VI stuck with Governor Jaspert for an additional year!

Governor Jaspert, who became very controversial for his combative style and his political interference in domestic affairs, has had a rocky relationship with the democratically elected government headed by Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1).
Despite this, the diplomat will not leave his post until August 2021.
The appointed Governor, who is a senior civil servant in the United Kingdom’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), was to leave the VI in July 2020, after his three-year appointment that started in 2017.
Another year?
However, today May 21, 2020, he was asked by a news reporter at a press conference how much time he had left in the Territory. He dodged the question, speaking in evasive language.
Mr Jaspert noted, “governors are appointed formerly by Her Majesty the Queen”….. and “my appointment was extended from the initial three years and I will not say anymore.”
When pressed by the 284 Media News Reporter on how much time he has left, Mr Jaspert suddenly remembered he came in August 2017 on a three-year appointment, but then further claimed he was asked to extend his stay for another year.
However, our news centre's sources in the FCO told our newsroom months ago that Mr Jaspert was the one who requested an extension, which was granted.
He will leave office around July of 2021.

54 Responses to “VI stuck with Governor Jaspert for an additional year!”
In addition his natural view is that everything can be cured by more government.
I don’t think that he subscribes to President Regan’s view that the scariest words are “I’m from the Government and I’m here to help”.
We need a governor with Gus attention to detail and following up, and some Pearey/McCleary/Fahie leadership ability. The present Governor is not the right individual for the job. Roll on July 2021!
Thank God we have him or this Government would be getting away with all sorts of bad things.
Governor Jaspert is doing his job, and doing it well. We need someone who is impartial to keep the checks and balances in place.
Bad man government.
another year to harass Andrew and give his w friends passes and allow the w school to play football
The beginning of the end for the VI.
The best Commissioner of Police we ever had in this territory was Barry Webb. This present Commissioner is good with the media but weak on operational thinking.
we need continuity right now...not just because of Covid..but there are many things going on..." the wall"..." "bvi airways." aid.....and we dont need loss of continuity. There is more than enough "racism" going on here right now from BV "Islanders" and "Island People"......"Lets ship in a number of people from the poorer Islands to do the jobs we dont want to do, treat them as inferior persons not worthy of our care and rwspect....steel their social security and NHI deducrions by not actually submitting them...hold them under a contract of uncertainty and disguard them when their usefulness has run out.....".......racism ??? look closer to home
He is a n**** man. Needs to go.