Violent & sex crimes sky-rocket in VI- 2015 RVIPF Report
“Alongside the notable decreases in certain offenses, of particular concern is the increase in serious violence against the person, where in 2015 there were 40 more victims than in the previous year – 44% increase often linked to domestic violence, which itself regrettably continues to be frequent,” states the RVIPF’s 2015 report as laid in the Honourable House of Assembly on Monday December 19, 2016.
The report also expressed concerns about those crimes that are sexual in nature. “Equally of concern, there were 16 more sexual offenses reported (an 89% increase), some against children.”
For the years 2014 and 2015 burglarising of dwelling places were said to be on par; however, by mid-summer of 2015 a sudden drastic increase was noted, from an average 5 per month in the first half of 2015 to an average 10 per month from July onward.
“By the end of the year, this sudden change in offending behaviour resulted in a small overall annual increase of 5%,” stated the report.
Released prisoners doing the crime?
According to the, “It is worthy of note that this event coincided exactly with the release from prison of a number of known offenders who had been incarcerated for that same offence years previously; these individuals, if not already detained, are actively being sought.”
The RVIPF feels reassuring of their effort of combating certain crime by noting that since 2011 where there were 240 household burglaries, the rate of reported burglaries now remains just less than two a week and the incidences of robbery have dropped from 41 in 2011 to 13 in 2015.

8 Responses to “Violent & sex crimes sky-rocket in VI- 2015 RVIPF Report”
Playing like everything NICE on the "Reggae Express (Quito's Hit Song")- in our Nature of Secrets.
A young woman of 20 was beaten up very brutally and not for the first time by her mother. She went to the police. They called the mother but she didn't want to speak to them and threatened the daughter that she would have a heart attack and die if she took her to court.
These can't be the only crimes where the police didn't press on to get reports.