VI’s May 2024 CoI implementation deadline not feasible– PS Stoutt-Igwe

“I believe the Governor will probably speak to the extension if necessary, but I would say that it is not feasible for a couple of reasons… we've had some delays and If you look at the November [2023] report, you will see that there are some actions that have not been started and the major reason for that is that new legislation is required based on the recommendations,” she said.
Some recommendations may never be marked complete - Stoutt-Igwe
Mrs Stoutt-Igwe was at the time speaking in a GIS live broadcast programme on Facebook entitled Government Business at its Best- Table Talk: Effective Communication on the topic of the implementation of the CoI recommendations broadcasted on Wednesday, January 3, 2023, on Facebook.
“And I would say here that in looking at the recommendations made by Sir Gary Hickinbottom, he basically assumed from all the reviews from the statutory boards and some of the other reviews that it would lead to new legislation and that is not necessarily going to be the case."
Mrs Stoutt-Igwe added that in the case where a review can say that new legislation is not necessary, that means that particular recommendation will never be marked completed.
“So we have a couple of situations like that, but some of the reviews also showed how extensive the work that is required to be done,” she said while detailing more examples of possible delays.
Premier vocal on public consultations - PS Stoutt-Igwe
Meanwhile, the PS said the Premier Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has been vocal with his feedback in terms of making sure that the public is involved, and in a number of these cases where new policies are required that could lead to legislation, he has been saying there's is a need for public consultation.
“Having a delay with completing the consultation phase means that there will be a delay in completing the policy, means that there'll be a delay in completing the legislation. So the reason why I'm saying May is not feasible for some of the recommendations is because, in order to get to completion, a number of steps must be completed ahead of May.”
She further detailed other examples where the completion deadline is simply not possible based on the work required.
The PS added; however, that the Government is still working towards the deadline and "putting on our running shoes," even if they do get to the finish line they may realise there is still a way to go.

21 Responses to “VI’s May 2024 CoI implementation deadline not feasible– PS Stoutt-Igwe”
as if each of them has secrets on eachother and we all know what that means , none of them wants to open the can with the WORMS