VIP had governed in 'patch & go fashion' – Hon Delores Christopher
Honourable Christopher was at the time addressing a sizable crowd gathered in the heart of Huntums Ghut at a campaign rally last evening, May 23, 2015 when she blasted the previous government’s style of governance. “For far too long our territory has been managed in a patch and go fashion, providing only band aid solutions to the challenges we face as a nation.”
The VIP, which is now the Opposition, were also accused of believing in short term fixes. “Our opponents seem to believe in short term fixes, patching up here and there. And when that part gives way, - Just simply patch it some more, then later on ….put a plug in it,” she said.
The allegations against her opponents were evident in the areas of electricity, health services, education facilities, the road network and water and sewerage. “This is the problem! They do not have the right approach in addressing the needs of our territory,” she said.
Sewerage System was allowed to deteriorate
According to Mrs Christopher, the sewerage system was allowed to deteriorate for so long with no plan in place to address the situation as the VIP had failed to make the necessary investment to properly rectify the situation. “The residents in the Horse Path area in particular know what I mean.”
“Today I am happy to report that we have made significant progress on this issue, the National Democratic Party‘s action minister Mark Vanterpool, has embarked on a comprehensive approach to address the National Sewerage system,” said Hon Christopher.
“You and I both recall the major works being done in Road Town, piles being driven for months, setting up the infrastructure to receive the new system. These piles were put in place to sure up the collapsing infrastructure beneath, and to provide the stability necessary to host the new system. This is a major project. This is a national project that will benefit all of us, including many of you in the 5th District,” she further said.
Not guaranteeing connection to sewerage system before election
However, she told her supporters she won’t promise their houses will be connected to the sewerage system before election, but that her government is working hard at it, and it will be completed if in government for the next term.
She said even with limited funds, at the beginning of this term, she continued to push steadily to meet some of the pressing needs of her people of the 5th District, trying to correct the situation residents endured, of having to drive home on rough rugged roads and sometimes through the mud when it rains, slipping and sliding up and down the hills.
Further speaking of her accomplishments she said the Great Mountain road was in need of major repair works with the asphalt lifted and crumbled. "It took sometime but we did serious works, widened the corner, put in the proper drains to channel the water off the road. Great Mountain Road became the model design for roads in the territory.
“Just a few yards down …….in the vicinity of the Children’s Park, there was a big dip in the road, low cars especially had to crawl in and out of that dip, holding up the rush hour traffic in the mornings.
We didn’t continue to talk about it, We took action to correct that situation, removing the dip, installing the drainage pipes, and now motorists drive so comfortably and safe that they don’t even remember what that area was like before.”
Hon Christopher, a back-bencher in the National Democratic Party government, said upgrade works on the Huntums Ghut basketball court will begin shortly with additions of restroom facilities, concession stands, extended bleachers, better parking and landscaping.
Others include reconstructing the Huntums Ghut Bridge in the Vicinity of Liston Smith Shop, street lighting throughout the district, installing of sidewalks and improving parking areas. “A complete upgrade of the Children’s Park at Sandbox Road is being planned to be implemented in our next term; we are also currently working on a design to create a community recreational park for the families in Horse Path area to enjoy. Similarly, plans are being developed for the Long Trench community, these will create additional green spaces in the district,” outlined Mrs Christopher.
61 Responses to “VIP had governed in 'patch & go fashion' – Hon Delores Christopher”
NDP Give Alvera a Ministry either labour and Agr, 0r health and SD I think she would do a good Job--I would prefer health.
Please people of the. Bvi Do not vote for ndp 4 man in the ndp party run this country These man. Buy all the condo in oil nut bay. And the paster John c,,,,, is a fly D pen will lock him up
Nov 2011 – June 2015
1) Great Mountain Road - Major repair works and rebuilding with Installation of proper drains (enabling protection of road surfacing by channeling the water to the drains).
2) Primrose/Diamond areas - Road widening, surfacing and drainage (to provide less hazardous access to new residential areas).
3) Primrose Garden - Major Ghut drainage works (to eliminate heavy flooding problems to residents).
4) Botanic Station roadway - Road alignment and Ghut drainage leading water flow to main Ghut and eliminate the dip bringing the road on one level (to provide safe comfortable driving for motorists).
5) Botanic Station Road - Proper gateway entrance and removal of Cattle Grid (to provide easier access to home of Senior Citizen).
6) Fahie Hill - Surfacing and widening of road in vicinity of the Todman’s family (enabling residents of the area with easier access to their homes).
7) Fahie Hill Watch House Road - Surfacing and drainage of road leading downhill Into Georges North Side (to provide an alternate and connecting paved road serving residents in North and South areas of the growing Community, nearing a full completion).
8) Trunk Bay Road - Surfacing and drainage from entrance of Main road inwards and uphill in two directions (to serve residents in new developing Community running from the ridge to top).
9) Rogues Bay Major Road surfacing, widening and drainage works of both the ridge road and the steep portion leading to the Beach (project on going);(to serve the residents of the large rapidly growing Community).
10) Cooten Bay Road – Grading, surfacing and drainage
(project currently under construction);(to serve existing Community and provide access for new development area).
Belle View Church West Boundary, Long Trench, Fahie Hill,
Great Mountain, Horsepath, Wall of Murals (scenic views “Look Out Sites” enhancement, beautification with garden).
Organised BVI Festival of Arts in 2013, featuring artistic Display mounted at Cultural Center which included displays by Artists from Anegada, Virgin Gorda, Jost Van Dyke and Tortola;
Taste of Virgin Islands cuisine at 1780 Museum yard; with Sky Dancers; live cultural musical entertainment and Festival troupe display by Annassi Dancers; and cultural custom designed costume with Cultural Icon and her Donkey.
Outdoor Gallery at Fahie Hill, included story telling Cassava Bread making, Displays of wood work and paintings by Local artist; Traditional candies and homemade remedies and other products and local Entertainment.
Production by Virgin Islands Playwright of the Virgin Islands Story “The BVI in Times Past” at the Eileen L Parsons Auditorium on Encore presentation “ The BVI in Times Past” at Sir Rupert Briercliffe Hall on Saturday 6th April, 2013.
Live cultural music entertainment provided at various points in Road Town throughout the month.
Chairperson of Planning Committee for Celebration of 60th Emancipation Festival;
(Promoted BVI History and Cultural Heritage)
Deloris has been non existent this term. At least her first time around she held community meetings to hear the people's concerns and tried to get things done without riding the back of the Ministers.