VI under threat from young generation 'void of godliness'– Bishop Cline

The Bishop was at the time speaking in a social media live video on Facebook on November 10, 2023.
“For years I’ve tried to warn this, my beloved Virgin Islands about the threat of raising a generation of children void of godliness. I, with many other pastors and community leaders, have on many occasions, and as much as we had the opportunity, reminded this country that righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”
Bishop Cline said when his generation was growing up, there were two types of education that were important- standard education and religious education.
“You have to go to Sunday school, not just [regular] school, during the week. But [Sunday] school also on Saturdays and even on Sundays; Sunday afternoons or Sunday mornings. Just as important as an education, whether it was religious education or standard education were the core societal and living values,” he said.
Parents only interested in 'standard education' for children
According to the Bishop, those were Humility, Honesty, Integrity, Respect, Discipline, Kindness, and Responsibility, which he said formed a part of personality responsibility and also helped to form good work ethics.
“Today it seems like most parents are only interested in their children's standard education, they are just not interested in taking them to church. They're not interested in even teaching them the very core values that undergird a peaceful society. It seems like it is more important to give them stuff, material stuff than to give them values.”
Learning environment becoming 'hostile'
According to Bishop Cline, the standard education system is now under threat from indisciplined and disrespectful children, who are fighting in schools and making the learning environment almost a hostile one.
“Furthermore, all of us know you can be educated and be an educated fool, so to speak, because we know that education alone cannot build a nation, cannot save a child, and does not alone by itself contribute to the well-being of a child.”
Bishop Cline said the VI is in need of divine intervention, which includes godly and visionary leadership who are willing to sit with families, churches, schools, and the community at large to stop the social, moral, and spiritual decay.
He said parents; however, should make it a priority to take their children to church, and to Sunday school for children under age 7. “If your child is between 7 and 13, I would advise you to start talking to your child. Do not let iPads, Netflix and the Internet raise your child. Take time out. Go back to the dinner table and have a conversation.
“Don't spend all your time at work working for money while your child's life is being lost. We need to save our nation,” Bishop Cline warned.

31 Responses to “VI under threat from young generation 'void of godliness'– Bishop Cline”
He is right that God should be at the forefront. Parents should do that themselves and teach the children by in word and action. Conversation also needs to be among church leaders and increasing accountability.
The generation will be lost if all hands are not on deck. We should not go to church just to seek positions in church offices, but to tell the world about the Father in Heaven's goodness in our own lives and his genuine love and care so that others may follow. Without a doubt bible studies needs to be reimplemented in the public schools to bring back order in the classrooms and schools.
As Matthew 6:33 states seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all else will be added unto us....
To Little Too Late.
Bishop John Cline, I do hope that you are well Spiritually, and physically. Allowed me please you a question or more, if I choose to to do so. Thank you in advance. After you have served as the he pastor of New Life Baptist Church in the BVI, now retired as the head pastor, handed over to your soon, after approximately 30 years or so, only November,10, 2023 you saw it fit to, and brought this message to the people of the BVI? What was holding you hostage? Was it money, female, political ambitions, fear, others things?
When did others others Godly Spiritual Minister unified in oneness of faith and done their God given best that should have helped the people of the BVI adults, and youth today? You are wrong to have dumped the blame on the youths. Remember human babies don't bring forth adults, but rather adults brought forth babies, and continuing. In spite of the lateness of your messages, hopefully it will be considered, and be of great help, but the squabbling between various christian denominations, and ungodly behaviors of some the members, only submission to Devine intervention will change the trajectory of both adults and youth of the BVI,
Tangible positive change will quickly when Selflessness abates in the mind of human.
Definition Of Selflessness.
Selfishness is like an ostrich chick that refused to break out of the shell , when the birth time of its birth has arrived, after a certain me spent in the shell, the shell becomes it coffin.
Men have always to pray, and not to faint.
Pray in faith believing.
Pray without ceasing.
Cawd and Foy who grew up in the church
The youths don’t have problems because they don’t go to church, they have problems because all the adults around them are lacking in values of goodness to pass on to them and a great percentage of those adults say they are church people.
The ADULTS of the BVI have little morals, minimal empathy, a horrible lack of integrity and practically no self discipline because they are allowing the BVI to fall into a cesspool of corruption, abuse and exploitation. How are any children going to grow up straight without decent role models. Even you Mr Cline are entangled with the COI which is why you got out of your position to protect the church.