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Walwyn lashes out at AG yet again; disputes latest Fact Check

- As AG Ms Webster stands 100% by the ESHS Wall Report
Today, December 18, 2018, Mr Walwyn in firing back, released a five-page document entitled, ”The Real Fact Check,” to dispute several of AG, Ms Webster’s own fact checks, in relation to statements he Walwyn made on the wall report in some sections of the media. Photo: VINO/File
Hon Walwyn had lambasted both the Governor, Augustus J. U. Jaspert & the Auditor General in the past! Photo: VINO/File
Hon Walwyn had lambasted both the Governor, Augustus J. U. Jaspert & the Auditor General in the past! Photo: VINO/File
In her report, the AG noted that there was “no value for money, workers being paid for which was not done,” and blatant violations of the law, in particular the “Public Finance Management Regulations.” Photo: VINO/File
In her report, the AG noted that there was “no value for money, workers being paid for which was not done,” and blatant violations of the law, in particular the “Public Finance Management Regulations.” Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Co-Leader of Government and Minister for Education and Culture, Hon Myron V. Walwyn (AL) has again lashed out at the Auditor General (AG), Ms Sonia M. Webster over her findings in the Wall Report on the ‘small wall’ commissioned by him around the Elmore Stoutt High School (ESHS).

Yesterday, December 17, 2018—in a bombshell statement—the AG, Ms Webster, in defending her office and integrity, said she was standing 100% behind the findings of the report, even as Mr Walwyn had publicly lambasted her and Governor of the Virgin Islands (VI), Augustus J. U. Jaspert on Friday, December 14, 2018.

Today, December 18, 2018, Mr Walwyn in firing back, released a five-page document entitled, ”The Real Fact Check,” to dispute several of Ms Webster’s own fact checks, in relation to statements he Walwyn made on the Wall Report in some sections of the media.

In her original statement, the AG further revealed that the wall—costing taxpayers some $1.6M—was managed with little regard for public resources and she called the actions of Hon Walwyn—in attacking her agency—a danger not only to democracy, but to the very foundation of good governance, accountability and public transparency.

Round Two

Today, Mr Walwyn in the five-page document, left no stone unturned in hitting back at the AG for her criticisms of his media statements and the project in general.

In the statement yesterday, the AG revealed that Hon Walwyn had said that the Public Works Department (PWD) was not consulted during the audit process, however, Ms Webster revealed that those statements were false since the Auditor had visited the PWD and conferred with both the current and former Directors.

“PWD was asked to provide a costing for the wall but the then director declined, indicating that they were not involved in the planning and execution of the Elmore Stoutt Perimeter Wall,” the AG notes in a fact check.

However, the alternative document is saying, “We understand that PWD was asked for copies of the drawings and they directed the Audit Office to the Building Authority. That’s all they were asked for.”

It goes on to say, “It is also our understanding that PWD was never asked to do a valuation of the wall. How was it that the Ministry of Education was able to get a valuation of the cost of the wall then and you the big Auditor General couldn’t get one? Something doesn’t sound right here,” the document notes.

On Friday, December 14, 2018, Governor Jaspert—in breaking his silence on the issue—has since indicated that the ESHC Wall Report is now with the Police for further action.

More Disputes

In another one of the disputes, Mr Walwyn had made statements that the Audit Report valued the wall at $372,000. The AG again indicated that the statement was false, saying, “The Audit Report does not provide any valuation of the wall. It benchmarks the quantity surveying rates used by SA Architect for this project against PWD rates used on similar projects in 2015.”

To which the document responds, “Well, tell us what is your valuation of the wall? I’m just asking for a friend. Why are you avoiding this question?”

Further, the document comments on several of the confirmed “True” facts uttered by Mr Walwyn such as, “The Auditor General has requested more resources for staff and training.”

The AG had said that “More resources would allow the office to perform a greater number of Value For Money Audits and Special Audits on Government Projects and provide greater transparency on government’s operations.”

The document responded, “Well, if you need human resources hire them so that you can stop writing half-baked reports or use PWD like you are asking every other Department to use.”

See “The Real Fact Check” report embeded below:

Minister’s Assertions

(As presented in his Statement and as

Reported in 284-News Interview)


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Auditor General’s Response

Real Findings

1. PWD was not consulted during the audit process.


PWD was contacted for this audit. The auditor visited the PWD and conferred with both the current and former Directors (together in person).

PWD was asked to provide a costing for the wall but the then director declined indicating that they were not involved in the planning and execution of the Elmore Stoutt Perimeter Wall.

We understand that PWD was asked for copies of the drawings and they directed the audit office to the building authority.

That’s all they were asked for. It is also our understanding that PWD was never asked to do a valuation of the wall.

How was it that the Ministry of Education was able to get a valuation of the cost of the wall then and you the big Auditor General couldn’t get one?

Something doesn’t sound right here.



2. Audit Report valued the wall at $372,000.


The Audit Report does not provide any valuation of the wall. It benchmarks the quantity surveying rates used by

SA Architect for this project against PWD rates used on similar projects in 2015.

Nowhere in the Audit Report is there a valuation of $372,000 (or $371,007.72).

The amount appears to be an incomplete computation which is being presented by the Minister that is based on the PWD benchmark used in the Audit report.

This apparent incomplete computation includes only the works for “Block Wall Construction” (discussed on page 10

of the Report) but does not include the amount for “Rail installation and Painting” and for “Other Works”( such as

Demolition works and the addition of a Bus Drop-off area).

The benchmark is not intended to be used to cost the project but to provide a comparison with other public projects.

No benchmarking was done for rail works as there was insufficient information in the PWD 2015 petty contracts to reasonably drawn on.

However based on the Ministry’s data the omitted costs would increase the estimate by an additional $412,256.51* for Rail Installation/Painting and $124,413 for Other Works.

The amount of $372,000 (or $371,007.72) presented by the Minister is therefore both incorrect and misleading. (*actual payments plus amount requested for completion of rail works)

Well, tell us what is your valuation of the wall?

I’m just asking for a friend. Why are you avoiding this question?

PWD Figure - $554.67 per square yard which brings wall to a value of$871,942.34 to date.

BQCS Figure - $545.39 per square yard which brings wall to a value of$857,353.08 to date.

James Todman Figure - $555.39 per square yard which brings wall to a value of $873,085.48 to date.

The Auditor General Report had a figure of $236.01 per square yard.

Again. Based on your findings what is the real.

3. Ministry’s procedures satisfied Government requirements for payment.


The Ministry circumvented the public service payment procedures by sending documents which falsely certified that the work was done and payments were due.

Payments were made based on these false certifications which the Ministry accompanied with purchase orders and vouchers.

The payment process relies on senior government officers to do their part to ensure that government’s resources are protected. The officers of the Treasury cannot be expected to examine the wall to determine which contractors completed the works. They must rely on the integrity of the persons submitting the completion certificates.

Accounting Officers who submit false payment requests may be subject to surcharge by the Financial Secretary.

Point out in the audit report where this was said. When you are doing an audit you have to put everything in so that the other party can get a chance to respond.

Where is this in the report?

Our findings indicate that it does not exist in the report. This is the problem with your report, it is unprofessional.

An allegation like this should have been in the draft report so the Ministry of Education could have responded to it.

Again, Please provide proof of this.

4. There are no quantity surveyors in the Auditor General office.


The Audit office does not provide quantity serving services Nor does it claim to.

Why didn’t the audit office use PWD since they have quantity surveyors and engineers?

Again, tell us where did you get the figure of $236.01 per square yard from?

5. The Auditor General has requested more resources for staff and training


More resources would allow the office to perform a greater number of Value For Money Audits and Special Audits on Government Projects and provide greater transparency on government’s operations.

Additional training is required for Auditors as the Treasury prepares to move from GAAP accounting standards to IPSAS accounting standards for the preparation of financial statements. This transition should be fully on stream by 2020.

The Office’s resources were more than adequate to perform an examination of a wall.

Well, if you need human resources hire them so that you can stop writing half-baked reports or use PWD like you are asking every other Department to use.

6. Attached to the Audit Report should have been a PWD valuation.


The Minister does not determine what goes into, or is attached to, an Audit Report.

For the sake of transparency and accountability, don’t you think that it will be good to have attachments added to validate your report?

Again, since your figures did not come from PWD where didyou get them?






55 Responses to “Walwyn lashes out at AG yet again; disputes latest Fact Check”

  • Love for My Country (18/12/2018, 20:50) Like (141) Dislike (10) Reply
    Can someone please tell me why this Minister continues to nit pick on this matter? He needs to stop whining and accept the fact that there were several things wrong with the project. How can he defend paying out monies for work not done? A leader does not behave this childish!
    • jah (18/12/2018, 21:04) Like (63) Dislike (2) Reply
      Baby Trump
    • Jaigon (19/12/2018, 03:26) Like (50) Dislike (2) Reply
      Thank you Love for my Country. He needs to stop and let the law take its course. But what he is trying to do here is try hius own matter in the public domain. Childish maybe to good a word to describe his behavior right now.
    • UNHINGED!! (19/12/2018, 07:44) Like (35) Dislike (2) Reply
      OMG. This man has become UNHINGED! Someone please stop him.
    • Luvz (19/12/2018, 12:14) Like (20) Dislike (2) Reply
      Thank you! I couldn't agree more. The more he respond makes me want to believe his guilt. Plus; for some one who wants to be premier look at how childish he behaving. Mehn he done loose my vote. This is just over board now.
    • indigenous (20/12/2018, 07:51) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      I think you have expressed the views of many. He is trying this matter in the public and pervating the course of justice. Makes me wonder even more on his ability to lead my country
  • jah (18/12/2018, 21:02) Like (30) Dislike (3) Reply
    You remind me of sir Donald . Idiot
  • wowww (18/12/2018, 21:09) Like (34) Dislike (3) Reply
    This man is just need take a rest somewhere in the corner I’m really tired of him & the NDP... He’s continuously lying & I must say he’s a good manipulator...
  • 1 (18/12/2018, 21:13) Like (29) Dislike (5) Reply
    Mvw going down
  • Perry (the wall) Mason (18/12/2018, 21:19) Like (29) Dislike (1) Reply
    Snarky responses from a learned attorney such as MVW certainly ring alarm bells. Sound like someone up against a wall.
  • A Devilish Soul is MW! (18/12/2018, 21:42) Like (50) Dislike (4) Reply
    Wow! Is this the behavior of a Lawyer??? Better Yet the Minister of Education??? Wait is this the example the teachers should set for the students!!

    Oh dear, the heat is surely hot as the responses from the Minister is personal and unethical!!

    A Guilty conscience makes the most noise!! A pure heart is humbled and let it’s light shine!!

    What an example for the future generations!!! My My! Shame on you Minister!
  • wize up (18/12/2018, 21:43) Like (27) Dislike (13) Reply
    sounds like big man have something hiding or something to hide: old-boy being utter defensive in relation to the matter: our VINO pick on the guy(just a simple question; no need to castrate me)
  • BULLY (18/12/2018, 21:49) Like (40) Dislike (3) Reply
    He's showing himself for the bully he really is.
  • Lamblike Beast. (18/12/2018, 22:37) Like (27) Dislike (1) Reply
    Old ways will not open new doors Mr. Walwyn. Can you get that through your knuckle head fool!!.
  • Why he acting so? (18/12/2018, 22:39) Like (34) Dislike (1) Reply
    By the time this fiasco finishes, this minister is going to land himself right into prison. Something smells rotten somewhere...Let him keep usurping the investigation.
  • Buddy (18/12/2018, 22:51) Like (36) Dislike (1) Reply
    This man starting to behave like Idi Amin.
  • Scary (18/12/2018, 22:56) Like (36) Dislike (2) Reply
    With his type of attitude and behaviour, thank god we still under the UK.
    • wize up (19/12/2018, 07:45) Like (18) Dislike (3) Reply
      @ scary: I feel the same way: can you imagine we being an independent state.....
  • Absolute Power (18/12/2018, 23:01) Like (27) Dislike (1) Reply
    Corrupts, Absolutely. Head already swollen with the taste of power.
  • man (18/12/2018, 23:06) Like (32) Dislike (1) Reply
    lashing out like he running scared now, I tell ya!
  • Guest (18/12/2018, 23:07) Like (29) Dislike (1) Reply
    I never realized how inadequate the word narcissist was until this very moment.......
  • smdh (18/12/2018, 23:09) Like (33) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is he like the BVI’s Black version of Trump???
  • watch out! (18/12/2018, 23:11) Like (33) Dislike (1) Reply
    The HAMMER going to fall soon.
  • the saying goes- (18/12/2018, 23:19) Like (29) Dislike (0) Reply
    “Power Corrupts, and Absolute Power Corrupts-Absolutely.”
  • know it all (18/12/2018, 23:25) Like (45) Dislike (3) Reply
    Fact Check! Those hired consultants going to send you straight to jail and they will be still asking for their money.
  • Wooowy! (18/12/2018, 23:42) Like (45) Dislike (1) Reply
    What an out-ta-place ego. Is he for real with that pompous and callous attitude, and he wants to be our premier.
  • say so... (19/12/2018, 00:13) Like (48) Dislike (7) Reply
    We are witnessing the “self-destruction” of a public leader, who has become so drunk for power and will do anything for it, in the making before our very eyes.
  • Tick-Tock!!! (19/12/2018, 00:15) Like (35) Dislike (1) Reply
    The clock soon drop.
  • Crok (19/12/2018, 00:35) Like (44) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is sheer arrogance on display.
  • Just saying (19/12/2018, 01:35) Like (14) Dislike (49) Reply
    As much as I do agree the minister seems very passionate about these allegations I can understand why this speaks to his credibility and that of his office and officers once lost, it will be forever in question professionally. Therefore if placed in the same position I’m sure most would do exactly the same to clear the air.
    • @Just saying . U wrong. (19/12/2018, 10:07) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
      Not all of us. This would have been my response.." A serious allegation has been made against a contract I gave out I am looking into it. I take it very seriously as I get the information I will report to the bvi People ". That will be my only response ...
  • Well (19/12/2018, 01:37) Like (32) Dislike (3) Reply
    Myron has Christmas party lasnight I was invited but I wasn’t showing my face to that event so embarrassing to be around him a lying person and a manipulator. What a shame on the people who actually went at least I hop sole hide there faces
  • Boss (19/12/2018, 05:51) Like (40) Dislike (0) Reply
    All these antics to dirty the investigation wouldn’t work this time around boss.
  • Just horrible (19/12/2018, 06:00) Like (31) Dislike (0) Reply
    how wall-run here defending his wrongdoings.
  • Wallwin (19/12/2018, 06:02) Like (23) Dislike (0) Reply
    All this “platitudes and attitudes” wouldn’t work this time around, sorry.
  • well shigidy! (19/12/2018, 06:08) Like (32) Dislike (0) Reply
    ‘‘Tis ting tun-up now mehson.”
  • from the womb (19/12/2018, 06:18) Like (36) Dislike (2) Reply
    that female energy will eventually make him humble himself. Disrespectful brut.
  • Just saying double (19/12/2018, 06:33) Like (40) Dislike (2) Reply
    The Premier is in between a rock and a hard place- Fire him now for his reckless disregards for due process. What he started wrong will end wrong, and he will bring down the whole party with him.
  • Lord help us. (19/12/2018, 06:35) Like (31) Dislike (0) Reply
    This child is who the "youths" plan on electing as Premier??? Save it for the courts Walwyn.
  • Now we see (19/12/2018, 06:42) Like (20) Dislike (4) Reply
    why Mitch did not sign any oath of loyalty to this tyrant.
  • Now we see (19/12/2018, 07:01) Like (23) Dislike (0) Reply
    wh some did not want to kiss the ring of loyalty with this tyrant.
  • cop (19/12/2018, 07:22) Like (26) Dislike (0) Reply
    Keep talking . Keep writing . The more you say the higher your chances of getting arrested ..The wall is there for all to see and it doesn't cost $1.6 million . If you ask me not even half of that ...The question is. Why did it cost this much and still unfinished.?
  • premier (19/12/2018, 08:31) Like (12) Dislike (45) Reply
    Honestly, I want this man to represent us as Premier. The fact he can talk up like this, he can do more against the others and putting the mother country in check. Nothing is wrong with defending his project. Those are serious questions a lawyer would ask. That's how the justice system works, fight and the best win.
  • wisdom (19/12/2018, 08:48) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
    Educated fools. A wise man no when to keep his tongue .
  • Messed Up (19/12/2018, 09:27) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hey man, you messed up. You were trying to help your peops, they did a crap job, you paid whatever at the time cos you thought nobody would be looking but now you get caught. Face the music and deal with it. We don't need DJT style in the islands.
  • Diaspora (19/12/2018, 09:35) Like (23) Dislike (0) Reply
    Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. Furthermore, the Auditor General and Governor seem to have the MEC climbing a wall. Well, no need to climb, for it was not completed. How can a contractor(s) get paid for work that was not performed. The payments cannot even be disguised as progress payments, which are allowed, for allegedly some payments were made in full. Whoever certified the invoices for payment should be held accountable. This is probably fraud.

    Have we seen or is seeing this movie? Why is the MEC imitating the Trumpster and behaving in an unhinged manner? As an attorney and a prospective Premier, the unhinged behaviour is unbecoming. If as the MEC is claiming that nothing was done wrong, why not relax and let the RVIPF do its investigation? Findings either by the AG or RVIPF must be based on facts. Facts are not facts only if one went to Rudolf Guilllani School where the nonsensical idea is peddled that facts are not facts. Where is the Premier? The Premier is still the Premier and must belk these cats. Oh snap! There is no one else on the bench; the bench is depleted. Enough already. Just give residents a Christmas present by calling an election by January 31. BVI residents have suffered enough thru the historic flood, and catastrophic hurricanes and don’t need the political tsunami. Gives us some relief. When you snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, life becomes unhinged.
  • tretretrete (19/12/2018, 09:39) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    Myron keeps claiming that he got documents from PWD and J. Todman Construction Co. and whoever but if I can remember correctly the previous PWD director was Hon. Ronnie Skelton's brother Jeffery who recently retired from the post. Also James Todman is an avid NDP supporter so he can try anything to make you look less guilty but I'm so glad this AG is not politically affiliated with her post.
  • Wow! (19/12/2018, 09:52) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    Sounds like a desperate, scared, angry immature man that can barely sleep at night in fear of his reckless actions so he has decided to write his half-baked court statement in advance. AG tell him to save it for the Judge!
  • @ premier (19/12/2018, 10:12) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
    Either you haven’t finished school or you’re just an a$$! Any individual that can not accept when they are wrong and boldly defend wrong doings is a nightmare to any organization or establishment!! Much less a Country State, Territory or Nation!

    You all keep playing around with the devil and reap the aches in the near future!!!
  • Observer (19/12/2018, 10:42) Like (22) Dislike (0) Reply
    EXPOSURE!! Now Madam AG please move forward to the Pier Park and BVI Airways
  • questionable (19/12/2018, 11:34) Like (6) Dislike (30) Reply
    Myron is has a right to defend himself the Auditor General is very dishonest why she did she not publish the section of the findings? Any time your being audited you have a right to respond to what the audit report said so that both persons can have clarity.

    To date there is no evidence indicating that the Auditor has respond to the Ministry of Education questions. As far as I see the Auditor General is acting on a political basis and not as an independent person.

    Myron has to play tit for tit in this matter. The Auditor General is not being fair you cannot publish half of a report to the public.

    The most important question The Auditor General has not answered is where did she get the total of three hundred and something dollars a square foot when she has not evidence to confirm such whereas the Ministry of Education has provided PWD, James Todman Construction and BCQS with figures per square foot.

    In addition if The Auditor General confirmed that PWD was not involve where did she got the evaluation cost from.
    • Some are lost (19/12/2018, 13:28) Like (17) Dislike (2) Reply

      Dude read and understand. If you want to see bias you will see bias. Nobody can help you but yourself.

      The "three hundred and something thousand" that you are referring to is not from the auditor report it is something that the minister made up. Ask him how he got the figure.
  • 1 (19/12/2018, 13:18) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Time going take care of these things
  • question (20/12/2018, 06:25) Like (0) Dislike (4) Reply
    No you do not read the.ministry never give that three hundred and something thousand dollars to the wall it is the auditor general evaluation that confirm the cost and value of the wall. If the minstry provided such figure why question the Auditor General, why do the ministry findings had quantative surveyors evaluate the cost at five hundred and something per square foot. Fair is fair. Her cost she put per square foot no evidence supported in her report however the ministry has provided proof thus far from three qualified firms the cost per square foot.

    Fair is fair if you going to expose a report be factual about it. Plus it is so strange that when vino publish the report yesterday it left out the section of the ministry response. This is all politics to the best.

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