VI’s Troy Caesar hoping to ‘get spotted’ by MLS coaches in Antigua

The event, a dream come true for any young footballer and especially for Caesar who trains and plays with a dedication matched by few, provides the opportunity for evaluation by MLS Staff for possible selection to the MLS Combine in Ft. Lauderdale from January 9-14, 2014.
“When I heard I had been selected I was very excited,” stated Caesar. “I have always said that I just wanted a chance to show a scout or coach that I have talent. I want to be the first from the Territory to play in the MLS.”
Caesar was also quick to thank the various coaches that have helped him along the way. “When I first came here it was Cassandra Gregg who got me playing and then Vincent Samuel for the Ballstarz and of course Avondale Williams, my National Coach.
The young utility player also believes that his adaptability within the game will stand him in good stead and he will grab the opportunity to the best of his ability.
“If they want me to play in goal I will, if they want me to play defense I will. I can jump high and hope to prove my ability is good enough to play in the professional game.”
The humble Caesar also wants to make his family and country proud by doing well and said that apart from a dream coming true, playing in the MLS would give him a happy life. He also hopes that this chance to perform in front of MLS Coaches will act as an inspiration to the younger players here to work hard and improve.
During the 2014 Caribbean Combine, attendees from all over the Caribbean will play two games over a four-day period, as well as be put through their paces at training sessions and seminars.

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