications and Works Minister Mark Vanterpool and now the latest from Education and Culture Minister Myron V. Walwyn. The Virgin Islands Constitutional Order of 2007 guarantees freedom of expression and freedom of the press. File photo shows, Speaker of the House Honourable Ingrid Moses-Scatliffe receives His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester Prince Richard and presents to him the Members of the House of Assembly. The Duke is visiting the British Virgin Islands in celebration of the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. (Photo Credit: Mr. Ronnielle Frazer/GIS)
This is not the first time that the NDP Administration, since taking office in 2011 has attacked the media. Attacks have come form the Premier Dr. the Hon. D. Orlando Smith, Communications and Works Minister Mark Vanterpool and now the latest from Education and Culture Minister Myron V. Walwyn. The Virgin Islands Constitutional Order of 2007 guarantees freedom of expression and freedom of the press. File photo shows, Speaker of the House Honourable Ingrid Moses-Scatliffe receives His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester Prince Richard and presents to him the Members of the House of Assembly. The Duke is visiting the British Virgin Islands in celebration of the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. (Photo Credit: Mr. Ronnielle Frazer/GIS)
ROAD TOWN, TORTOLA, VI - In what many in the media fraternity described as another attack on media rights and fundamental freedom of the press, the Minister for Education and Culture Hon. Myron V. Walwyn, in a statement in the House of Assembly (HOA) on July 24, 2012 claimed that looking at the “media today, one realises that something has gone wrong and we seem to have lost our way”.

Walwyn, the controversial rookie first-term legislator and Minister, in an attack on the Virgin Islands media told the HOA, “It seems as though some news outlets are comfortable with reporting half-truths, taking things out of context and putting it into their own context and thus distorting the truth Madame Speaker. What ought to be news to disseminate facts and to educate our population has become sensational entertainment, tabloids if you may.”

However, in his unusual attack, Walwyn did not name any media houses or revealed information that fits this category.

Censorship? Main target is online media

It remains unclear whether portions of his statement is a warning, or a threat to local media houses, but the Minister made it clear, “I would not like us to reach the stage of having to take prohibition actions Madame Speaker, but if we continue on the path we are on, we may well have to begin to consider this.”

Mr. Walwyn’s biggest wrath was for the Online media although he did not call names, but there are four online media houses operating in the VI, namely - BVI Hot Press, BVI News, Virgin Islands News Online and Platinum.

He went on to say in his statement: “Our online media especially, Madame Speaker seems to have gotten totally out of hand. Erroneous information is disseminated day after day, facts are made up, and countless anonymous sources infer statements that question the integrity of both public and private citizens. Moreover, the blogs have no restriction whatsoever and media owners seem to not realize their legal responsibility in giving a platform to frequent libel and false statements.”

While the Minister was very critical of the media with one side of his mouth, he still on the other hand said, “We live in a free society, we have rights Madame Speaker, we live in a democratic society.”

Minister Walwyn warned the media houses that his, “Ministry of Education and Culture with its assigned responsibilities for media monitoring, will be taking a proactive approach to encourage our media to be more responsible in their reporting by developing a code of ethics for professional media operators within the Virgin Islands”.

NDP has developed history of bashing the media

To many in the media fraternity and the local indigenous class, Walywn’s statement came as no surprise. Since taking office in 2011, the National Democratic Party (NDP) has made it tradition to bash and blame the media houses for what they claimed to be “false” and “malicious” reporting but they have never proved to the public what were reported inaccurately.

One Online news, for example, has reported many accurate stories coming out of the NDP Cabinet and all have proven to be accurate and spot on. A few months ago, the Communications and Works Minister Mark Vanterpool lashed out at this news site when it reported a story on Dr. Drexel Glasgow about his penning removal from his post at the Public Works Department and Hon. Vanterpool said the reports were false. Two weeks later, after his statement in the HOA, the officer was transferred just as it was reported, and the Minister made a statement on the transfer of the officer but never apologised to this news site for his erroneous statement.

There are many other examples where this news site was attacked by the NDP and when the tapes and other information in dispute were played and revealed, it turned out to be facts and high ethical reporting.

John E. Leonard, the General Manger of Advance Marketing and Professional Services, the parent company of this news site said, “Our policy and producers does not allow us to report information that is not factual so therefore the Minister's statement is not of any concern to us”.

We will maintain our high professional and well cemented standards and after two years not one person in the VI can point to one single story that did not bear out the facts, not one and I articulated this without fear of contradiction,” he told this reporter from Overseas on a business trip.

Many in the community are beginning to see an erosion of freedom of the press and freedom of expression. Recently, the NDP Government barred a citizen Bevis Sylvester from speaking at a graduation exercise with no reason given. A private radio station suspended a long-standing radio programme off the air and according to the host Alred Frett he was told “that management did not like what he was saying”.

The Virgin Islands Constitution Order of 2007 protects freedom of the press and freedom of expression.

41 Responses to “Walwyn's new target, the VI media! ”

  • LOL (25/07/2012, 09:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I think a lot of what the Minister says has merit, there is a definite bias to some stories published with only partial truth. You have to read the reports on all news sites to get the best picture.
    • jack be still (25/07/2012, 13:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      The role of the media is poorly understood by Myron who is a lawyer...shameful dude
      • to Myron (25/07/2012, 23:32) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Walwyn looking positive press but he better go pay for ads as that is not the role of the news site unless you are with the NDP...Let the press—report the the news good and bad. Walwyn only aim is to slaughter democracy, press freedom and human rights. When this happens we end up with a command and control structure. Freedom of the press is a hallmark of any progressive and democratic society....did he not take Public Law in the UK?????? It is the press that keeps things real, brings what happens in the dark into the sunshine. During the campaign he himself spoke about "government in the sunshine" After all because of the press freedom we enjoy in the BVI even the poor can blog and the voiceless and unconnected souls can have a say!!!!!. Can anyone Imagine life in the BVI without a free press, and having to be subjected to listen to propaganda from Glover Parks and Ms. Barnes??? I think NOT!!!!
  • X (25/07/2012, 09:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    here he go again..what a sad day for this place
  • Native Baby (25/07/2012, 09:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Myron definitely need to stop and bring back our democratic way of life.
    • up-town (25/07/2012, 23:41) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      He has the tendencies of a communist or a dictator. However he need to spend some time watching the news that most if not all the strong men in Africa are gone and those in the Middle East are dead or killing their own people to stay in power like Syria.. He needs to spend some time on CNN and BBC as he seems out of touch with reality on this one. I say every day, thank god for the media our best way of getting an independent and transparent voice. He may need to speed up the Government Online news site he was calling for and start there by clarifying the issues that have been brought against him BEFORE trying to regulate and shut down the media.
  • ooooo (25/07/2012, 09:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    leh him cart his got licks from the press, left, right and center and them aint bawl one leh he cart he tail....he want to say and do pi$$ and wants everybody to turn a blind eye?
    • kevin (25/07/2012, 13:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      They shut up Al Frett, they shut up Bevis now the entire media is next...why the hell one Minister trying so hard to muzzle we???? Can someone remind him of what happen to Sadam, Gadifee and Morris Bishop???
  • school children (25/07/2012, 09:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    we heard that myron is one of the top bloggers with many different names
    • BLOG MAN (25/07/2012, 13:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • MAN DOWN (25/07/2012, 09:45) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The people will have the final verdict on him and his dictatorship come next elections ...It’s now crystal clear that he has no respect for we the people and our constitution....
  • vip (25/07/2012, 09:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    ndp used the media to attack its coming back to haunt them, they're crying fowl
  • Breaking News (25/07/2012, 09:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    You all cannot blame the poor child. That is the way the Birds ran Antigua for years as a dictatorship so he came here with the same idea hoping to say in power for years. But he will learn tis the BVI so he better scatter he old dull, tired, boring behind … old Antiguan garrut !!!!
    • shelia (25/07/2012, 13:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      when will the NDP pass a Freedom of Information Act. Then there would be less "half truths".
    • blah (25/07/2012, 14:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      lol lol lol try leave me this good day. ah u killing me sah
      • NDP attack dog (26/07/2012, 00:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Mr. Myron boss what you did deeds Tola people that they hate you so much???? you need to check yourself
  • Virgin Gorda Massive (25/07/2012, 10:09) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why everytime Myron goes to the House he always seems so angry?? Gosh man be happy we voted you in…
    • sack time (25/07/2012, 23:54) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      mark my words when i said last year the VIP was gone it happened...just wait tick tick tick tick tock tick tock tick tock he will fall off the train real soon if he does not change his selfish, self centered petty ways.....just a matter of time before Dr. Smith and Pickering fire he....
  • Guilty (25/07/2012, 10:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I fully agree with the minister and we have to realize that we are adults and if we set these sort of examples for the youths, our nation will certainly be lost. Online news is not just viewed domestically, but internationally, and we should not let our political choices alow us to cause our country to fall when we display such disregard to what we are publishing. Lets just have clean news and correct/precise/accurate broadcasting so that we can have an educated people while saving the reputation of this country.
  • pit (25/07/2012, 10:42) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    This man lucky he get in and the same people that vote for him he let all of us down wish him luck in the next 3 years we waiting for his smart talk
    • @@@@@@ (25/07/2012, 13:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      glad no one defending he with this crap even the NDP site Platinum against he. He needs to go sit his anti behind down.
  • q (25/07/2012, 11:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The media need to report the facts and stop leaving out important details which causes friction.
    • dog mean (25/07/2012, 13:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      But if they do not people can sue them so I really do not see the issue...he is a crazy power hungry man
  • apple (25/07/2012, 13:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Dangerous stuff this from this dude. He seems to think that the media is there only to pass on his silly messages.
    • time for friends who cares (26/07/2012, 00:00) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      this is so amazing and interesting that with less than a year in office Myron has become the most hated and controversial politician in the BVI, he is going to surpass Fraser as the most hated men in the Legislative Counsel and on top of that Myron making threats? Dr. Smith, Lorna, Pasty, Mark, Ingrid, Al and Marlon please talk to him before its too late.
  • fat head (25/07/2012, 14:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Does media come under Education and Culture, or Works and Communications? Myron took off Kedrick labour portfolio now he going for Marks?? Dr. Smith look out you are next!!!
    • touch me down dey (25/07/2012, 17:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      ronnie aint going let him touch any of his deman
    • Ms Ryan (26/07/2012, 11:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      what you mean Dr. Smith is next Myron is the dam Premier for the BVI can u see he runs thing for now until the day ends and it will be very soon, if the VIP had take the consitution had on him he would not have been in the BVI business, He had no right to be rununing for our Election.
  • PAPI (25/07/2012, 15:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • dd (25/07/2012, 15:50) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    every man got he day so ayo just ignore Myron
  • memo (25/07/2012, 16:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    democracy in one man show, dictatorship and bad mindedness is out..dr. Smith please send Myron the memo
  • INSIDER (25/07/2012, 16:37) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    the bottom line is he just trying to get at VINO as HE HATES ONE OF THE FORMER OWNERS...bam
  • question (25/07/2012, 17:00) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    seems like the NDP loosing it fast..only two men that will never get on like that Drs Pick and SMITH..LETS SEE IF BOLO, RUSSEL AND MS. P GOING LET A CRAZY BOUY FROM ANTIGUA RUN THE NDP OUT OF TOWN....BOOEE you promised to be an adviser and tell us when we going wrong..come on do your job
  • bad (25/07/2012, 23:22) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    You know things bad when Myron has to spend half his day blogging on BVI news...
  • nothing is free (26/07/2012, 09:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The role of the media is NOT to educate but to INFORM.
  • hide and seek (26/07/2012, 10:42) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    why when the media report the truth myron getting upset... hope he not hiding nothing
  • hell (26/07/2012, 18:10) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Walwyn target the media interesting headline let’s hope when they target he it would not be a problem!
  • zz (26/07/2012, 18:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Myron relax....worry about a private sec who aint on the street bad talking you as the media will be alrigt
  • ape (26/07/2012, 22:59) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Be careful what you wish for Myron no one will take you censoring the media lying down
  • Lasso (27/07/2012, 07:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The bigger picture is that the media has surely lost its way. Each media house and talk show host feels that misleading listeners or those web-based news outlet has become political and execute a political agenda. They have thrown professionalism, honesty and decency throughout the window. It is time something be done. When concerns arise, I have never ever heard the Caribbean Media Association call on journalist, news men, radio stations, tv stations, wed media outlets to be professional. They always cry about freedom of expression, freedom to speak, but never that there is also a responsibility to be decent, ethical, professional and stop being political junkies on the alter of journalism.
  • just in time (28/07/2012, 19:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Myron you want to shout us up like u did Mr. Sylvester. That wouldn't happen we have freedom of speech

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