VI’s tourism one of best in the world – MP Bellingham
He made this declaration at a recent joint press conference on April 23, 2012 where the issue of tourism was brought to the forefront.
The MP disclosed he was impressed with the beauty of the VI. It was his first visit to the Territory, and upon his return to the United Kingdom, he will discuss his ideas with the VI’s representative office in London to “actually promote the BVI as a destination to British citizens as being something that is really different, unique and hopefully more attractive to them than going say to a French country in the Caribbean or an Independent country.”
He also pledged to speak with players in the UK’s travel industry. “There is a growing appetite for tourism to exotic places and it is a very competitive and tough market out there.... and certainly if I was a loyal British citizen and I had X money to spend I would go to an Overseas Territory.”
Touching on the high cost of Air Passenger Tax (APT) that is a deterrent for many UK citizens from enjoying the unique VI, the Member of Parliament pointed out that any tax regime in the UK is viewed as a work in progress.
“We can look at representations made and we can push for changes if need be. But on this particular tax, the Treasury is being quite firm, they feel it is fit for purpose even though obviously it is is going to increase the cost of tourism and tourists. But on the other hand I think it’s time we keep it on the constant review, I can tell you,” he stated.
The UK MP also stressed that the UK Government feels very strongly that tourism in the VI is one that is truly world class, and reiterated “it’s a fantastic tourism offer and its one that we really want to shout about in the UK.”

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