VIP not getting access to CDB loan a blessing in disguise?
At Large Representative and Minister for Education and Culture, Hon. Myron Walwyn made the declaration at the recent House of Assembly (HOA) sitting on July 3, 2012 while he was debating the motion to review the Protocols for Effective Financial Management that was signed between the Virgin Islands and the United Kingdom.
“...if I had to employ my good common sense which I believe I have, if that money could have been had before election Madame Speaker some of us here would not have been here...all like me so. Because those projects would have let go through here and I could tell you when I come to those houses to campaign they don´t want to see me because pockets full of money. That the way politics run in the Caribbean," he stated. “That money did not come for a reason which I suspect is because of the liquidity breach.”
Hon. Walwyn, a newcomer to the political field, kept members of the opposition on their toes, especially 3rd District Representative Hon. Julian Fraser RA, the mover of the motion.
According to the Education Minister, he wanted to clear the air about the statement made by the district representative, who had stated earlier in the sitting that an announcement was made by the then Deputy Premier of the budget going to the United Kingdom for pre-approval.
"But Madame Speaker I know it was in the middle of the election, I had my little transistor radio there. It slipped out! There was no announcement, it slipped out and when I saw the replay on the television it was like a pound of salt in everyone of their mouths. How this woman [former Deputy Premier Dancia Penn] could slip this thing out like so? It came out," Hon Walwyn declared.
He added that it may be a simple matter but it has to be put into perspective.
10 questions for VIP
Hon. Myron was looking for answers from Hon. Fraser to some of the projects that the previous Government were responsible for, including the Sea Cows Bay wall, the greenhouses and Greenland field.
“Where were we when we used $6M of the Government money to build some greenhouses up there at Paraquita Bay? Up to now we haven't gotten one sweet pepper, one okra, one string bean. $6M and we got rats and roaches living up there,” he enquired.
Continuing with his litany of questions, the Minister wanted to know, “Where were we when $400,000 was spent on Greenland field and up to now we don't have a thing up there but bush and a hole in the middle of the field? I want the answer to that. Where were we when $500,000 was spent for a medical school study that could have been done for free? Where were we when we spent $450,000 to put up street lights by a roundabout that everybody said couldn't work and we spent that money? Where were we when the former Communications and Works Minister built a wall in Sea Cows Bay that cost nearly a million dollars? I want to know where this same enthusiasm was and I would sit and wait to be answered.”
It was then Hon. Fraser retorted, "The wall in Sea Cows Bay ain't come close to a million dollars, the wall was close to $400,000. So get your facts together my brother, before you make statements. If you got that information, present it.”
Hon. Walwyn replied that he was happy his questions were being answered and wanted the rest to be answered as well.
“I have more Madame Speaker...Where were we when hundreds of thousands was spent to pave a road in Sea Cows Bay just before election when nothing was wrong with the road? Where were we when $11M was spent in the waning hours of the election? Where were we when the previous Government overspent our budget for three years in a row? Where were we when the financial reports for this country were not laid in this House for three to four years which is very important to our country? Where were we when we brought in a UK company and throw away our own company with a thousand local investors and brought a UK company to sit on top of we? And it will end up costing the Government more money than it would have if the local company was doing it...I will sit down and wait for the answers because you can’t turn around and make it look now that you are the guardian of society when you have all these unanswered questions," the Education Minister Walwyn said in a subtle jab to the district representative.
Hon. Walwyn stressed that he is not out to blame anyone but as a citizen of the VI there are some questions he would like to get the answers to.
Notwithstanding his questions, he said he supports the motion because it shows transparency and openness.

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