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VI should 'not even consider' referendum on same-sex marriage'- UK Christian advocate

- says the UK example shows it can lead to a dangerous moral breakdown in society
Giving an example of the moral breakdown in the United Kingdom, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Christian Concern Mrs Andrea M. Williams has said the Virgin Islands should be 'vigilant' against legalising same-sex marriages or even civil partnerships. Photo: VINO
From left: Legal Counsel for BVI Christian Council, Lorraine A.Y. La Rose; Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Christian Concern, Mrs Andrea M. Williams; and Vice President of BVI Christian Council, Mrs Rosemarie Flax, following the press conference at the Road Town Methodist Church Hall on Friday, March 10, 2023. Photo: VINO
From left: Legal Counsel for BVI Christian Council, Lorraine A.Y. La Rose; Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Christian Concern, Mrs Andrea M. Williams; and Vice President of BVI Christian Council, Mrs Rosemarie Flax, following the press conference at the Road Town Methodist Church Hall on Friday, March 10, 2023. Photo: VINO
Mrs Andrea M. Williams of the United Kingdom (UK) is also the Founder of Christian Legal Centre, which has conducted some of the most high-profile Christian legal cases and campaigns in Europe. Photo:
Mrs Andrea M. Williams of the United Kingdom (UK) is also the Founder of Christian Legal Centre, which has conducted some of the most high-profile Christian legal cases and campaigns in Europe. Photo:
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) stated in December 2022 that at a special meeting of the Cabinet of the Virgin Islands held on Friday, December 16, 2022, Cabinet decided to refer the matter of same-sex marriage to a referendum, so that the electorate can consider and decide on the question of whether same-sex marriage should be legal. Photo: RDA/File
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) stated in December 2022 that at a special meeting of the Cabinet of the Virgin Islands held on Friday, December 16, 2022, Cabinet decided to refer the matter of same-sex marriage to a referendum, so that the electorate can consider and decide on the question of whether same-sex marriage should be legal. Photo: RDA/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Christian Concern Mrs Andrea M. Williams has said it will not serve the territory of the [British] Virgin Islands (BVI) well to redefine marriage or family.

She was at the time speaking at a press conference and Same-Sex Marriage Educational Campaign at the Road Town Methodist Church Hall on Friday, March 10, 2023.

Mrs Williams of the United Kingdom (UK) is also the Founder of Christian Legal Centre, which has conducted some of the most high-profile Christian legal cases and campaigns in Europe.

She was invited to share her knowledge and experience by the BVI Christian Council, in light of the issue of the promised referendum on same-sex marriage in the Virgin Islands.


At a special meeting of the Cabinet of the Virgin Islands held on Friday, December 16, 2022, Cabinet decided to refer the matter of same-sex marriage to a referendum, so that the electorate can consider and decide on the question of whether same-sex marriage should be legal.

Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) had said a resolution must be prepared and then considered and voted on in a sitting of the House of Assembly. "Once successful, the Governor, in consultation with myself, will affix the date of the referendum. This referendum will be preceded by a portion of time dedicated to educating the population on the subject," Dr Wheatley had stated.

'It will not serve territory well'

But, according to Mrs Williams, the Virgin Islands, being a nation based on a belief in God as stated in its constitution, should not even consider a referendum on same-sex marriage.

“It will not serve your territory well to redefine marriage or family, and so that is something in a sense [that] is not up for grabs. Redefining marriage to extend it to two men and two women…it really defines, actually something that is pre-existing to the government. It’s a fundamental shaping of who we are as human beings. It’s not something that we can suddenly redefine in 2023 and say that the whole of history is being wrong about what marriage actually is.”

Mrs Williams shared that in the UK, for example, giving certain rights to LGBTQs and same-sex couples has resulted in a moral breakdown of society and Christians are now being persecuted for their faith.

She gave an example of an ordained Church of England (CofE) chaplain, who was sacked and secretly reported to the government’s terrorist watchdog for a moderate sermon in a school chapel on identity politics and noted that her organisation, Christian Legal Centre, is fighting his case.

Another example was given of a street preacher who was arrested, fined and sentenced to community service after he preached against homosexuality.

She said in the UK, school children are being vilified and suspended if they refuse to engage in activities that support gay pride and noted that a math teacher was suspended after he praised a transgender student using a 'wrong' gender. 

Impressed that the press conference today started with prayer, Mrs Williams commented that it is something strange to her as this would not be allowed in the UK. She said even the devotional segments in the UK parliament have been taken out.

Commenting on the case currently before the High Court, where a same-sex couple, both Virgin Islanders, were married abroad and have mounted a legal challenge to have their union legally recognised here in the Virgin Islands, Mrs Williams, who is not a part of the legal team representing the BVI Christian Council as an Interested Party in the legal matter, opined that the case is designed to apply pressure to the local judicial system and legislature.

'Ask politicians their position' on same-sex referendum- Williams

She added that in the meantime, the local electorate should let politicians know they are against same-sex marriage and should vote for candidates that have a firm and religious position on the subject.

“As you move towards dissolving your current House and into preparing your election…I would say the only thing you need to be doing in the BVI in these weeks as you elect new candidates is to ask them their position on this and as to whether or not they will bring a referendum forward or not.

“My position actually is that…if it is possible not to have a referendum that would be better”, Mrs Williams said.

As part of her time in the Virgin Islands, the Christian advocate said she was able to meet with some elected officials and was also invited to make a presentation to students of the BVI Seventh-day Adventist School.

Mrs Williams is slated to meet members of the Virgin Gorda community this evening. 

41 Responses to “VI should 'not even consider' referendum on same-sex marriage'- UK Christian advocate”

  • hmm (10/03/2023, 20:08) Like (25) Dislike (62) Reply

    Another n@$ty bigot

    • Ghost (10/03/2023, 20:46) Like (49) Dislike (14) Reply
      No she is Not when it comes to this subject matter.. we claim we are for God as a “Christian’ Society ” then let’s show that we are as a people and stand up and say No! To same sex marriage .
      • @ghost (11/03/2023, 08:41) Like (15) Dislike (12) Reply
        thats funny, christian society, all you church goes do is backstab and gossip about everyone everyday except the 2 hrs on a Sunday where you dress up in your best to show how VAIN you are and give money to spme pastor who rolls like a rockstar while his congregation is finding ot hard to make ends meet. lmao
        • god is watching (12/03/2023, 07:29) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
          @ghost you are upset and finding an excuse to bash Ghost' comment because you want to live that ungodly lifestyle. Remember Sodom and Gomarrah. If you are involved in homosexuality or lesbianism, change that lifestyle before it's too late.

          Jesus is coming soon.
    • Marla (11/03/2023, 15:39) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
      Really? So, whenever someone does not agree with that way of life they are a bigot?
  • rattie (10/03/2023, 20:08) Like (22) Dislike (41) Reply
    She need to go sit down some many closet cases in that same church
  • best (10/03/2023, 20:12) Like (28) Dislike (8) Reply
    Best statement ever
  • resident (10/03/2023, 20:37) Like (21) Dislike (8) Reply
    she has the right idea
  • Philosopher (10/03/2023, 21:36) Like (9) Dislike (4) Reply
    Ms. Williams you are so correct referendum is a waste of the Constitution has already implicitly defines marriage and family ???? a man could marry man and woman can marry a woman all inclusive as a man may also a woman.
  • Sell out (10/03/2023, 23:33) Like (37) Dislike (6) Reply
    She has represented herself well and there is no crime in reminding the community of what it means to stand for what is right without being influenced by the world. The premier cannot stand up and has to bow to pressure. The pvim leader already started by saying he confused. These are examples of what a sell out looks like. It took a woman to show these soft back men what it means to stand up for what is right and how not to be influenced or pressured by the anti-christ systems in the world.
  • Native senior citizen (MoG) of the British Virgin Islands (10/03/2023, 23:38) Like (34) Dislike (13) Reply
    The BVI people should not even think about same sex marriage to give it any consideration.
    Same sex marriage whether male to male or female to female is a demonic thing. No wonder why many of the world people are so deluded in their mind.
    In other words, God's way of male and female marriage is the perfect union for humans. Amen.
    • Zebedee (11/03/2023, 16:04) Like (5) Dislike (17) Reply
      Jesus was a cross-dresser who only haung out with other dress wearing dudes. He was embracing gayness
    • Hey MoG (14/03/2023, 08:00) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      If marriage between male and female is the perfect union, why is there so much adultery in the BVIs?
  • THIS IS ONE (11/03/2023, 00:00) Like (1) Dislike (14) Reply
  • senior (11/03/2023, 03:21) Like (20) Dislike (2) Reply
    When God created Adam He created a woman to be with him. He did not create another man. If you read your Bible you would see Adam and Eve had children. Who bore the children? Eve did but Adam was the father. No place in the Bible do you read of marriage between the same sex. Let us stop adding more willful sins to what we already guilty of.
    • hmm (11/03/2023, 12:20) Like (2) Dislike (10) Reply
      Go read another fictional book
    • Chromasomes (11/03/2023, 15:59) Like (1) Dislike (5) Reply
      Do some research and you will find its impossible for a woman to come from a man. Just one of many points where your book is wrong
    • Analyst (14/03/2023, 08:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Humans are imperfect. They wrote the Bible supposedly based on what God told them. How do we know they got the transcriptioning/meaning or intent right? Should we therefore believe everything we read in the Bible?
  • the rock (11/03/2023, 04:57) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Do we really have a choice to not want it?
  • Fact Checker (11/03/2023, 05:39) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    When mad h_es link up
  • Fact Checker (11/03/2023, 05:55) Like (9) Dislike (16) Reply
    The Christian Council should be encouraging people to register to vote (which is their constitutional right) not to mind people business as to who they sleep with.
    • god is watching (12/03/2023, 00:48) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      @Fact Checker you are such a fool. How can a Christian or God-fearing person vote for these people who support the lifestyle of Sodom and Gomarrah?
  • No to same sex marriage (11/03/2023, 06:21) Like (18) Dislike (5) Reply
    We know God is who instituted marriage, we know our grandparents and forefathers did not fight so hard so that these kind of policies can be instituted on us. NO to same sex marriage....we all know it is wrong whether we want to admit it or not. We have no control over a person's sexual preference, God will deal with them in HIS time but it would be a shame to go against what our religious beliefs are (we believe the BIBLE) is the written word of God and we know it condemns homosexuality. Nature itself shows us that same sex is wrong as it only justifies ones own pleasure, it cannot recreate and bring life. We should fight against the BEAST and the wickedness, NO to same sex marriage.
  • cap (11/03/2023, 06:44) Like (12) Dislike (14) Reply
    Great, another religious whack job. The BVI proving once more how backwards and outdated we are as a society.
  • Sad (11/03/2023, 07:22) Like (8) Dislike (5) Reply
    Let's hire the white woman to preach at our church. Sad.
  • hummmm (11/03/2023, 07:44) Like (24) Dislike (5) Reply
    A man is born will a penis and testicles a female is born with a vagina both make babies
    Man cannot change God's design or his words.
    Same sex marriage will push the Virgin Islands further down the path of destruction and bring the wrath of God on this place.
    • End tiimes (12/03/2023, 07:13) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      @hummmm you are so correct. I pity those who dislike your comment.
  • Really (11/03/2023, 07:55) Like (2) Dislike (12) Reply
    Wake up people. This will be like the vaccine because everyone has to be switched genda. Look at that thing and tell me if that has woman structures because that's man structure that I am seeing. Don't be dumb look at the structure because the Almighty Father don't have woman structures and man structure the same so look because you all just see and that's it no thinking at ALL. This gay marriage and switching gender is the biggest agenda you will ever see pushed on our kids. Cartoons have gays all in it. Disney plus which is for kids had Little demon which is a cartoon about the devil and his daughter. When are you all going to see what is going On? I am just shock with how dumb the educated people are like you paid for school just to use no common sense. You all watch these vaccines and mind control movies good because we are living with over 5 billion chipped humans that is giving all person data to the ELITES
  • tourism (11/03/2023, 08:38) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    Please don't have a referendum on this!
    Companies like Disney and others will boycott the BVI. We are just shooting ourselves in the head if we do this.
    There is no issues with same sex marriage in the BVI. It is universally disavowed. No one is pushing to have gay marriage. A referendum just give publicity to a problem that doesn't exist and kills businesses
    • @tourism (13/03/2023, 08:02) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      What the hell are you talking about? This is an issue that NEEDS to be discussed so we can progress! You sound so stupid it’s unreal
  • Jane (11/03/2023, 09:24) Like (12) Dislike (23) Reply
    Interesting that when it suits the argument a white saviour/colonialist Mother Englander is absolutely fine. Send this bigot packing back to the UK.

    LGBTQ+ rights are human rights.
    • Citizen (11/03/2023, 10:10) Like (17) Dislike (6) Reply
      For a man to muck up in another man’s dookie hole is a human right ? Thought that was medically proven to be a risk to both men. They can’t even drink soup anymore.
  • Invisible man (11/03/2023, 11:07) Like (13) Dislike (12) Reply
    Let’s state some facts here, god isn’t real. Whilst I support religion, and it’s great that people have faith, it’s something they CHOOSE to practise. There is so much hypocrisy in the bible it’s amazing - it was written by humans! If god created all men equal then why do you, as a Christian, get to dictate what others do with their lives? If it doesn’t hurt you then MIND YOUR BUSINESS. Another fact, the world is overpopulated, maybe if politics and religion were separated and people could live freely, gay couples could adopt unwanted and mistreated children and babies that STRAIGHT people did not want. That would be a great thing. I STRONGLY believe that just because a few die hard religious people think homosexuality is the devil, politics should not be able to dictate the legal ability for two people to marry if the hey live each other. There are some Christian’s who are nasty, but society lets them live their lives, so do the same for the rest of us please. Go to church and mind your business.
    • hummmm (11/03/2023, 14:25) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
      Where would gays get children certainly two men or women cannot produce a child.
      How did you gays came into this were born either male or one is born gay.....being gay is a choice....your mom and dad had sex and fertility took place....they never choose to born a gay child
  • Quiet Warrior (11/03/2023, 11:23) Like (11) Dislike (4) Reply
    I’m not a fan of same sex relationships and marriage. It seems unnatural. Same sex relations cannot procreate. Nevertheless, the BVI is a representative democracy so the Christian Council, Christian advocate position should not be the final and only say. Let all the voters have say in the outcome, then the HOA can weigh in as they are elected to do.
  • black (11/03/2023, 13:13) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    The Virgin Islands don't need no referendum on this BS nastiness. The supposedly dumb animals don't do it why should grown people that should have common sense with so much education be pushing for this?
    BE careful what you all wishing for! Males and females of the humans, animals and the plants were created for a purpose and that was and still is to populate this earth.
    Our politicians needs to grow some balls and answer the question directly .... HELL NO I DON'T BELIVE THAT IS RIGHT AND I DON'T SUPPORT IT !!!!!
    • Knowing nothing (13/03/2023, 14:10) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      PLENTY of animals have same sex relationships, and some of them even (wait for it...) change gender.

      It does not affect anyone else, there is no shortage of humans on this planet, and allowing EQUAL RIGHTS through same-sex marriage will not change any of these FACTS
  • WHAT!!! (11/03/2023, 13:22) Like (5) Dislike (10) Reply
    Lady go tell what you think to the people where you live enough of your imaginary friend who lives in the sky.
  • Interested (12/03/2023, 06:41) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    Same sex marriage is an abomination. I stand on the Bible which plainly states that such people will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Romans 1 :26. - 27.
  • Unbelievable (12/03/2023, 06:48) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
    Why are women leading our Christian fight that is already a trick of the devil setting us up for failure in Christianity it is not a woman’s place to lead we need strong Christian men to lead us this is a trick of the devil people we need to pray

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