VIP’s John M. Samuel slams Gov’t over rush on voting machine

This time it is VIP Six District Candidate, Mr John M. Samuel. In a Facebook posting today, Sunday, December 30, 2018, the former Acting Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Communications and Works accused the Government of “bullying their way with another done deal,” as it relates to the voting machines.
The new DS 200 Precinct Scanners and e-poll books were tested by the Election Office a few months ago. Mr Samuel in his post asked, “Where are the results from the public review on this earlier this year?”
Distrust in NDP Gov’t?
Many voters throughout the Territory especially the young and the elderly have claimed that they do not trust the NDP and this could be an attempt by the group to steal the 2019 Elections.
The Six District political aspirant noted, “If Indeed the voters are not comfortable with this new process in their execution of such an important right – then what is the rush to implement this overnight?”
Mr Samuel also assert that, “This is perhaps the most contested and critical election that this country has experienced and if we do not trust the process and we are not comfortable –then– it should not be forced upon us for many reasons.”
One of the items that the businessman and former Director of the Shipping Registry asserted to is, “Perhaps even more troubling - how did waiving and approving this $300,000+ become priority over making accommodation available for the high school to function?”
“We all know that this charade up at the old CTL location is not really serving our young people and that improving that situation should be a priority -not a promise,” he said.
“Every week our Government can award contracts for every other thing on the face of this earth while our teenagers play school for half the day, and run around unsupervised for the other half. The Premier and his Cabinet's ability to make sense of simple things continues to wane at an alarming rate.”
What about our school children?
He further called on the Government saying, “For heaven’s sake, let us manually count the votes one more time; be confident in the election outcome; and put that $300,000 towards the immediate remediation of this Tertiary education debacle.”
At the next sitting of the House of Assembly (HoA) scheduled for January 15, 2019, a Bill is expected to finalise the machines, which according to Supervisor of Elections, Ms Juliette Penn, are safe and have been proven to work in the United States Virgin Islands (USVI).

27 Responses to “VIP’s John M. Samuel slams Gov’t over rush on voting machine”
All you can do is talk a good talk when you do decide to come down off your thrown, writing fancy speeches in your manifesto. Half of it are ideas from other parties but the first initiative the people of the BVI are doing is rolling with the future, voting machines. One Direction FORWARD from the VIP,&VIP2 & NDP & NDP2. Need not to worry about machines, worry about people to vote for you.
You will not beat Alvera this election. Your fight is within your district. The people will not replace Alvera for you. Save your energy if you even want 100 votes. You are fresh and I’m already tired of hearing you.
We need to educate ourselves. How many of the naysayers went out on the test run of the machines. They are working well. Who win is who the persons voted for.