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VOICESS makes big donation to BFEC Secondary Division

(Right to Left) - Sharon Flax-Mars, Paul Fenty- Assistant Principal, Shereen Flax-Charles of VOICESS.
VIRGIN GORDA, VI – The Virgin Gorda VOICESS continues to make bold steps to improve Virgin Gorda, and on Monday, November 14, 2011at the Bregado Flax Educational Center Secondary Division’s General Assembly - a big contribution was made.

The community-based group of Virgin Gordians in conjunction with Clarence Thomas Limited and Nail Bay Homeowners donated twelve standing fans for classrooms, one tuba, one flute, one electrical guitar and music books to the secondary school.

The Virgin Gorda VOICESS are a group of men and women residing onVirgin Gorda, whose primary purpose is community betterment. As members they all have one common bond, a love for their island and the desire to grow its pride by trying to find long-term and inspiring solutions for recognized “problem issues”.

The group’s most recent task was a beautification project at the Virgin Gorda’s new parking lot addition.

The group’s co-founders are Sharon Flax Mars and Albert Wheatley. The sub-committee chairperson responsible for sports and recreation is Gloria Fahie and Shereen Flax- Charles is responsible for education.

The group’s main goal is to inspire our youths to grow into vibrant citizens; to preserve and enhance the island’s pristine beauty while syncing with the 21st century advancements; to cultivate community unity and cultural awareness.

VOICESS meets at Fischer’s Cove Restaurant every Saturday at 9am.

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