VI so well protected, people forget about COVID-19 deaths – BVIHSA Psychiatrist

“It’s an infection, the virus is real, the virus causes real illness, hundreds of thousands of people have died,” Mrs Samuels said while speaking as a guest of a March 24, 2021, social media engagement show entitled ‘Chat with the Community” produced by the Government Information Service.
“In the BVI, I think because we are have been so well protected, we don’t remember that side of the illness,” Dr Samuel told the viewing and listening audience.
According to the resident Psychiatrist, the seriousness of the pandemic hit home when she recalled an infectious disease specialist in another country was almost moved to tears at the height of the COVID-19 outbreak.
“I was like boy, we just don’t understand how blessed we are,” she went on the say.
Vaccination key to fighting the pandemic - Dr Samuel
According to the local Psychiatrist, the Virgin Islands and its people must learn to recognise that the COVID-19 vaccine is the key to bringing the pandemic under control.
“If we don’t participate in the process, what will happen is we leave ourselves open to the other mutations,” she said.
As of March 23, 2021, the Virgin Islands has vaccinated 6929 persons, according to stats released by the Government Information Service.
Dr Samuel related that the concern for the territory now is getting as many people vaccinated as possible, since not doing so will increase the chances of having mutations in the territory, which will bring greater concerns and issues.

24 Responses to “VI so well protected, people forget about COVID-19 deaths – BVIHSA Psychiatrist”
People...get vaccinated. It works. It worked against polio. It works against Covid. It beats having your lungs ravaged by the virus...
Well protected from what and by what? All of a sudden nobody dies from the flu anymore, it's all COVID. The real reason people don't give a f**k is because they see right through the nonsense and the fear mongering campaign is not working.
P.S WEED HAS NO DEATH RATES But The Man Made Vaccines Out Here Killing Millions Of People..HOW!? When Them So Think Them Is GOD..Only One Creator And One Voice Speaks..Fear No Man But The Almighty GOD
Genesis 1:29-30 God also said, “Look, I have given you every seed-bearing plant on the surface of the entire earth and every tree whose fruit contains seed. This food will be for you, for all the wildlife of the earth, for every bird of the sky, and for every creature that crawls on the earth—everything having the breath of life in it. I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so.
For food not for smoking, not to be in a bong, not to be put in a blunt, but for food.
Please can we just open up the fri**in country? Why does private industry have to cover the cost of protecting these people who think they are somehow magically different from everyone else in the globe? Stop pandering to them and open the country so the rest of us can earn a living and feed our kids.
That or cut Govt salaries to 3 or 4 days a week and give us the money.