'Vote of No Confidence' reflects displeasure of the people- Hon Mather

Hon Mather was the guest on Talking Points on ZBVI 780 AM on Monday, October 14, 2024, when he spoke with co-hosts Damion C. Grange and Elvin G. Grant on a number of issues, including the Vote of No Confidence.
Leader of the Opposition Hon Ronnie W. Skelton (AL) had intended to bring a Motion of No Confidence against Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) during the Nineteenth Sitting of the First Session of the Fifth House of Assembly of the Virgin Islands on September 3, 2024; however, Premier Wheatley objected to the motion being on the Order Paper, citing incorrect procedures were followed by the Opposition and therefore it did not go through.
Oppositions bring Votes of No Confidence all the time- Hon Mather
Hon Mather said a vote of no confidence is something brought by Opposition legislators all over the world and, in this case, it is not being used as a weapon in the arsenal of the Opposition.
“The Vote of No Confidence speaks to many things that I think persons in the community are concerned about and I stand by it,” he told the co-hosts.
The Vote of No Confidence, he explained, is something he sees as part of democracy and good governance adding, “If you’re going to toot that we should have good governance and we should have democracy and things should be working, then I don’t think anyone, whether sitting in government or even sitting in the UK, should see a vote of no confidence coming at any point as something other than part of the democratic process and part of the legislative process.”
According to Hon Mather, there have been hypothetical scenarios run through by them but he added that it is premature to say what roles will be filled by whom.
Vote of No Confidence reflects public’s opinions
Meanwhile, Hon Mather said the wider public has made its displeasure with many things and that those things appear in the Vote of No Confidence.
Over twenty reasons supporting the motion can be found in it, ranging from Premier Wheatley’s alleged fiscal irresponsibility and accountability to the lack of funding and support for key sectors in the Virgin Islands.
“This gives the Opposition the opportunity to say what the people are saying. If the motion is filed, then maybe perhaps the government will address some of these things with more haste. So, I think it’s necessary because it gives a platform for these things to be discussed, especially in light of the last few months we’ve only focused on CoI primarily,” he stated.
The Opposition, after failing to form a government in April 2023, promised a barrage of Motions of No Confidence against the Natalio D. Wheatley-led Government.

15 Responses to “'Vote of No Confidence' reflects displeasure of the people- Hon Mather”
None of you in the opposition will do any better at this time as leader than the current premier. NONE! You are asking for a vote of no confidence, if successful will lead us back to the polls if the UK allows that or they may very well enforce the order in council.
So many of our people don’t even know what happens if the vote of no confidence is successful as they believe if a member from the government sides with you the government will be formed from the opposition. NO! It will be back to the polls or Order in Council enforced!
Only when something breaks does this government do something and that means doing a poor patch job and blaming the past governments.
We deserve an accountable and transparent government!!
Moreover, the Vote of No Confidence is one weapon in the opposition’s arsenal to deploy and employ at trying to unseat government. Nonetheless, a weapon must be used strategically and tactically for effect; a weapon should be deployed willy nilly , just because I can, etc
Further, Dr. Hon Premier Natalio Wheatley missteps and questionable actions have given the opposition cause to strike, strike, strike and strike again like an aroused rattler.