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VI/UK engagement on Order of Council is not a matter of persuasion – Hon Wheatley

-says he is confident that order can be removed after talks conclude with UK
January 28th, 2023 | Tags:
Virgin Islands Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley says the Virgin Islands' engagement with the United Kingdom on the matter of the removal of the Order is Council is not a matter of persuasion but rather showing commitment to the partnership. Photo: GIS/Facebook
Hon Wheatley said while talks are still ongoing, he is certain that the VI is doing all that it could to have the Order in council can be removed by the UK. Photo: Internet Source/File
Hon Wheatley said while talks are still ongoing, he is certain that the VI is doing all that it could to have the Order in council can be removed by the UK. Photo: Internet Source/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Virgin Islands Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) says the Virgin Islands' engagement with the United Kingdom on the matter of the removal of the Order in Council is not a matter of persuasion, but rather, showing commitment to the partnership between the VI & UK.

The Premier was at the time speaking at his Monday, January 23, 2022, one-on-one engagement with the media and updates from his recent trip to UK.

“It’s not just a matter of being persuasive, it’s a matter of showing a real commitment to the partnerships, a real commitment to the partnership… to transparency, accountability, adherence to the rule of law,” Hon Wheatley told the media.

“All of those things make a difference in terms of us making a case and of course, the voice of the people of the VI is of paramount importance in terms of this particular issue,” he added.

VI doing all that it can to remove Order - Dr the Hon Wheatley 

Hon Wheatley said while the talks are still ongoing, he is certain that the VI is doing all that it could to have the Order in council removed by the UK.

“I am confident that we are doing all that we can to have it removed, of course ultimately the decision is up to the Foreign Secretary, but we believe that we are engaging in the right way positively and we give them every reason why it should be removed,” he added.

Premier Wheatley had visited London as part of a delegation for high-level talks from 14 – 22 January 2023, where the agenda included financial services, investment, and environmental partnerships as well as meetings with various groups.

Key on his agenda he said, was for talks to commence on the removal of the Order in Council which was put in place by the UK to suspend the VI constitution, should the VI fail to implement reform according to the COI report recommendations.


19 Responses to “VI/UK engagement on Order of Council is not a matter of persuasion – Hon Wheatley ”

  • Voters (28/01/2023, 16:47) Like (4) Dislike (5) Reply
    It is very clear that his diplomacy has failed he needs to go fast
  • HMMM (28/01/2023, 18:08) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    What a one sided partnership. The slavery mill is grinding slow but grinding still.
  • facts (28/01/2023, 18:10) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    No matter what the BVI does those colonial powers will never stay true to their word. They have nothing good in their hearts towards Cariibean people. That is their history.
  • Amazing (28/01/2023, 18:12) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    The UK OFFICIALS asking the BVI to implement measures they have failed to implement for themselves where things are far worse than what their well organized plot is accussing BVI of. There is no justice here.
  • Josiahsbay (28/01/2023, 18:16) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Our problem is our refusal to recognize our true relationship with the UK. Let me spell it out! We have no partnership with them what we have is a colonial structured one where they issues directive and we follow or else. Either we have the UN and international entities declare the "Order" as anti-self-determination, or sever our ties and proceed on our own course. It makes no sense to try to persuade them to not implement the "order in Council" because, even if they did, they could instate it at any time they choose. There are only two ways to engage with the UK we need to eighter integrate or sever our relationship.
  • alicia (28/01/2023, 18:16) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    We have a little boy with absolutely zero diplomatic experience representing us.

  • COI recommendations (28/01/2023, 18:17) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Until the root of this UK scheme is challenged then they will always succeed in making us fell as if we are worse than any where else in the world. No BVI leader has step up to the plate and challenge the non-transparent process that involved no open procurement process in the hiring and selection of the Commissioner of the Inquiry that was hand picked and given immunity from being challenged or sued. Something smells with this whole thing.
  • what a pity (28/01/2023, 18:20) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    (2)ReplyThe Governor is from the UK. The Commissioner of Police is from the UK. Most of the Governor senior staff is from the UK. Most of the senior police officers are from the UK. The UK Governor is in charge of the police and is not accountable to the people of the BVI but only the UK. The Commissioner of the COI was from the UK and was hired by the UK Governor and the UK. The COI recommendations were given for investigations from the UK COI Commissioner to the UK Governor who gave them to the UK police to investigate. I hope everyone getting the picture. They will try to slaughter us in 2023 and make it seem justifiable, but it is really about a takeover using modern slavery tactics of an Order in Council. Please my people wake up. Not one of us will survive if we do not wake up.
  • east end youth (28/01/2023, 18:22) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The BVI can complete and implement every recommendation from that questionable COI process, and it still will never be enough to satisfy the UK. Just wait and see. The reality is the UK wants to rule all OTs directly so they can give their friends jobs as the economy in the UK is really bad. If we think we have it bad under elected officials, and our current local public officers, then wait until you are ruled directly by Brits. BVI be careful what you are asking for because you will regret it. The Brits must stop this abuse of power and remove the Order in Council FORTHWITH!
  • UK resident (28/01/2023, 18:24) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The two Orders in Council are both wrong and do not reflect democracy nor a modern partnership. Both need to be removed immediately, both the one for financial services to make the register public and the other one with the suspension of the constitution.
  • A view from a Female (28/01/2023, 18:27) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    To me the UK relationship with the BVI and all their Caribbean overseas territories reminds me of a battered and abusive relationship where the man keep making the woman feel as if she can do nothing right unless he does it for her and also will never make it in life and do anything positive if she leaves him. This is wrong on all fronts but this is what the orders in Council represent...ABUSE! The time has come to move on but with strong policies and laws in place as is being done to hold all accountable including the GOVERNOR at all times.
  • If... (28/01/2023, 19:15) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    If the right leader was in place, the whole order in council situation would have been challenged from day one.
  • (28/01/2023, 19:21) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The guy is slow he does not understands the uk and white power
  • Common Sense (28/01/2023, 20:43) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The UK would give the BVI Independence the minute they ask for it, they would probably insist upon a referendum of the people first, but, all the BVI has to do is ask for it. So, take the initiative and hold the referendum the results of which should then be presented to the Governor. Simple as that.
  • musa (28/01/2023, 20:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The man from scb will be our next premier
  • Sandra P. Hodge (29/01/2023, 10:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Talks included "financial services, investments and environmental partnerships"...what precisely does "environmental partnerships" cover? Is sustainable agricultural development included in this, or what?
    The voice of the people must be the voice of reason, or we are doomed.
  • SPH LOVE NOTES (29/01/2023, 10:49) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Food for thought: Who can we trust in these times?
    Of late we are hearing quite a bit about the UNITED NATIONS (UN) pertaining to the affairs of the Territory of the VI, especially on the issue of "Self-Governance".
    During the Commissionn of Inquiry (COI), probing concerns of corruption of the Government in 2021 and the subsequent Report and Recommendations for administrative reforms that followed in 2022, Article 73 of the UN's declared agenda for decolonization became a hot topic, despite the number of disparaging critical issues that came to public attention during the COI.
  • @ VIEW FROM A , WHO ? (29/01/2023, 17:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

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