VI will continue working with US agencies ‘to root out corruption’- Premier Wheatley

Dr Wheatley was at the time speaking to the media during a Friday, May 13, 2022, press conference on current matters in the Virgin Islands.
“Of course, law enforcement here through the Governor’s Office, as well as many of our law enforcement agencies, has a strong history of working with the officials in the United States, and that's nothing strange. It happens all the time and information is often shared both ways.
“So, I would expect if the United States needed assistance from our law enforcement officials here in conducting any investigation, our law enforcement here would assist and we support that,” Dr the Hon Wheatley said in response to a question on the subject.
He added his Government wants to root out all forms of corruption and all forms of criminal activity from local society.
No drugs, guns, human trafficking in VI – Premier Wheatley
“We don't want drugs here in the Virgin Islands. We don't want guns being smuggled. We don't want human trafficking here and we have to cooperate with our law enforcement agencies and law enforcement agencies in the United States or any other place or the neighbouring islands to see how we can root out criminal activity from our societies.”
Premier Wheatley said the VI is a safe destination and hence, it should be kept safe with the need to root out any possibility of any kind of criminal activity in the territory.
Meanwhile, as it relates to ‘Government official 1’ reference in US court documents used to arrest former Premier, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) on drug conspiracy and money laundering charges, Premier Wheatley said he is confident that local law enforcement will be apprised of the situation.
“Certainly, what we read in the affidavit is shocking, it is concerning but I have all confidence that measures are being taken to investigate and address any type of criminal activity taking place in the Virgin Islands,” he said.

36 Responses to “VI will continue working with US agencies ‘to root out corruption’- Premier Wheatley”
So with that being said ALL THE MAN DEM FROM WEST TO EAST WHO DON'T TRY CONCEAL THE FACT THEY DRUG DEALERS YOUR TIME UP! W******** will sell you out to the FEDS and will just be doing his job.
Give it a couple of months for Fahie's @#$& to really pucker up and then hold a BVI corruption conference in Miami, invite and pay for everyone to attend and see how many turn up ;)
Keep the ones who do and open up investigations on the ones who don't... problem solved! lol
You used in your speech we, in reference to the DEA. Both the CoI, and the DEA don't have iny trust in the former VIP Cabinet, neirher do they have any in the current patchup uniso government.
Two cannot walk together accept they first agree, much less three.
What you are trying to convey to us, your boss, the people, in my strong, and honest opinion, is dishonesty, like your former boss tried, and failed. In other words, in my honest opinion, you are not truthful in your communication to us, the people, your boss, but rather tactically political. We the People, your boss demands of all our employees respect, not short of good, and even better governance going forward, not empty political speeches void of true accountibility.
protect the borders, get rid of the few traffickers & problem solved.
Provide safety or deterrence, oh yea & protect the border! & there will be none seeking to own guns because they want to follow the fashion. The way people use these guns is often close up in an ambush. Whats the point of the gun then, extra years behind bars? Might aswell stab them if you going to get close. Brutus...
Legalize weed, allow limited home cultivation & private dispensaries & if done right there will be nothing going on at the hang out spots except hanging out.
Human trafficking is hard to solve. I dont know how prolific it is, but depending on the motivation behind the phenomena besides, protecting the border!! fixing this may require legalizing & regulation of prostitution.
Newton third law. Simple fact of life is that the act of resisting creates resistance. Allow for proper outlets or we will fight a never ending war, a forever war, similar to the decades long & ultimately unsuccessful war on drugs.
While im at it, stop resisting the UK in such a direct manner it only creates increased resistance on their side. Avoid their force and use its momentum to go after the things that will create tangible results in our society. Change that will benefit the people regardless of the UK's frequent (& longstanding) habit of engaging in behind the scenes contrived manipulations.
Hate no one but I will call out slacking politicians of any back ground. Our recent direct ancestors were slaves, they endured the horrors passing across the sea & endured possibly the cruelest collective display of humanity ever in the history of humanity. Murder, Rape, Forced Breeding programs, children were subjected to all of it. Africa was colonized.
Similarly to the holocaust this cannot be denied. Everything that could be done to our race was done & I am not going to be silent out of fear.
TODAY it is not about UK VS VI its about the people VS those ignoring our calls to fix the fixable. Who ever they may be.
I was skeptical about U.K. taking over for a few months but it may be necessary. There’s no way for the current sitting ministers to really form an unbiased opinion. There’s no way this will turn out good for any of these ppl involved in this mess. If I were Wheatley I would support the U.K. rule for the 2 yrs and use that as a way to prove how trustworthy I am. He’s doing too much too soon it’s starting to seem suspicious now.
That what you should try and find out in the polls.
But they are afraid of the answer and how the people feel. Hypocrites!
Any move from the One Party State to fire him?
Dream on.
Who from haaayy still????
Guess they will turn a blind eye while pointing fingers
The police department currently falls under a representative of the united kingdom if the police department was under a local there would have been some form of commission of inquiry
The commissioner of police and the governor is responsible for border security; over the past 5 years drugs coming into our territory is on the rise; guns coming into our country are on the rise; and there is visible signs that the borders of the territory has improve:
Not even touching the crooked police officers who continue to work user the command of the commissioner of police