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Walwyn’s 'enslaved' claims in poor taste & disrespectful – Wheatley

- Minister challenged to support ‘provocative’ rhetoric
Education and Culture Minister Hon. Myron V. Walwyn has been challenged to support his rhetoric in claiming that the children of expatriate parents are enslaved in not receiving immediate rights to citizenship upon their birth in the Virgin Islands. Photo:VINO/File
“I think it was in poor taste to do that at the Emancipation Service, this should have been something reserved to recognise and celebrate our ancestors’ emancipation from slavery and all of the oppression they went through and had to fight against and persevere against,” Wheatley expressed. Photo: VINO/File
“I think it was in poor taste to do that at the Emancipation Service, this should have been something reserved to recognise and celebrate our ancestors’ emancipation from slavery and all of the oppression they went through and had to fight against and persevere against,” Wheatley expressed. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Education and Culture Minister Hon. Myron V. Walwyn has been challenged to support his rhetoric in claiming that the children of expatriate parents are enslaved in not receiving immediate rights to citizenship upon their birth in the Virgin Islands.

The charge has been made by commentator and social activist, Natalio Wheatley aka Sowande Uhuru who described the Minister’s remarks during the Emancipation Service held at the Sunday Morning Well as being in poor taste and disrespectful.

“Those children must be set free. Those children must be emancipated. There must be a new dispensation that gives the same rights and responsibilities owed to them as children born of this land,” Hon. Walwyn expressed during the Sunday Morning Well service on August 4, 2013.

“I think it was in poor taste to do that at the Emancipation Service, this should have been something reserved to recognise and celebrate our ancestors’ emancipation from slavery and all of the oppression they went through and had to fight against and persevere against,” Wheatley expressed.

Wheatley argued that Hon. Walwyn was wrong to make claims that the children of expat parents were oppressed and not free as the practice of not granting immediate citizenship at birth was not uncommon around the world.

“I was saying that only thirty out of one hundred and ninety-four countries confer citizenship at birth,” he stated. He added that of these 30 countries, many have considered revoking this privilege. He highlighted Barbados and Antigua and Barbuda as being among these countries.

According to Wheatley, it is absolutely wrong to encourage people in the view that the law was oppressive and that the people were not free. He instead suggested that the Minister should encourage migrants and the children of migrants to make use of an opportunity that has been granted to them in being allowed into the Territory.

“They should make the best use of that opportunity, they should learn as much as they can about the culture and about the history of the people here and seek to integrate themselves into the population and to make a strong contribution to the society,” he said.

Wheatley called the Minister’s call confusing from a political perspective as while he would possibly be able to consolidate one group of voters with his rhetoric, he would equally be alienating another segment, “I don’t think that’s smart politics,” he stated.

Making reference to whether the Minister might enjoy support from his fellow Cabinet Members on such a move, Wheatley said he did not wish to speculate but had previously heard the Deputy Premier Dr the Honourable Kedrick D. Pickering a while ago suggesting that ‘where you are born is not where you are from’.

“I’m not sure what he can do substantially to back up his rhetoric at this moment, in fact I challenge him to back up his rhetoric. I would like to see what it is he’s going to do,” Wheatley said. He added that he did not feel that the words uttered by the Minister would amount to anything other than provocative rhetoric.

58 Responses to “Walwyn’s 'enslaved' claims in poor taste & disrespectful – Wheatley”

  • dog (20/08/2013, 08:22) Like (7) Dislike (18) Reply
    is any one taking this political moo moo seriously? Struppps… just looking votes why he aint tell dr. smith go lobby the UK government?
    • polo (20/08/2013, 08:32) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
      Mr Walwyn as a man of the law you need to be telling the expats if they want to live here they just need to follow our laws, simple
    • we now know (20/08/2013, 10:41) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      we now know that it is written in the b.v.i constitution 0f 2007 that if a child born here and the mother or father have no status for here,that child is not o belonger/citizen here and the child have to be on the mother time,and get it expat mother rights.after a aarticle on vino i go and read the law for myself; so for minister to say in 2013,he doh agree with british nationality law,that means he dont know his own b.v.i.constitution,it is not a british law no more,its our own bvi law.all of us should relax, live good with one another and obey the law in the country..
      • yellow (20/08/2013, 11:38) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
        The crab in a bucket behaviour is not new; it is a carryover from slavery
  • xxxxxxxx (20/08/2013, 08:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I need to smoke a splif and meditate on this one!!!!...
  • mother hen (20/08/2013, 08:30) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    This child mvw is looking to give away my little contry....someone need to bell that cat!!
  • NDP voter (20/08/2013, 08:38) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Since Myron is so passionate about this even though most of us thinks it’s his desperate political posturing he needs to deal with it now while he's in power.....He got 25 more months to deal with it, so on his next trip to the UK tell him go see the Secretary of State of the FCO....Let’s see if he's bluffing and fooling the poor people!!!.
  • uhuru (20/08/2013, 08:41) Like (4) Dislike (18) Reply
    • Forbidden Truth (20/08/2013, 09:38) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      Emancipation ceremonywasnt about the children of foreigners
    • @ uhuru (20/08/2013, 10:05) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      Sorry but there are no first world countries that offer citizenship to children born of expat parents outside of the USA..why should the BVI do it???? Come on Myron let's save the BVI!!!
      • uhuru (20/08/2013, 12:33) Like (2) Dislike (11) Reply


        • . (20/08/2013, 14:56) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
          They are getting what the country have for them - nothing. And they are not some kinda step child, they are some kinda outside child, or really more like a neighbor's child, not our responsibility at all, unless one of their parents is a BVIslander and the parents are married, but of course in that case none of this is an issue, the child is a citizen already.
  • Hmmm* (20/08/2013, 08:53) Like (2) Dislike (23) Reply
    Wheatley, you just lost my support, not all things done by politicians should be done with the intent of increasing one's political strong hold. I fear this is why we're moving backwards as a country, too many politicians afraid to do whats right for fear of losing voters. As a result we have this "grease the wheels" form of politics where you say and do what will get you elected or re-elected in opposed to what is right. This is our down fall, being a young ignorant christian community it will never be a case where all things that are positive for the community will gain you votes, and not all things that will gain votes will be a positive for the territory at large. I thought you understood this...but i was mistaken, your remarks about this initiative by the minister being "politically confusing" and that we must follow the lead of other countries who oppress those born on their soil show me your true are borderline racist and a follower.

    P.S I am a born, raised and educated B.V. Islander...that alone should insist that you take my comment to heart, as nationality seems to be what you see first in a person!
    • one eye (20/08/2013, 09:15) Like (9) Dislike (4) Reply
      I agree with Sowande for Mr. Myron is talking absolute nonsense. The children of expat parents have to wait their turn. Blame their parents who decided to give birth to them here in the BVI instead of back in their parents’ home country. The law is the law end of story!

      • one eye roster (20/08/2013, 10:09) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
        I am irate over politicians who pander to overly-aggressive invaders and expats for votes.
  • Mango Monkey (20/08/2013, 08:57) Like (13) Dislike (4) Reply
    Sowande Uhuru I agree with you 100% except that I also blame our local people for sitting idly by and allowing an island man elected to we legislature to now tell us he wants all other island people to come to the country at well and get rights…only in the BVI!! We need to do something about this next elections
  • Virgin Son (20/08/2013, 09:05) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    tell him Wheatley he want island people to come here, break our laws and be rewarded with belongership/citizenship for their illegally born children? Ayo must be mad!
    • Oh Really! (20/08/2013, 09:38) Like (2) Dislike (21) Reply
      ILLEGALLY BORN!? i sure you more illegally born than those same children because i sure when my father lay down with my mother it was her man alone that was already bound before opposed to this huge hen house named Tortola where it got one cock for 100 hen and 20 million ILLEGAL chicks running around where the one cock cant or DON'T want to claim them! So please watch your mouth when you talking mess bout illegal born when smith carrying penn and for all you know the rightful name to carry is hodge!
  • Golden egg (20/08/2013, 09:08) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    So happy to see BVIslanders having a say in the matters of his/her country. Locals please continue stand up for the good of the country.
  • Politics (20/08/2013, 09:23) Like (3) Dislike (15) Reply

    Sowande doesn't have one single idea to move this country forward. Everything is about black power and touting a bunch of bull$h!t he read in a book somewhere. A bright id!ot I consider him to be. Stop picking fights and tell us why we should vote for you next time. Myron will be the highest vote getter next time around at-large remember I said so. Don't worry about him, people are seeing his works. This topic is controversial and I don't agree with Walwyn on it at all!! Sowande all you Edmund and others do is bash bash bash, that's a punk move. Put forward solutions! How do we get the youth born here, schooled here, representing the country but can't 'belong', to respect, love and be patriotic to BVI. That's the point. Do you have anything to add to the debate besides political meandering?

    • ndp (20/08/2013, 10:21) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
      I for one am sick and tired of Myron. This young boi is confused about many things and who he is, yet he wants to champion the cause of the island people!! Shame on he what a mistake we made
  • Expat (20/08/2013, 09:35) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is this guy fMyron or real??? I am sorry to say Mr. Walwyn does NOT represent me with his opinions.
  • son of the soil (20/08/2013, 09:40) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    These island people really want to take over this place.
    • Message (20/08/2013, 10:13) Like (8) Dislike (8) Reply
      My advice to Minister Myron is to shut up and do the MEC work if you’re capable.
  • Fat Head (20/08/2013, 09:41) Like (3) Dislike (18) Reply
    I agree with Myron where you born is where you from!!
    • @ Fat Head (20/08/2013, 10:11) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      I just read online that Canada wants to build its population through immigration. Perhaps those like Walwyn who do not like the BVI’s laws should try Canada and leave we alone!!!!
    • @ Fat Head (20/08/2013, 16:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      seems like MVW land now and found a computer
  • Dummy (20/08/2013, 09:57) Like (3) Dislike (13) Reply
    why is this wheatly boy tryin to push up himself thinkin he can imitate our origional real national heroes who fought for theses islands when he knows nothing he only reads what he wants to bring down all of us GOVERMENT to win political points to run for his house that he cant control please give me a break
    • @ Dummy (20/08/2013, 10:15) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      Myron is fighting for his island people and sowande is fighting for us locals but the sad thing is Myron will win as there are more island people than locals so poor we locals we suck salt
  • MeArm (20/08/2013, 10:06) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    The BVI is entirely to small to allow an influx of children to become naturalised/bvislanders by birth. Do we realize that the current infrastructure of the schools are in disrepair and bursting at the seams? How can such a small territory accomodate all these people. To compare the BVi to other big nations is like comparing oranges with apples. Let us get our eductional and medical sytems/infrastructures in place before we try to accomodate more........ We simply cannot accomodate more until we get our house in order! Water & Sewerage/Electricity, Education, Medical.........all in shambles but we want to take on more strain on the economy. But that's we get when we elect outsiders to run our country!
    • wha (20/08/2013, 14:28) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      That is one of the reason the last FCO minister that was here in the BVI said, that the law was protect and limit the amount of migration of this country.
    • insider (20/08/2013, 21:54) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      You make absolutely no sense. When people are born to a place it is not an influx. The fact that the infrastructure is in disrepair has nothing to do with capacity. If it was not neglected for so long that would not be a problem today as simple maintenance would take care of that. The strain on the economy is a result of mismanagement and waste but you couldn't figure that out since you are so busy gulping down the foolishness that has been passed around. No sense of reason, you lack the ability to think clearly and see what is really going on but join the popular chorus of those that can see no further than their noses. Seems to me that you are one of those (like the member of the 3rd) who feel that putting money in the reserve is wasting. Reality is setting in and soon the chickens will come home to roost then people like you would bless the day the current government exercised wisdom and acted prudently by setting aside money for a rainy day.

  • Liat 521 (20/08/2013, 10:06) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    then you and him could retun to Antigua
  • barking sparrow (20/08/2013, 10:23) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    MVW Hush your mouth, stay in your ministry of education and culture box, get some experience, actually make some sort of contribution to this community and then come with a more sensible point of view. You are getting to be more and more disappointing. Stop while you ahead before you are fired!
  • confused (20/08/2013, 10:27) Like (4) Dislike (15) Reply
    All those locals who have children born in the U.S. what are their status? Then the U.S. should be kicking out those kids when they born there because they are not from there. Would you people like that. You people are the most selfish ignorant set of people I came across. Why don't you born your kids here in Tortola why go to the United States and St thomas.
    • MeArm (20/08/2013, 11:18) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
      The reason most of us get our children in the US is to ensure that we get better medical care. How much of us actually stay in the US and be a burden to their system? We get our children and come right back home to our beloved BVI! As I stated above, the BVI is entirely to small to accomodate an influx of outsiders to be a further strain on our already failing structures.
  • i agrree too (20/08/2013, 10:46) Like (0) Dislike (13) Reply
    i agree with myron too,but the law doesnt support his claim,he is in public life,he can go in parliament and encourage the house to amend the constitution,nothing wrong with that,but he on platform saying that,to make expat believe the law is in their favour..
    • under the bus (20/08/2013, 11:41) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
      Done warn allyuh bout putting Myron in office why you all now surprise he looking out for island people?
  • concerned, deeply (20/08/2013, 11:20) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Words and actions should be for a better British Virgin Islands, solving the many problems we all are facing..and all try to work together for the future of us all. The shame is that dwelling on the past, for all of us who have had difficult work today, tomorrow and the next day to make things better.....and all respect each other and reach out to each other and be positive in our thoughts and actions....we must not dwell on past times. We must, together, get on with it and stop the constant diatribe...
  • weed (20/08/2013, 11:27) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    Allowing an expat in the HOA is the worst thing that could be done...
  • crisis (20/08/2013, 11:34) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    Let him continue man! I know bvislanders very well and standing for this issue will be his ticket out of office!
  • in the news (20/08/2013, 11:42) Like (3) Dislike (13) Reply
    myron you will get back in no need to beat a dead horse and pander on ah moot point?
  • open wide (20/08/2013, 12:17) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mr. Wheatley thanks for having the balls to say what most locals are afraid to say because of political victimization!
  • pat (20/08/2013, 13:32) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Another desperate attempt by Myron to stay in power by selling out the BVI…I see what Alvin meant when he said the invaders are coming!!!
  • Long Road To Travel (20/08/2013, 19:15) Like (2) Dislike (13) Reply
    I am amazed at how xenophobic many of us here in the BVI are. What are we afraid would be taken away from us by expats? As it stands, we ourselves have just about sold or given away everything. What we have lost or stand to lose is not being taken from us. Our land that is so precious we have sold out; our identity we have exchanged for something less desirable and our minds remain in the manacles reminiscent of slavery days. Sowande's vitriol against the Minister of Education & Culture's remarks show just how far we have come in our Post Emancipation journey. Whether it is the British Nationality Act or a local law that deprive children born here of their right to belong it is archaic, self-serving and downright foolish.

    When one is denied the right to belong one is being denied a basic human right (suffrage); the right to vote. Learned as he is, Sowande ought to know that one of the biggest obstacles faced by people of the modern world was the right to vote. This basic right when denied has retarded the growth of many countries. How can we begin to have debates or discussions about self-determination, independence or any kind of status when we are still mired in the vestiges of slavery? I suppose he has a new definition of "Emancipation." One of the pre-requisites of Freedom, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness is the right to vote.

    Imagine, we are celebrating our ancestors and we are still basking in our oppression. In fact, I dare say that this kind of mentality shows that we are identifying with the oppressor. I submit to you that there is no greater form of slavery than using the same techniques, mechanisms and mind set as those that visited slavery upon our ancestors. It is time that we display the maturity, skill and intellect of a people that claim to be free. Like it or not, it is those same children born of expat parents in the BVI that are going to have a big say in shaping the political, economic, and cultural landscape of the BVI in years to come. They were born here and one day must be take their rightful place and be recognized along with those who are from parents born here. Whether you like what the Minister said or not, this is going to be one of the hot topics of any debate on self-determination or any such discussion as the BVI forges ahead in the modern era.

  • legal team (20/08/2013, 23:00) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The B.V.I Constitution: Chapter 1 Interpretation 2(2) page 6 of the Supreme B.V.I Law states:-

    [" For the purpose of this CONSTITUTION (of the B.V.I),a PERSON BELONGS to the Virgin Islands if that PERSON-
    (a) is Born in the B.V.I and at the TIME of the BIRTH his or her MOTHER or FATHER IS or WAS--

    (i) A British Overseas Territories Citizen( or a British Dependent Territories Citizen) By virtue of BIRTH,REGISTRATION, or NATURALIZATION in the Virgin Island(B.V.I) or by Virtue of descent from a father or mother who was BORN in the Virgin Islands"]
    Her Majesty-The Queen did NOT Declare in the V.I Constitution,that a CHILD Born in the B.V.I of Expatriate Parents belongs to the B.V.I. If the CHILD BORN HERE but the Parent(s) have NO STATUS for HERE,the CHILD also DOES NOT have Status:Hence,the child does NOT -BELONG to Her Majesty's B.V.I.
    That is what Her Majesty's Declaration Directed upon the People of the V.I!
    Section 22 of same V.I Constitution,makes Provision for ALL underage CHILDREN residing in the B.V.I,to get Free-Education:
    Section 30 of the same V.I Constitution makes Provisions for the well-being of ALL children residing in the B.V.I.
    The children in the B.V.I are ALL FREE!Immigration will give them time to stay,but they are FREE!According to Policy Laws,when that child of expat-parents reaches Adult-age 18,that Child can Apply to be RECOGNIZED as BELONGING to the V.I.
    So My dear brothers and sisters of the Beautiful Virgin Islands,Let's be Calm and do not Panic.This is not an ETHNIC-Fight between Expats and Citizens.
    It's about a Statement by a Public Official!
    In the very same V.I Constitution,Her Majesty also declared that we all have""Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of ALL Individuals"".
    I say that to say;Let us try to respect each other's VIEWS,without xxx.I love to read the bloggs,which is an indication that the B.V.I is FREE.I am sure by now,the Minister,as a Child of God,in Public Life,May well address the Nation,after Recognizing that Her Majesty's Declaration,to the Citizens/Residents of the B.V.I is FINAL! Only Her Majesty can Amend that Constitution-Law,if the B.V.I people call for such Amendment!
    I am confident,that when faced with the Constitutional-law,the minister will retract his previous statements.Give him a chance to reflect,on his Retractable-speech:Long live,Free B.v.I.
  • Real (21/08/2013, 00:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well said.
    • LAW (21/08/2013, 08:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      we read the constitution law now,for real,some times public people say thing and then they take back what they say.for real,he might take back his and tell us is not the expats or tolians to curse at each other over what he say.i dont like what the minister say but for real let him think and to say;a'm sorry
  • dd (21/08/2013, 09:54) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    hope he keeps his trap shut now that the premiere has throw him under the bus and say he did not speak for the NDP
    • legal team (21/08/2013, 11:34) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      We continue to wait until Emancipation celebrations to talk about Freedom and by mid August,there is no more Freedom-Talk.I resided in B.V.I for 27yrs plus,and what I realize, is that some people in B.V.I don't read laws,which tell them of their rights and freedoms. Because since 1976,when the BVI got its first Constitution from Her Majesty,That section declaring "if you born in bvi of expat parents,you don't belong to bvi" was in the 1976 Constitution. And local Parliament here in B.V.I in 1988/1991; also made this Constitutional-Law a Statutory-Law,as Enacted in the Immigration and Passport Ordinance.When the NDP Government of 2005,appointed a Constitutional-Commission to look into Amending the [1976] BVI Constitution,The delegation who went to Buckingham Palace on 13th June 2007, advised the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty-In Council,that the B.V.I should keep the same-Law: And Her Majesty,the Queen was pleased; because the Law,is Consistent with British Law.Right now,the law is a BVI Local:
      I am lost,because the Law is not only a Constitutional-Law it is also a Statutory-Law,enacted by B.V.I Parliament,into Local B.V.I Laws.It is written in the Immigration Law:

      So the Immigration Department,is Lawfully, and Legally-Correct,both under the Constitution and under the Immigration and Passport-Ordinance,To make A Policy,advising the Public,That if a child is born in the B.V.I of expat Parentage,That Child Does Not Belong to the B.V.I,therefore, The Mother or Father Must put the Child on their-Time and they Must pay for that time:

      Immigration is LAWFULLY-CORRECT!

      We as a loving people must put this matter to rest! The Law-is-the-law: Jump high or jump low;it's the Law of the land! Why should there be Civil Disobedience,over a lawfully Instituted-Law?B.V.I people are FREE!
  • CONFUSE (21/08/2013, 11:50) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    its usa law. but the baby must also get rights of its mother or fathers as written in the constitution. our law is different from usa;if usa change their law we as bvislander cannot try to fight it.what we are saying is that it is a law,and fussing about is jus going to cause "confusion" the minister have to power to address the matter in parliament and call the law to be amend,but come on a no no
  • dr o.s (21/08/2013, 12:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    jus tell the minister to retract his statement;we kool with that..
  • Christopher Fraser (21/08/2013, 19:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    They trying the same thing here in Bermuda
  • usa (23/08/2013, 18:42) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    The trouble with Myron is that he beleives everyone is the same as him...when clearly the majority are not

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