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VI to soon have 'high-level engagement' with Dominican Republic- Premier Wheatley

Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D Wheatley (R7) has said his government will be looking to forge a stronger working relationship with the Dominican Republic in the future. Photo: Internet Source
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D Wheatley (R7) has said the Dominican Republic is a massive economic power in this hemisphere, and it makes sense for the Virgin Islands to have a relationship with that country. Photo: Facebook
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D Wheatley (R7) has said the Dominican Republic is a massive economic power in this hemisphere, and it makes sense for the Virgin Islands to have a relationship with that country. Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has said his government will be looking to forge a better working relationship with the Dominican Republic soon.

Premier Wheatley said this during a press conference on Monday, September 30, 2024. This comes on the heels of the official announcement of visa-free travel to the VI for Guyana nationals and follows a trade mission to Guyana in mid-2023.

"We can expect that we will have similar missions to other areas of importance. For instance, I will soon have high-level engagement with officials from the Dominican Republic," the leader of government business stated.

Economic Powerhouse

Premier Wheatley added that in addition to nationals of Guyana and St Vincent and the Grenadines, Dominican Republic nationals rank in the top three for non-Virgin Islanders residing in the Territory.

In addition, the Dominican Republic’s economy is doing well. The Premier said he recalls the Dominican Republic was the second largest recipient of direct foreign investment into the Western Hemisphere.

“The Dominican Republic is a massive economic power in this hemisphere, and it makes sense for us to have a relationship with them,” he explained.

VI has historic ties with DR

Meanwhile, Premier Wheatley said the VI and the Dominican Republic have much more in common than with Guyana.

“We have many persons who have gone to the Dominican Republic to work, this is back before we had our modern economy when we had to go cut cane and work in the sugar factories. So, we have historic and familial ties and the Dominican Republic as it pertains to their economy is massive,” he stated.

Premier Wheatley also said great opportunities lay ahead in tourism and agriculture with a better relationship with the Dominican Republic.

20 Responses to “VI to soon have 'high-level engagement' with Dominican Republic- Premier Wheatley”

  • Strategic Long Term Planning (01/10/2024, 10:41) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    It’s strategic of the Premier to recognize the importance of building relationships with regional economic powerhouses. Sadly, many in the BVI fail to see just how well the Dominican Republic is performing economically. The assumption that those coming to the BVI from DR in search of opportunity represent the entire country is shortsighted. It’s no different from the many BV Islanders who have gone abroad, achieved success, and then returned home
    • Nice (01/10/2024, 13:31) Like (4) Dislike (7) Reply
      I agree. Please do not forget Jamdown. We need visa free visits as well.
    • Why Guyanese 1st. (01/10/2024, 13:37) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
      Santo Domingans feed our grand and great vrand Parents when things were hard with us they welcome our people with open Arms and gave them work..Why mankind so ungrateful, How you going give Prejudice Guyanese freedom to entry before Santo Domingand
      S No wonder the Sun so hot and the Storms so deadly

  • San Moral (01/10/2024, 11:19) Like (6) Dislike (16) Reply
    ...the importance of building relationship with regional powerhouses....
    The DR is one of the poorest and with high illiteracy in the Caribbean.
    In addition,the systematic and ongoing genocide of Haitians ,how do you allow your conscience to even align with Haiti #1 enemy?m No good can come out of this!! No moral . No brotherhood No self respect,

    • @San Moral (01/10/2024, 11:51) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
      One of the poorest? you havent done your homework. Probably about 15 years ago . And we could learn alot about how they grew from what thery were to what they are now. Dominican Republic has the largest economy in the Caribbean based on GDP (Gross Domestic Product). It ranks first among Caribbean nations, with a GDP exceeding $100 billion USD. You are basing your opinion on emotion not facts
  • Niek Bod (01/10/2024, 11:55) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    That sounds good, BVI does not have any industries, there are no large ones in the current project at the moment, but countries such as Guyana and the DR are already developing and need their own legal and documented workers, all within the framework of the laws, and will be welcomed.
  • No my son (01/10/2024, 11:59) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    Leave well enough alone. I agree, no good will come out of this.
  • Jhon Real (01/10/2024, 12:08) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    San Moral, you have to inform yourself better before writing. I heard from mouth to mouth what you say about Haiti and the DR. It is not reality, it is the Haitian Lobby that promotes what is in your mouse's mind. The Dominican Republic is open to the world but in a documented way. No one can come through your yard like Juan through his house and more than that, claim what he does not have in your house. No island is ever heard asking BVI for a right that does not correspond to it. I did not write my name in this message because I do not trust you because it is frustrated.
  • Buffalo soldier (01/10/2024, 12:41) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    @San Moral: Before once should comment an such an issue that is going on in the Dominican Republic one must first educate oneself about what is really going on and not just repeat propaganda. I am a Dominican I with one grandfather from the nation of Haiti and I assure you that your comment is so far from the truth. out of all the countries worldwide the Dominican Republic has been the only one that have given the Hattians assistances beyond our own capacity. their females give birth free of charge, most of them have employment and they live tax free and if I go on, I won't finish typing today. Now let me tell you what's real issue here; most of them are very ungrateful, they burn our flags, rape our women, kill our people, and hate us for no reason all with the historical belief that the Dominican Republic stole they land from them, and they have their mind made up that one day they will reclaim it back. our history with Haiti is not a racial one but rather a historical one in which the grudge from that past is still intact. one country decided to grow and move on by creating wealth and prosperity for its people while the other sat down and depend on and witchcraft to obtain they wealth. now we saw the results of both sides. so, before we make an opinion not just about this topic but any topic of importance, we most first educate ourselves so we can then share some light instead of negativity.
  • Saw this coming (01/10/2024, 12:42) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
  • 2024 (01/10/2024, 13:47) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    expanding the clubs and facilities for the ladies to fix their bodies
  • DR BOYS (01/10/2024, 14:13) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    You want to give visa free to DR nationals? the same nationals here that getting smuggle to USA and involved in the coco business? lol we really in for it now mehson. did yall see the past news where the people shoot at police while fleeing on the waters? that was DR nationals... i rest my case USVI soon stop that treaty with us when them see an influx of Spanish nationals pouring over into their waters. We have spanish nationals also involved in prostitution smh

    imagine this plus independence lmfao we set the record and beat Trinidad if that ever happens. lemme apply for my USA documents.. they not better but at least there will be some sort of order there!
    • @ DR BOYS (01/10/2024, 15:49) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      what is the coco business or should I ask maynard when they come Home
  • My only comment (01/10/2024, 15:03) Like (5) Dislike (4) Reply
    What would happen if the US cut off the American Dollar from the BVI?
    • Tolian (01/10/2024, 17:05) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Ok, so (01/10/2024, 16:07) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    When you hear the Premier is going on a trip to the DR, you will know why. The only thing I would expect is the Premier to do and should do is get the people’s input on this decision.
  • hmm (01/10/2024, 17:49) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    In the Dominican Republic, the money doesn't circulate to the people if you are born poor no matter your education you will die poor. It's the same in Guyana with the Gold and its the same with the oil just like Trinidad. Those Governments don't care about the people just foreign investors.

    I really don't understand what Lorna and Natalio are expecting from there. As far as the Dominican Republic feeding Tolians. They were open to the entire Caribbean who went there for work and believe me it was no paradise, especially for the dark-skinned immigrants they had to endure a lot of prejudice even to this day.
  • Mr. Premier (01/10/2024, 17:56) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Please do not do this. Not all welcomed with opened arms. You did not hear the horror story of men who were beaten and jailed over a piece of cane. People are today enjoying everything we have. Visa from Guyana should have never been lifted. A good bit don't even like us. What a big mistake you are making. Look at how you are making us hate our own country. Just wow.
  • Mr. Premier (01/10/2024, 21:04) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    What is your motive behind this? Why Santo Domingo? First of all, Santo Domingo is dirt poor. The only thing they have going for them is a few hotels. If it was that good, they would not be flooding Tortola. We don’t need anymore Santos flooding this place.They are just here to get as much of the America dollar as they can to take back to Santo Domingo and laugh at us and say we are stupid. Then you got the lunatic bush men in Tortola giving them their hard earn money or marrying them or breeding them so they can get status in the Territory. I heard a Santo woman say with my own two ears that the men in Tortola is easy, stupid and can be manipulated. I almost slap her across her ugly Botox filled face.
  • and guess what (01/10/2024, 21:08) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    When you go to the DR for your meeting Premiere, please do everyone a favor and stay down there with your new friends.

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