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VICA premieres documentary on Theodolph H. Faulkner

- documentary is titled 'The Faulkner Story'
On Saturday, February 1, 2025, the Virgin Islands Communal Association (VICA) held the premiere of its latest captivating documentary titled: 'The Faulkner Story'. Photo: VICA
According to VICA, the documentary portrays the life of Theodolph Halburn Faulkner, 'our national hero of these Virgin Islands, his fight for justice and his vision'. Photo: VICA
According to VICA, the documentary portrays the life of Theodolph Halburn Faulkner, 'our national hero of these Virgin Islands, his fight for justice and his vision'. Photo: VICA
Some members of the cast of ‘The Faulkner Story’ including former Speaker Mr Julian Willock, 2nd from left. Photo: VICA
Some members of the cast of ‘The Faulkner Story’ including former Speaker Mr Julian Willock, 2nd from left. Photo: VICA
The Virgin Islands Communal Association has expressed gratitude to those whose assistance and support made the documentary and the premiere of 'The Faulkner Story' a success. Photo: VICA
The Virgin Islands Communal Association has expressed gratitude to those whose assistance and support made the documentary and the premiere of 'The Faulkner Story' a success. Photo: VICA
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- On Saturday, February 1, 2025, the Virgin Islands Communal Association (VICA) held the premiere of its latest captivating documentary titled: “The Faulkner Story”.

The VICA organisation was instituted for the preservation of the Virgin Islands’ culture, heritage and historical relevance.

According to VICA, this documentary portrays the life of Theodolph Halburn Faulkner, "our national hero of these Virgin Islands, his fight for justice and his vision."

It further highlights the 1949 Great March, with a key emphasis on the social, economic and political development of the islands.

In attendance at the premiere of the documentary, according to VICA, were many Virgin Islanders who were "moved by Mr Faulkner’s impactful vision and vigour, along with other notable Virgin Islanders (now deceased) who were also highlighted and acknowledged."

Premier wants documentary shared in schools

Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), who was among the pilot group for the documentary, stated the production should be shared in the schools and across the communities of the Virgin Islands.

Deputy Premier Honourable Julian Fraser RA (R3) said Mr Faulkner should be officially identified as the Father of the Virgin Islanders’ democracy.

Don Martin (Author and VICA member) stated that “The Faulkner Story” is a powerful documentary highlighting a significant Virgin Islands’ history of activism and our determination as ancestral people.

'Our progressive movement must never be challenged'- Don Martin

He said the documentary is indeed relevant for such a time as now, based on the uncertainty in the USA "where democracy is being compromised, as they are trying to turn back civil rights achievements in America."

Mr Martin further stated that the history of the Virgin Islands must be preserved with a historical record of the hard-fought struggles, social injustices, and triumphs of our foreparents.

"Our progressive movement must never be challenged as it is at this time in the United States of America. This preservation will honour and recognize the profound contributions our stalwart Mr Faulkner and others. The VICA documentary has acknowledged the strength of Virgin Islanders, who we are, and the transformative impact on our community development and our continued efforts. As a result, we have to protect and safeguard the rights our fore-parents fought so ardently to achieve,” Mr Martin added.


The Virgin Islands Communal Association has expressed gratitude to those whose assistance and support made the documentary and the Premiere of "The Faulkner Story" a success.

"We thank: The viewing audience for their support, presence and interactive participation. Andre Shadow Dawson for his photography, DJ assistance, movie coordination and his boating video in the documentary. Added to recorders were: Linton Leonard, Dorian Hodge, Kyesha Smith, Theodolph (Theo) Faulkner 3rd, and Cathy Richards.

"In order to have a documentary one needs a script and we say thanks to Mrs Bernardine Walters-Louis, Edgar Ed Leonard and Dr Angel Smith. All scripts need vibrant voices to make a scripted documentary come to life and we thank “our voice of excellence and excitement” Ms Bria Smith."

VICA said the documentary came to life with the magnificent work of editor Mr Nehassie Chalwell and its captivating cast: Dr Albert L. Thompkins, Mr Theodolph Landon Faulkner, Mrs Myra Faulkner, Mr Julian Willock, Mr Milton C. McLean, Alvin Martin, Mr Jason Fonseca aka 'Mad', Dr Neil M. Smith, Mr Meade Malone, Mr Michael Killourhy, Mr Dean Fahie, and Father John George.

"Thanks to the Road Town Methodist Church for the use of their space where we recorded the 1955 House sitting reenactment scene."

The Virgin Islands Communal Association (VICA) has also produced another Virgin Islands documentary called “March on Virgin Islanders, March On”.

12 Responses to “VICA premieres documentary on Theodolph H. Faulkner”

  • Jimmy smith (06/02/2025, 15:32) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    this is some good history our people use to fight but we have gotten soft and divided
  • question (06/02/2025, 15:40) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    Isn't this the job of the Culture Department?
  • E. Leonard (07/02/2025, 07:38) Like (15) Dislike (1) Reply
    Kudos to Melissa Potter and production team; great job and superb work documenting the life, the history of national hero Theodolph Faulkner, a trailblazer who set the personal example and demonstrated the will and courage to stand alone and fight against a rising tide of oppression, repression, suppression, inequality, exploitation, abuse, vanishing services delivery, colonialism, etc. Theodolph demonstrated strong and effective leadership, the value of organizing and planning, teamwork, group effort, collective community support, grassroot effort., etc. to get positive outcomes. He laid the foundation and built a template for future peaceful civic action—advocacy, protest, agitation. .
  • (07/02/2025, 07:56) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    We need another watch party
  • S@ me E LEONARD (07/02/2025, 08:09) Like (0) Dislike (8) Reply
    • Pest (07/02/2025, 16:57) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      @S@me E. Leonard, stop being a pest and nuisance nah, for years you have harassing the man about the origins of the term, the pejorative, “ Island Man.” You have been getting the hand but you are relentless that he write about what you want to read. Why don’t you the research and tell us about the origins, use of the term, “ Island Man.” By the way, are you ashamed to be call “ Island Man” ? Incidentally, some of the sucessful people in the territory hails from some place outside the territory. Stop being a pest and nuisance with your fingernails scratching on black board UPPERCASE nonsense. Seems life you have a hard on for the man for you not picking on other bloggers , are you???
    • Pest (07/02/2025, 16:58) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      @S@me E. Leonard, stop being a pest and nuisance nah, for years you have harassing the man about the origins of the term, the pejorative, “ Island Man.” You have been getting the hand but you are relentless that he write about what you want to read. Why don’t you the research and tell us about the origins, use of the term, “ Island Man.” By the way, are you ashamed to be call “ Island Man” ? Incidentally, some of the sucessful people in the territory hails from some place outside the territory. Stop being a pest and nuisance with your fingernails scratching on black board UPPERCASE nonsense. Seems life you have a hard on for the man for you not picking on other bloggers , are you???
  • bvibuzz (07/02/2025, 08:22) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    I need to see this on local TV please
  • for sure (07/02/2025, 09:42) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    This was a great documentary. It was well put together. Our history have been silenced for too long. Get this into the schools, excerpts on the radio and on social media so that everyone can learn anbout our rich history. We are a people that is more than capable of fighting back. I am proud to be a generational Virgin Islander. Melissa Potter, you rock!!
  • BUSY BEE (07/02/2025, 11:42) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    It's important, preserving our history in this fashion. Well Done.
    Is this something that one might find on YouTube, to spread distribution and to view at home?
  • thank you (08/02/2025, 17:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am truly proud to be a Virgin Islander. Mr. Faulkner and all the fighters, I love you in the spirit.
  • Gadaman (09/02/2025, 19:41) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    He would be terribly disappointed in how the Government treats Anegada these past few decades. Especially this Administration. Shameful.

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