Virgin Islands News Online turns 6
The company, a subsidiary of Advance Marketing & Professional Services, has cemented its undisputed position as the number one (1) online news site in the Virgin Islands.
The online media house, which is known for being innovative, fair, accurate, balanced and always first with real breaking news, was founded by the esteemed Julian Willock, a former Permanent Secretary and entrepreneur, and Angela U. Burns, a veteran media practitioner who has worked for several local, regional and international news agencies.
Four years ago Ms Burns gave up her role as a Director and is no longer associated with the company or the news site; however, the other founder, Mr Willock, fills the role of Chairman of the Board of Directors, but maintains no editorial control of the day-to-day operations of the news site.
With the departure last year of the former Marketing Manager John E. Leonard, Mr Willock fills the role as head of Business Development/Advertising.
Who runs VINO?
The day-to-day-operations are run by an Editor-in-Chief, Mr Reuben J. A. Stoby, whose responsibilities include stories, accepting comments/blogs, assigning reporters and general site content. He enjoys the full support and confidence of the Board of Directors, and has kept the news site professional, and competitive.
Mr Stoby is responsible for all materials on the news site and is the one to call on for any editorial issues, and questions about any story posted on the news site.
New cartoon feature
Because VINO remains on the cutting edge, last year we launched a new cartoon feature depicting topical commentary and issues in the Virgin Islands, both social and political, and otherwise. The cartoon feature is posted each Wednesday on the home page and can also be seen on the inner pages and our mobile site.
In the coming weeks we will be announcing two new features that will keep our readers glued to VINO and will show our usual innovation and extraordinary ability in moving with the times.
6 years of extraordinary journalism
Virgin Islands News Online has distinguished itself both locally and regionally, covering a variety of local, regional and international news. It has gained popularity for always being first and accurate with breaking news, and with providing frequent and daily updates, seven days a week, with factual details.
The news site remains one of the few online news with a dedicated sports reporter, covering a variety of local sports, including horse racing, cricket, basketball, sailing, track and field, football and even the progress being made by our local college student athletes at American and European colleges and universities.
The readership and advertisers have certainly increased some 75% from 2010, since residents are always eager to see what Virgin Islands News Online is reporting.
VINO is also the only online news site and media house trusted by government and private sector whistle blowers, politicians, clergymen, captains of industry and ordinary citizens to bring information or to get their message out.
While we have had our fair portion of challenges, like most small businesses in the Virgin Islands, we are still standing after 6 years, thanks to the unwavering support of many.
A free press must be preserved
A free and open press ensures that the government represents its people, and is held accountable by its citizens. It prevents actions of government propaganda and evil to mankind like the NAZIs of WW2 or current day North Korea. A free but responsible press puts the government and the private sector in the eyes of the normal man and women, reminding them that they are not an untouchable entity that the public has no control over.
VINO has, and many fair minded readers will agree, after 6 years maintained high journalistic standards in a fair, balanced and objective way.
We end by saying a big thank you to our staff, management, Team of Reporters, regional and international affiliates, the Board of Directors and our loyal readers and advertisers who have made this all possible.
After 6 years we are pleased that we have honoured our commitment that this online news site will not be used by anyone, including Founders, staff, commentators, politicians, bloggers or others to advance any personal goals, attack or slander, or to settle any scores with anyone.
We pledge to report the news objectively and free of partisan politics, something our record over the past six years has already demonstrated and confirmed.
37 Responses to “Virgin Islands News Online turns 6”
The news online is the only hope for the world.
Keep up the great work.
Happy Birthday
Where is the party